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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Black History Essay winners


Special AGENT M. Hawkins

CMIT Tigers Compete in Chess Tournament

Spring Forward: Remember to Set Your Clocks

CLF Schools CultureFest


CMIT Career Day


8th Grade College Trip Updates

8th Grade Science MSA Reminders

Immunization Reminders

Honor Roll Assembly's

Science Olympiad Luncheon

6th Graders and The Maryland Science Center

Student Service Learning Opportunity

Mr. Brauer is Student for A Day

Ms. Riley's day as a student

Grade 6 Field Trip to the Maryland Science Museum


PGCPS County Science Fair

Summer Camp Opportunity

Best Investors of the Week

Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!


An Honorable Ceremony

ITEC Program Accepts New Cohort

ITEC is All Around Prince George’s



MS Boys and Girls Soccer

NJHS Broadway Trip Updates

USA Science & Engineering Festival


Mock Congress 2016

The Fashion Show


Grade 6 Project: Building Earthquake Proof Structures

Homework Tips for Parents


High School Track

Prince George's Community College - Dual Enrollment Information Session

China Trip 2017

Black History Essay winners
CLF sponsored a Black History contest during the month of February and CMIT North rose to the occasion.

Finalist were:
Emmanuella Ogwo - Contributions Made by George Washington Carver to Humanity
Paris Akyeampong - Dr. Maya Angelou
Kai Merriman - Dr. Charles Drew (Winner)
Jaeden Day - Frederick McKinley Jones (Winner)

On behalf of the History department and administration, we are so proud of our winners and all of those who participated.

CMIT Staff
CMIT North Science Olympiad Team Sets New Heights for State Competition!!

On February 23, the CMIT North Science Olympiad Team competed in their third Division B, Maryland Regional Competition at the University of Maryland, College Park Campus. Our 15 scholars outwitted students from over 30 rival schools in their Division and walked away from the Regional Competition with several high awards to include six (6) first place (12 gold medals), one (1) second place (Two(2) silver medals), five (5) third place (Ten (10) bronze), and one fourth place for an Honorable Mention. On Friday, March 4th the Olympians were honored with a luncheon by the CMIT North Administration and Faculty Coaches for their valiant and triumphant success in their areas of expertise. Attendees included the CMIT North Principal, Mr. Gunes; MS Assistant Principal Ms.Natiqua Riley;MS Counselor Mr.Johnson, Faculty Coaches Mr. Bayram and Ms. Chestang; parent of scholars and other members of the Science Olympiad team. The team advances to compete in the State Competition on April 23 at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Got Get ‘em TIGERS!

Nuri Bayram
Special AGENT M. Hawkins
During one of Mr. Cunningham's visits here a CMIT he crossed the path our one of our outstanding scholars Maddie Hawkins. She expressed that her dream was to become an FBI agent. Mr. Cunningham was so impressed with what her teachers had to say about her and how well this young lady presented herself that he returned to our school on Monday March 7, 2016 and presented Maddie with a placard with FBI insignia and Pins representing the different levels of the FBI.

He told her that he would support her dream and long as she continues to be dedicated to greatness.

Congratulations to Maddie Hawkins.

Natiqua Riley
CMIT Tigers Compete in Chess Tournament
On February 28th, two members of the chess team traveled to Baltimore, Maryland to compete in a Maryland Chess Association Scholastic Tournament. Representing CMIT North were James Dickens and Matthew Godshall, who tied for 4th place in his division individually.

CMIT Chess
Spring Forward: Remember to Set Your Clocks
These days, most of us have clocks that remember for us, but just in case… Be reminded that clocks moved forward this weekend. That’s one hour less for us to wait for school to begin this week!

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
CLF Schools CultureFest
Hello Parents & Students,

(sale ends April 8th with limited availability!!!)

Advanced Ticket Price: $2.00 (children 12 and under 50% off).
DOOR PRICE $3.00 (if not sold out)

Join Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation and all CLF school participants for our 4th Annual Culture Festival: CULTUREFEST! This talented exciting event will take place at Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel on Saturday, April 16th at 2pm and includes live performances and a special guest performance for the finale!

This exciting event is open to all CLF schools and families to come together and celebrate diversity, talent, and our cultural heritages. Great fun infused with a cultural extravaganza and everyone is sure to benefit from the cultural foods and performances.

Each school has a CULTUREFEST performance coordinator. All potential student performers can contact (see below):

Mrs. Derin – CSP
Mr. Scott – CMIT-Elementary
Dr. Sullivan-Williams & Mrs. Cihan– CMIT-North
Ms. Morani – CMIT-South

Any talented students wishing to participate in the CULTUREFEST performance, please use the link below for sign-up:

Doors open at 1:00 pm for food and the CULTUREFEST performances will start at 2:00 pm!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the 4th Annual CULTUREFEST!!!!!

Please see the attached flyer for the event and the instructions for the performers.

If you (the students) would like to perform in the CultureFest, please contact us asap.

Character Ed. & Turkish Enrichment Teacher

Mrs. Cihan & Dr. BB
CMIT Career Day
Dear Sir/Madam:

CMIT North Charter School and School Climate Committee are planning Career Day 2016. Our theme is “The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” It is our intention to expose our students to a variety of career choices and to encourage them to think about their future.

Because of your experience and expertise in your field, we would like to invite you to share your knowledge and talents with our Student Body during Career Day April 29, 2016.

A response is needed by Thursday, March 24, 2016. Please contact the guidance department at Include in the e-mail, your job title and if you plan to bring displays and handouts, please let us know if you need any visual aids.

Y. Johnson
8th Grade College Trip Updates
The 8th Grade College Trip is being planned for Thursday, May 19 -Friday, May 20. Departure time is tentatively scheduled for 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning with arrival time back at school at approximately 10 p.m.Friday evening. Once the trip is approved, permission slips will be sent home.

The cost is expected to be $200-250/participant and that covers transportation, parking, hotel fee, college tour fees, and most of the meals.

Students will visit 4 colleges, NYU, Columbia,Princeton, University of Pennsylvania . We need many parents to attend.

Since this is planned to be an overnight trip, chaperones must have full fingerprinting/background check by PGCPS. Note that fingerprinting or background checks by other school districts or other security clearances are not accepted by PGCPS. Check out PGCPS website for the cost and location:

Contact Mr. Boris Johnson if you would like to help with planning and coordinating the trip: Special thanks go to
Mrs. Justsen and Mr. Johnson for their efforts to make this trip happen.

8th Grade Team
8th Grade Science MSA Reminders
All 8th grade students will be taking the upcoming MSA Science test.The test is given over 2 days, about 2 hours each day. CMIT North students will be taking the test on March 15 and 16.

This is a Maryland State Assessment (MSA) and it is required that all 8th grade science students complete the test. This means attendance and being on time the days of the test is of upmost importance!

Please ensure that your scholar gets a good nights sleep and a healthy breakfast on testing dates. Please open the attached letter for additional information.

Lauren Chestang
Science Chair
Immunization Reminders

Dear Parent/Guardian:

According to Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene School Health Services Regulations for the 2016 - 2017 school year the following immunizations are required:

7th graders must have TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis vaccine) and Meningococcal (MCV4)

Your child currently in sixth grade will be excluded from school as of August 22, 2016, if proof of the above identified immunizations has not been received by the school. It is strongly recommended that you provide proof of these immunizations as soon as your child has received their vaccines but not later than PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR 2015 - 2016

For families with insurance, please make the necessary arrangements with your primary care provider. In addition, local pharmacies and urgent care centers provide immunizations. If you do not have insurance, please contact the local Health Department at 301 583 3300

Please take advantage of these resources now and during the spring break. Appointments are filling up quickly.

Provide the required documentation of immunizations to the School Nurse or Registrar ON/BEFORE the above given date.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the school nurse:


Natiqua Riley
Honor Roll Assembly's
Congratulations to the Scholars of Chesapeake Math & IT Academy Middle School! Last week we held honor roll assembly's for each grade level. Our Scholars were there in full force. We are so pleased to announce that our honor roll scholars represent more than 2/3 of our student body.

We are also so proud of our teachers who work hard each day to not only ensure that the scholars are instructed and pushed but also that they are learning! We can never thank our teachers enough for all of the effort and encouragement they give our scholars.

The learning does not and will not stop! Our curriculum will continue in the summer and we thank our parents for continuing to support our efforts by assisting with homework every day.

First Step CMIT step Harvard University!

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Science Olympiad Luncheon
These students are outstanding. We are so proud of your accomplishments. Staff, Parents and students enjoyed a celebration of their accomplishments.

Natiqua Riley
6th Graders and The Maryland Science Center
The CMIT Science Team Rocks! Because they are out of this world!

This week, Dr. Clarke took her 6th Grade students to the Maryland Science Center to explore out of this world planets at the planetarium. The students who attended came back enthused and excited about what they learned!

Prior to the trip, many of Dr. Clarke's 6th Grade students were excited about the trip and shared news of their upcoming trip with other 6th grade classes. Like other 6th grade trips in the past, many facilities do not allow enough spots for the entire 6th grade class to attend at one time. In the past, Mrs. Williams would schedule a series of days so that all students could attend over the course of a couple of weeks.

Due to the number of students who were interested in an attending the Science Museum exceeding expectation and the Science Museum not being able to accommodate everyone at the same time, we filled as many spots as possible and are now planning additional trips for the students who are unable to attend.

6th Graders will receive permission slips when the trip is confirmed in their science class, from their science teacher. Please wait for information until those forms are sent home. Payments that were received from students for the trip and asked to go on the next trip, will be credited toward the upcoming trip!

Thank you in advance for your support and understanding in this matter.

Ms. Chestang
Dr. Clarke
Mr. Bayram
Student Service Learning Opportunity
Whitemarsh Park, 100 White Marsh Park Dr, Bowie, MD 20715

March 20th, 2016, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

May 21st, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The City of Bowies Green Team is in need of volunteers to help remove English ivy from Whitemarsh Park. As an invasive, non-native plant, English ivy spreads quickly and easily, and is very destructive to native ecosystems. This is an outdoor activity that requires cutting the ivy vines at eye-level and foot-level, then pulling them back about two feet from the base of the tree to bag them. To participate, please register by contacting Kristin Larson (, 301-809-3044). This is a great Student Service Learning opportunity. Children age 14 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian or Troop Leader at all times, and no volunteers under age 16 can use tools but may participate by pulling and bagging vines. Tiffany Wright (Watershed Manager for the City of Bowie) or Kristin Larson (Sustainability Planner for the City of Bowie) will sign off on service learning hours for students at the event.

Natiqua Riley
Mr. Brauer is Student for A Day
On Wednesday, March 2, 2016, I (Mr. Brauer) accepted the Shadow a Student Challenge. The goal is to shadow a student by following them to their classes, participating in class, and completing class assignments. I chose to follow a student in the Vanderbilt class.

I started the day by gathering my notebook, pens, and pencils and reported to Dr. Clark's science class for 1st period. As a class we discussed the definition of mass and matter, setting up our next activity, which was to keep these definitions in mind as we learned how to balance chemical equations. Most importantly, we learned that mass cannot be created nor destroyed; so the number of atoms going into a chemical equation must be the same as in the product.

For 2nd period, I traveled to the temporary classroom P5 for Character Education. Here we learned about the dangers of alcohol, it's myths, and realities. Dr. Sullivan directed student discussion by using a "koosh ball". She would ask a question and throw the koosh ball to a student. As long as you had the koosh ball you could share with the class. I found this strategy to be very effective in promoting student participation.
Third period I went to Ms. Lash's Social Studies class where we learned about the political geography of Southern Asia. We were given a blank map of the region and labeled the countries, capitals, and major bodies of water. After Ms. Lash checked our work, I got 100%, we colored the countries to be able to better identify each location.

Next was my favorite period, Lunch! We had pizza, salad, fruit, and milk. I also taught my classmates to play Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe, to which I am still undefeated!

After lunch we went to Reading Language Arts with Mr. Harman. Mr. Harman is teaching students about techniques in writing that cause certain emotions with the reader or listener. He used a speech by John F. Kennedy when the US opened a medical research center to study the effects of space on health. The speech had many examples of different techniques, such as, loaded language, ad hominem, etc. We worked in groups to identify the different techniques used in the speech and documented them using a shared Google Doc.

Finally, the day ended with Ms. Wake’s math class. I found I still get anxiety over 7th grade math, which is why I became a social studies teacher. We worked on PARCC style questions, as Ms. Wake is preparing them for the test coming up after Spring Break. We had to answer questions that determined if we understood the Distributive Property and Commutative Property. Then we moved on to some story problems that we found to be a bit tricky. Ms. Wake incentivizes her students with rewards if they get the correct answer to these questions. On Wednesday, it happened to be pizza. I got a question correct, but was told I couldn’t get pizza. I’ll be appealing this to my administrator!

In conclusion, it was a productive day working with Vanderbilt. For me it was filled with nostalgia of my own days as a middle school student. It also provided an opportunity to see the students in their classroom environment instead of the hallways and cafeteria. The students are learning a lot of valuable material that I realized I use nearly everyday as an adult. I would like to thank the students of Vanderbilt for welcoming and including me as a fellow student. I would also like to thank the teachers of Vanderbilt for their tireless efforts in educating and preparing our students for high school and beyond.

Mr. Brauer
Ms. Riley's day as a student
On Friday, March 4, 2016, I accepted the Administrator Shadow a Student Challenge. The goal is to shadow a student by following them to their classes, participating in class, and completing class assignments. I chose to follow a student in the Xavier class, but they were out sick. So I bounced between classes and content. WHAT A DAY!!!!

My day started with lining up for Dr. Clarkes class, with Xavier and awaiting her to permit entrance. I came prepared with my notebook, pens, and pencils. We started with a warm up that included explaining scientific terms. We transitioned identifying types of chemical reactions and identifying that they were balanced from beginning to end. Most importantly, we learned that mass cannot be created nor destroyed; so the number of atoms going into a chemical equation must be the same as in the product. I caught on pretty quickly with the help of students and even got a chance to go to the board with a student to explain a problem. (my work is posted above)

For 2nd period, I traveled to Ms. Rooney's math class. The class began with students review square roots and cube rules. Student had a graphic organizer which they completed at home. I did not have one. Quickly after the review, directions were given for a drill. Students would get 1 minute to move through the class and answer sequential questions 1-28. Students were able to use their graphic organizer to help them answer the questions. Ms. Rooney called begin and time at each station. EVERY STUDENT worked diligently to complete the task correctly. As I tried to figure out how to do the work. (Work is above)

Next was Lunch! I was tired and not hungry yet. But had my lunch with a group of students in Mrs. Taylors room and we discussed planning a school dance.

The last class I attended was Reading Language Arts with Mr. Harman. Mr. Harman is teaching students about techniques in writing that cause certain emotions with the reader or listener. He used a speech by John F. Kennedy when the US opened a medical research center to study the effects of space on health. The speech had many examples of different techniques, such as, loaded language, and empathy. Students worked in groups to identify the different techniques used in the speech and documented them using a shared Google Doc. where they were able to respond to other students comments with agreements or rebuttals. In this class I felt the need to move. It took a lot of self control for me to stay seated for the entire period.

So all this to say, I felt accepted by students in class. They were willing to help me as long as I wasnt inhibiting them from their success. I enjoyed the moving and transitions in Ms. Rooney's class. Note taking for me was easy but I noticed many students not taking notes and asking questions about information that teachers were presenting and had repeated multiple times. Dr. Clarke ensured that all students were acknowledged in class and had a chance to share. Mr. Harman's class is very technical.

Students in general are expected to be prepared and excel. As an adult it is difficult to sit for hours on end and listen. I found that the teachers incorporated movement and interaction with other students which did help me concentrate and feel better about being in a class for 90 minutes.

It was an honor and pleasure experiencing this with our students.
For me I was reminded of my own days as a middle school student.This experience also allowed for me to see the stresses and success of students in class. The question asked the most is when will I use this in real life. But I can say everything that I reviewed on this day I was able to recall from my own schooling and say it was applicable to my life as adult. Thank you to all the students and teachers who worked with me on this day.

Great job to all!

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Grade 6 Field Trip to the Maryland Science Museum

Science is definitely not just a school subject, it is integral to our daily lives. This is what the grade 6 students have learned from their visit to the Maryland Science Center on Thursday, March 10, 2016. The students had tons of fun and learning at the same time.

They went to different exhibits like Dinosaur Mysteries, TerraLink, Newton’s Alley, SpaceLink, Life Beyond Earth, Science on a Sphere, Your Body: The Inside Story, Cells: The Universe Inside Us, Follow the Blue Crab, The Shed, and Power Up- It’s electrifying!

They also went to Solar Quest. This is a full dome planetarium short feature that demonstrates how the Sun and Earth are interconnected and that we are "Living with a Star".

Lastly, they also viewed an IMAX movie, the I-Tornado Alley. This is the most ambitious effort ever made to understand the origins and evolution of tornadoes, on this heart-pounding science adventure! The students were able to experience the adrenaline and the science of nature’s most dramatic phenomena!

The students truly enjoyed the trip with the full roster of thought-provoking demonstrations, films, shows, drop-in activities, and special hands-on staffed exhibits.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D.
Science Teacher- Middle School CMIT North
PGCPS County Science Fair
PGCPS County Science Fair is quickly approaching. The packets for application will be coming out this week for students who competed in the CMIT North annual STEM Fair. Please help your scholar complete the packet to the best of their ability. Thorough packets are needed to make it through the county evaluation. Students have had much success in the past at this competition and we have not doubt this year will be no different. The information for filling out the form and deadlines will be with your scholar's packet when they receive them this week.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Lauren Chestang
Summer Camp Opportunity
There is an exciting free summer camp opportunity in our area for middle and high school students. The USDA Open Data Summer camp is designed to help middle and high school students become more aware of - and more excited about - the growing importance of data mastery in many areas of professional activity, including food and agriculture. There will be an open house on March 22, 2016 from 4:30 - 6:00 PM at the USDA Whitten Building (1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250). Check out the website below for more information.

Natiqua Riley
Best Investors of the Week
Here are the best investors of the week: 1) jordan harris 2) trabian williams 3) Mark Snyder

Future Investors Game
Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!
On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, CMIT North will host its second “Eye of the Tiger” chess tournament! The entire CMIT North school community is invited to participate - all students, parents and staff. This in-house event will be held from 3-6pm in room 165 and will feature 3 divisions - Middle School, High School and Adults (parents and staff). So this means all middle schoolers will play each other only, all high schoolers will play each other only and our adults - parents and staff - will slug it out to determine who is the King or Queen of the school! Individuals at all skill levels may compete, however knowledge of the basic rules of play is required. Registration is FREE and open until April 8th by clicking here: If you have any questions, please contact Candace Salley at (candace[dot]salley@gmail[dot]com)

Don’t miss out on the fun - - sign up today!
CMIT Chess
An Honorable Ceremony
A couple weeks ago, under the direction of a small team of enthusiastic students, the high school held its second quarter honor roll ceremony. Around 100 students were honored for their academic achievements, and the following groups and individuals received recognition as well:

- Biomedical Competition Team
- Boys’ Basketball Team
- Boys’ Soccer Team
- Cheerleaders
- Chess Team
- CyberPatriots Team
- Girls’ Basketball Team
- Girls’ Soccer Team
- Science Olympiad Team
- STEM Fair Winner
- Student Volunteer Award

Thank you to all of our parents, sponsors, and volunteers for contributing to these successes. A special thank you to the cheerleaders who gave a wonderful performance during the ceremony, and overall, a big congratulations to all!

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
ITEC Program Accepts New Cohort
We are proud to announce that the ITEC program has its newest members! In their first activity as a cohort, students will attend a summer bridge on Prince George’s Community College’s campus where they will focus on developing and refining the skills necessary to be successful in a college environment. Congratulations, students! We look forward to working with you.

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
ITEC is All Around Prince George’s
Over the summer and during the fall, a number of members in the CMIT community and our partners at Prince George’s Community College contributed to a segment featuring the ITEC program - its origins and its successes. The segment is currently running on PGCC TV. To see the video and learn more about the ITEC program, follow this link:

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
Hello Parents/Guardians:

CMIT North Charter School has partnered with Prince Georges County Police Department to develop a box car club. The club will consist of working closely with police officers to build box cars for racing.

The program will be geared toward helping students build confidence, self-esteem, responsibility, and decision making. If you would like for your scholar to participate please contact the Guidance Counselor at

The program will only accommodate 20 students, due to limited supplies and space. The club will run on Mondays from 3-5 pm for middle school students. April 11, 2016 the club will begin.

Y Johnson
MS Boys and Girls Soccer
There will be a mandatory interest meeting on Monday 3/12 for all middle school students interested in trying out for spring soccer at 3:15 in the cafeteria. Students should have a ride home ready at 3:45pm.

Soccer tryouts will be on Wednesday 3/16 from 3:15-5:00 on the WSSC soccer field. Please make sure you wear proper athletic attire, cleats and shin guards. Students should also bring a water bottle and small healthy snack for after school.

Ms. Lawrence
NJHS Broadway Trip Updates
This week parents who signed up to be chaperones will be contacted to confirm your availability for May 11th to see the Lion King on Broadway! There are two payment issues that must be resolved ASAP.

1. If you paid for your scholar to attend the trip when the cost was $108 for the Aladdin trip, please go back to myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay the additional $11. The change in date and play resulted in a $11 difference for tickets.

2. If you are a parent chaperone and have not paid, please go on myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay for your spot under your child's account this week. Please send an email confirmation/receipt to Ms. Chestang to confirm your spot when this is complete.

We are excited about this trip for the NJHS Scholars and look forward to a roar of a good time!

Dana Wake- NJHS Sponsor
Lauren Chestang- Trip Coordinator
USA Science & Engineering Festival

April 16 & 17, 2016
Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.

Free of charge and open to all ages!
Pre-register now for a chance to win prizes.

Explore the possibilities at the Expo:
Browse over 3000 fun, hands-on activities.
View Stage Shows and Science Celebrities.
We still need Volunteers.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Mock Congress 2016
In Local, State, National government we have just completed our 2016 Mock Congress. During Mock Congress students proposed bills, sent them through committee and onto the House and Senate for voting. Many students distinguished themselves by getting bills through both chambers to presidential signature. Through the process students presented their bill, debated one another and evaluated each others work. The students found it fun, stimulating and something they are bound to remember for some time to come. Join me in thanking them all for their hard work.

James Screven
The Fashion Show
Students in Srta's Spanish class will walk the run way beginning this week and into next week. Students have been studying clothing in Spanish and will the end the unit with a Fashion show. Students will be able to wear their "fashions" and will have to describe their outfits. Descriptions will include, fit, color, and where an article was purchased in Spanish. The rubric of the project will be upload via Edmod for 8th grade students and via Google classroom for HS school students.

Students will need to adhear to the CMIT's dress code for dress down days. Students need to come prepared to present in Spanish and to have fun! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Stacie Young
Grade 6 Project: Building Earthquake Proof Structures
Tall buildings are designed to support a vertical load in order to support itself (the walls, roof, and everything inside) to keep them standing. Around the world, scientists and engineers are constantly creating and updating designs to earthquake-proof structures. This is important in order to help saves lives and property. They design, test and redesign structures in their work. Students can also demonstrate the process in a classroom science project. The 6th graders in Dr. Clarke’s Science class construct towers out of drinking straws and toothpicks that must withstand simulated earthquakes vibrations. In this project, the students learn basic principles of earthquake engineering and design, as well as skills essential to all fields of science and engineering.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
Homework Tips for Parents
1. Be a stage manager.

Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework. Make sure the needed materials (paper, pencils, dictionary) are available.

Unless the homework assignment involves using a computer, power down electronics and remove other unnecessary distractions.

2. Be a motivator.

Homework provides a great opportunity for you to tell your child how important school is. Be positive about homework.

The attitude you express about homework will be the attitude your child acquires.

3. Be a role model.

When your child does homework, don’t sit and watch TV. If your child is reading, you read too. If your child is doing math, balance your checkbook.

Help your child see that the skills they are practicing are related to things you do as an adult.

4. Be a monitor.

Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. If your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. If frustration sets in, suggest a short break.

5. Be a mentor.

When the teacher asks that you play a role in homework, do it. If homework is meant to be done alone, stay away. Homework is a great way for kids to develop independent, life-long learning skills.

Over-involvement can be a bad thing.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
High School Track
Good News!
CMIT North will have a high school track team this spring! Mr. Williams will be holding an interest meeting for both boys and girls who are interested on Tuesday 3/13 at 3:15 in the cafeteria. Students will need to complete a physical form before they can participate.

Ms. Lawrence
Prince George's Community College - Dual Enrollment Information Session
Prince George’s Community College’s Open House on Saturday April 2 will feature Dual Enrollment Information Sessions and a campus tour. Students and parents are invited to attend to learn more about the Dual Enrollment Program at PGCC, including the enrollment process and how to choose course options.

Dual Enrollment Schedule:

Dual Enrollment Information Session #1
10:00 a.m. - Marlboro Room 1098

Campus Tour - 11:00am - Leaving from Marlboro Room 1098

Dual Enrollment Information Session #2
11:30 a.m. - Marlboro Room 1098

What: Prince George’s Community College’s Open House

Where: Largo Campus

When: Saturday April 2, 10:00am-1:00pm


Mr. Gegwich
School Counselor
China Trip 2017
It is my pleasure to announce that currently 12 students are enrolled in our summer 2017 trip to China. This will be an exciting opportunity for our students to be immersed in language as they learn about culture and experience the sights and sounds of another world. We will be visiting both Beijing and Shanghai for 12 days with opportunities to see the Great Wall, The Forbidden Palace, Tiananmen Square, and the Shanghai Financial Tower. Additional fun stuff will include kung fu shows, cooking experiences and shopping.

James Screven
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
  CMIT Academy is on CMIT PTO is on Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation is on  
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