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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





CMIT MS Student Artwork Displayed at PGCPS Countywide Art Show!

PGCPS Art Show

CMIT Spring Bowling League

CMIT North Cheerleaders Cheer Champ

Black American History Project: A brief look on black American scientists and inventors by William and Mary, Harvard, Northwestern, Duke, and Yale

Important Reminders

Safety PreCautions

CMIT Tigers Compete in Chess Tournament



CMIT North Student Engage in Political Topic

Observing the African American History Month in Science Class


Grade 6 Students Grow Their Own Crystals



Class Ring Purchase


Museum Day Live! Insprining Women and Girls of Color

Grade 6 Earth Science Field Trip

Administrators Shadow a student for a day


Family Life and Human Sexuality


Alice Ferguson Foundation sponsors CMIT Field Trip to the George Washington Memorial Parkway – Great Falls Park


2nd Quarter Honor Roll Ceremony

Advanced Placement Courses for 2016-2017!!

CMIT MS Student Artwork Displayed at PGCPS Countywide Art Show!
The past several weeks Ms Stewart and I have been diligently working to put together a display of the best artworks from our ART classes here at CMIT.

Now the hard work has paid off! Several of our students works are showcased in the PGCPS Countywide Art Show at the Mall at Prince Georges.

Congratulations to....

Kendall Bradwell [Northwestern]
Niyah Belton [Morehouse and Spelman]
Matthew Miller [Yale]
Belle Perez [USNA]
Arianna Fermin [USNA]
Christopher Loga [Northwestern]
Melina Kern [Morgan State]
Adrienne Espinosa [USNA]
Tyrese Hooper [Harvard]
Jayden Schexnayder [Brown]
Jessica Ononaku [Dartmouth]
Maryann Eba [USNA]
Jade Paige [UMBC]
Ansharan Akbar [William and Mary]
Kavyasri Gouda [Duke]
Jaylon Virgil [Yale]
Naomi Ward [Yale]
Summer Mabry [FAMU]

If your would like to see our students artwork as well as artwork from many of the public schools in Prince Georges County the details of the show are below:

Countywide Exhibit Dates:
Show opens at 6:00 p.m. on February 23rd and runs during mall hours through March 7th (show closes at 9:00 p.m).

The Mall at Prince Georges (3500 East West Highway, Route 410, Metros Green Line Extension, Hyattsville, MD 20782)


We are so proud of the work these students have done and look forward to displaying these artworks and many others at our own in house CMIT Art Show nearer to the end of the school year.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me:

Ms. Talcott
Middle School Art Teacher
PGCPS Art Show
Between now and March 7th make time to see the Prince George's County Public Schools Countywide Art Show! Ms. Talcott and I will be hung a select number of artworks at the venue that best display our schools talents.

We were limited in the number of works we were allowed to display in this countywide exhibit, so I hope you share my pride in acknowledging those that were selected to be a part of this wonderful show! If you or your child were not selected for the art show not to worry. In the spring we will have our very own CMIT Art Show to showcase all of our talented students.

Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
I will be taking photographs of the work displayed, just in case some families are unable to make it to see the show.

Countywide Exhibit Dates:
Show opens at 6:00 p.m. on February 23rd and runs during mall hours through March 7th (show closes at 9:00 p.m).

The Mall at Prince Georges (3500 East West Highway, Route 410, Metro's Green Line Extension, Hyattsville, MD 20782)

The exhibit is arranged with all elementary and middle schools in center court, all high schools are located in front of Old Navy and all charter schools (including CMIT) centers are located in front of Target.

Samantha Stewart
CMIT Spring Bowling League
The CMIT Spring Bowling league is getting ready to start. We will begin bowling on March 11th at 7:00pm at the AMF Laurel Lanes. We will bowl on the following Fridays: Mar 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, Apr 22, May 6, May 13, May 20. We will have open bowl and our awards ceremony on Jun 3. There is space for 36 bowlers (6 teams of 6). While we usually bowl with teams, this time we are going to be more flexible. Many people have told me of conflicts with Friday nights so I decided that our records will be for individuals not teams. Come as often as you can but don't worry if you need to miss a week or two. The primary aspect is to have fun.

If you are interested, please contact Jeanne Igoe, Provide the name(s) of any bowlers and an email address you can be reached at. These sessions are a great chance for students, staff, and parents to meet and socialize. Hope you can join us.

Jeanne Igoe
CMIT North Cheerleaders Cheer Champ
The CMIT Cheerleaders have been working so hard to make their first year a successful one. So far both Middle and High school Cheerleaders have supported their boys and girls basketball teams with pride and joy.

Cheering is more than adorable uniforms, basketball games, and spunk. We must have the skills to keep school spirit high, encourage teamwork, and lead by example.

With that being said, the CMIT Cheerleaders would like to offer an opportunity for everyone to attain these same skills. We will be hosting a one day cheer clinic for all CMIT students, family, and friends.

This clinic will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 between 9 am to 3 pm. It is open to ages 6 through 18. There is a small fee of $15 per person, however, if you bring someone to attend the clinic with you, the fee drops to $10 per person.

This is a wonderful opportunity that we do not want you to miss so please inquire if you are interested.

For registration, please email the coaches at

Feel free to spread the word!!!! We hope to see you soon!!!

Thank you,
Coach Adams & Coach Black

Black American History Project: A brief look on black American scientists and inventors by William and Mary, Harvard, Northwestern, Duke, and Yale
The science department is united in one spirit in celebrating the Black American History month by looking back and recognizing the black American scientists and inventors in U.S. history. Students in Mrs. Crespo’s class made a “Black History Scrapbook” of black American scientists and inventors through slide presentation. Students collaboratively worked in a group of three using the power of Google slides, and showcased their project through peer presentation. Students also created their 5-item Quiz using Kahoot.

Natalie Crespo
Important Reminders
We wanted to just present a few reminders to help with a smooth remainder of the school year.

1. All students should report to school starting at 7:35 am. The the students will be marked Tardy in SchoolMAX after 7:50 am.

2. All students should come in full uniform. No Hoodies, or extra jackets to be worn in the building. Uniform pants are the only pants to be worn to school.

3. All students will enter through the cafeteria doors prior to 8:00 am only. Students who arrive at 8:00 or later will need a note and a parent to escort them to the front office, remembering traffic is not an excused tardy.

4. All students will exit through the cafeteria doors after 2:49 pm only.

5. All students should be picked up prior to 3:00 pm. NO STUDENTS are permitted to be in the front of the building or in front of STANTEC building waiting or catching rides.

6. Parents are not to drop off, pick up or park in STANTEC Building lot or in the front staff parking lot.

7. ALL LANES for drop off and pick up are non waiting lanes, meanings students should be prepared to exit the car as soon as you are in the back drop off and pick up area.

8. During the hours of 7:30-8:00 and 2:30-3:30 THE TRAFFIC IS ONE WAY. All cars must enter in front of the building and exit by going around the building. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please plan accordingly.

We ask for your support with these policy and procedures, this is very important to ensure the safety of all of our students.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Safety PreCautions
Due to current situations recently in Prince Georges County Public School, this Thursday we had a mandatory meeting to re do the training of Safety procedures and polices, and Reporting of Child abuse and neglect.

Here at CMIT we consider our school to be a safe environment. We will continue to uphold our standards and will implement the county requirements as well.

All guest need to show their ID at the front office and receive a guest pass to be in the building. Adults who are participating in Field trips, school events, or productions need to be fingerprinted and a copy must be on file.

When and if you visit the building please know that we have your students best interest at heart and that they are our first priority. If you have questions or concerns please contact an administrator.

Thank you for always supporting our CMIT Community.

CMIT Administration
CMIT Tigers Compete in Chess Tournament
On February 20th, two members of the chess team traveled to Baltimore, Maryland to compete in the McDuffie Memorial Scholastic Tournament. Representing CMIT North were Isaiah Yancy and Matthew Godshall who tied for 3rd in his division individually.

CMIT Chess
1. Your application essay helps the Admission Committee members learn something about you that they can't learn from the rest of your application. Be sure not to repeat information from your application, such as your grades, classes, activities, etc.

2. You are showing the Admission Committee how well you write. Use your best grammar and diction, and be sure to proofread your work and check for spelling mistakes.

3. Make sure your essay is your own work. Your writing can be used to help identify placement in the right class section or grade level. You want to show the Admission Committee your true abilities to make sure you are comfortable in your future classes.

4. Be yourself in your essay and choose a topic that matters to you. It is perhaps most important of all for you to show genuine enthusiasm for what you are writing!

Let your teachers know if they can answer any questions you may have. They are always happy to help!

Natiqua Riley
CMIT North Student Engage in Political Topic
“Now, Dr. Maxwell what would you do if you were still in school and they tried to close your school? Wouldn’t you do everything in your power so that they wouldn’t close your school?”

Those were the dynamic words Kimaya Tillerson expressed during a town hall meeting addressing the proposed changes under consideration to close Forestville High, including its Junior ROTC program, sending students to Suitland High. Tillerson was one of 80 speakers who addressed the school board at a packed public hearing this past Tuesday night.

Tillerson told the board she’s been looking forward to attending Forestville High School, a school whose alumni include her mom, aunts and uncles.

CMIT North
Observing the African American History Month in Science Class
February is Black History Month, also known as African American History Month in the United States. Here in CMIT, we honor and share our history as we reflect on our past. As our way of celebrating the African American History, the Grade 6 and 7 Science classes dedicated their project “African- American Scientists and Inventors Scrapbook” to the African-Americans who have contributed to the American life through their discoveries and inventions. The project explores the careers of famous African-American scientists and inventors. Also, the students planned and presented a slideshow on five of these individuals and explain why each is significant.

Each student compiled a list of five African-American inventors or scientists about which to make a slide show scrapbook for presentation to the class. The output of this project will be displayed on class and alley bulletin boards to showcase the students’ works and to educate many more students about African-American inventors and scientists.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D.
Congratulations to the CMIT North Middle School Math Counts Team, for their participation in Math Counts competition of the 2015– 2016 school year. On February 20, the team participated in the 33th Annual Math Counts competiton held at University of Maryland Chemistry Building. Twenty-eight teams from across the state of Maryland participated in this challenging event consisting of both individual and team competition. While Math counts team did not place in the top five teams overall, Coach Subasi is extremely proud of the effort put forth by our math team. The CMIT Math team practices every Tuesday and Thursday after school focusing on mathematical problem solving.
Congratulations to the team members that represented CMIT North at the competition: Taj-Reese Oliver, Daunte Inman, Beryl Ndofor, Lise Chelsea Mbokop, Ian Kaba, Kavyasri Gouda.

Congratulations to all who participated!!!

Tuba Subasi
Grade 6 Students Grow Their Own Crystals
Want to give a special someone, your parents or friends a special gift that won’t cost you an arm and a leg? Grow your own crystals!

Yep, that’s right. You can grow your own crystals using inexpensive household items like salt, sugar, baking soda or borax powder.

Crystals are not only cool and expensive but very important in our industry and economy. They come in different shapes and sizes. They can be naturally or artificially produced too.

The Grade 6 students at CMIT grew their own crystals using this very simple method:
I. Assemble the things that you need
a. Pipe cleaner (3 pieces)
b. Scissors
c. Pencil

II. Procedure
a. Twist the Pipe cleaner
b. Connect another pipe cleaner and continue to twist it around
c. Make sure that they are tightly connected but circular
d. Tie the third pipe cleaner around and hang it
e. Then tie the pipe cleaner around a pen and make sure it doesn’t touch the bottom of the glass when you rest it on the ream.
f. Using the beaker, dissolve the borax powder in hot water. Submerge the pipe cleaner into the solution and leave it overnight.
g. Enjoy your crystals!

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D.

Is it possible to manage the testing anxiety? or what can I do to control my nervousness level during the test?. I always get questions like these from my students and parents. I tell them it is normal to feel anxiety when taking SAT or ACT. It is a big test but it is important not to let that anxiety take over the show when you need to perform. There are a lot of things that I suggest to my students to manage their test anxiety. One great thing is to spend about 10 minutes the day before the test writing about your worries. And then write also for approximately 10 minutes about all your different positive attributes like your friends, family, activities, and interests to really bring to light how diverse person you are. It basically helps, reduce the anxious idea in our head that we are defined just by the test and just by the score we get which is completely untrue. The more we can remind to ourselves that we have all these attributes to our identity, the less emphasis we are going to put on the test, less anxious we are going to feel consequently and the better we are going to do.

Taking full-length practice tests will help you to simulate the testing environment beforehand and it will help you to be familiar with what you will face on the test day. I highly recommend taking the whole practice test at the same time with three to five minutes breaks as close as the real testing environment. You will be taking the test in an unfamiliar location so do your practice tests in an unfamiliar location like in a library to get out of your comfort zone basically, which will help turn the pressure on and you will become more acclimated to the pressure.

I also tell them what they should do when they walk in to test center on the day of testing and feel really nervous. All you have to do is to reinterpret these bodily reactions as positive rather then negative signs. So think to yourself that my heart is racing, my palms are sweaty because I am so excited about how well I am going to do on the test and I can’t wait to get in there and do it!. We can actually do a pretty good job of tricking ourselves into believing that we are having these reactions for positive reasons, which is going to boost our confidence, cut back the anxiety and really help our performance as a result.

Lastly, I tell them not to consider the test really important. I am not saying don’t get prepared but putting too much importance on a test will create more anxiety. Just think of it as something that you will do your best on.

Ferhat Avsar
Class Ring Purchase
Hello Juniors and Junior Parents!

Jostens will be coming to school March 1st and 2nd. A representative will be here during high school lunch, so students maybe be fitted and purchase a ring. Jostens will also host a parent night at our school on March 1st from 4:30 to 6pm. Students who wish to order a class ring or tag must give a $50.00 deposit (cash or check made out to Jostens). After the $50.00 deposit students may request a payment plan. Students who did not receive a Jostens book should see myself or Mr. Brooks. If you have any questions please feel free to come visit me or shoot me an e-mail at

Samantha Stewart
Museum Day Live! Insprining Women and Girls of Color
Dr. Maxwell would like a few schools to take advantage of this extracurricular opportunity.

Museum Day Live! Inspiring Women and Girls of Color will take place on Saturday, March 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m in our Museum and throughout the Smithsonian.

Under the theme America Participates-the museum’s annual theme-we will offer:

Poetry writing workshop facilitated by our own poet in residence, Mrs. Sage Morgan-Hubbard.

Letter4aCause workshop inspired by archival letters from women of color and run by one of our top curators, Dr. Fath Ruffins.

Cooking Up History, is a cooking demonstration and conversation, we are reaching out to a mother and daughter team Alice and Caroline Randall who have written the book Soul Food Love.

2 performances and conversation with Hip Hop artists featuring out Hip Hop collections.

Tours of American Enterprise exhibition highlighting women of color in business.

Interactive carts and hands-on craft activities focusing on stories of the Japanese American Incarceration Camps.

A Career Fair in the Smithsonian Castle.
Please click the link below for more information:

Natiqua Riley
Grade 6 Earth Science Field Trip
You've probably heard the saying, "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and Ill understand."

Bringing science to life: participating in field trips is a terrific way to learn more about science, the fun way! Plus, it is a great way to explore the classroom curriculum through activities and sights that students will remember for a lifetime.

Scheduled on March 10, 2016, 61 Loyola; 62 George Washington and other Grade 6 students are going on a field trip at the Maryland Science Center and experience the following:

1. Exhibits: a fantastic way to bring excitement and adventure into learning. The students will be able to witness different exhibits about science like Dinosaur Mysteries, Newton’s Alley, Life Beyond Earth, Science on a Sphere, Your Body: The Inside Story, Cells: The Universe Inside Us, Follow the Blue Crab, The Shed, and Power Up- It’s electrifying!

2. I-Tornado Alley- the most ambitious effort ever made to understand the origins and evolution of tornadoes, on this heart-pounding science adventure! Armed with a 70 mm camera, a fleet of customized vehicles designed to withstand gale force winds, torrential rains and unrelenting hail, and an arsenal of the most advanced weather measurement instruments ever created, the stars of Tornado Alley take audiences on a thrilling quest to experience a tornado’s destructive power at point blank range.
Experience the adrenaline and the science of nature’s most dramatic phenomena!

3. Solar Quest: a full dome planetarium short feature that demonstrates how the Sun and Earth are interconnected.

Aside from the designated faculty, chaperons are going to accompany the students during the field trip.

Transportation will be provided by Exquisite Limousine. The Maryland Science Center has an eating facility for bag lunches in the Brown Bag Zone. Access and storage of lunches are limited and on a first come, first served basis.

Students are suggested to bring between $10-$15 to purchase lunch. Parents may pay the field trip fee through “My School Bucks”

Please feel free to contact Dr. Clarke or Ms. Chestang of the Science Department for further details of the field trip.


Gemma Y. Bognot Clarke, Ph.D.
Administrators Shadow a student for a day
During the week of February 29 - March 4, 2016 We will be participating in the Shadow a Student Challenge. We will be part of a national community of school leaders clearing our calendars, silencing our walkie-talkies, throwing on sneakers and uniforms, and immersing ourselves in student life for a day. Our goal is to improve the student experience at our school by better understanding the student perspective.

On Wednesday and Thursday, do not treat Ms. Riley as your Assistant Principal or Mr. Brauer as your Program Coordinator. Instead, they will be students for the day from the first to the last bell.
Teachers:They will not be evaluating you on your teaching methods. Treat them as you would one of your students, including giving her that pop quiz.
Students: They are not there to watch your behavior. They will be sitting at a desk next to you, as one of your peers.
Parents: They are doing this because of Her commitment to improving the student experience our school.

Learn more about Shadow a Student Challenge at You can read next weeks newsletter to get updates on their experience.

We look forward to joining this community of educators committed to rethinking the student experience – starting by walking in the shoes of a student. Thanks for your support.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Family Life and Human Sexuality
In health class, we will be discussing family life and human sexuality. I have sent home permission slips with each of the students. Students should return permission slips by Monday.

Mark Snyder
Alice Ferguson Foundation sponsors CMIT Field Trip to the George Washington Memorial Parkway – Great Falls Park
Discovering nature and our history at once!

Scheduled on March 22, 2016, selected scholars from CMIT Science 6th grade classes will participate in a program sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. The students will go on an environmental field study to the CO Canal, Maryland side of Great Falls.

While at the park the students will learn about how to catch and identify macro invertebrates and determine how healthy the stream is by what they find. After the field study happens the educators for Alice Ferguson Foundation will come out to the school to help students work on an environmental action project around the school yard. This will include doing an environmental assessment of the school yard and growing and planting a butterfly garden with native plants.

Gemma Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D
2nd Quarter Honor Roll Ceremony
This week, the high school will hold an honor roll ceremony for students with academic and extracurricular achievements during the 2nd quarter. All high school students are invited to share in the successes of their peers. Unfortunately, with limited space, we are unable to accommodate parents attending at this time. However, we will acknowledge awardees in a future newsletter.

HS Administrative Team
Advanced Placement Courses for 2016-2017!!
Last week students received information regarding our expanding Advanced Placement program.

Next year students will have more opportunities to take AP courses, challenging themselves with college level rigor, and potentially earning university credits.

Please review the attached documents explaining the program offerings and our process for applying to the program.

Feel free to contact me or Mr. Gegwich with questions about these opportunities.

Andrew Vernor
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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