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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary




Announcements & Reminders

Upcoming Events (Tentative)

PTO News

Yankee Candle Flyer

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Principal's Important News

Staying Strong Together

Announcements & Reminders
Upcoming Events (Tentative)
Hello all, I hope everyone is staying safe during this time off. If there's no further change in our school calendar, these are the dates for the following events: ---CAREER DAY 2020 Thursday April 16th, 2020 from 8:00am-10:30am. If you are interested in volunteering please complete the form on the link below: ---MCAP SPIRIT WEEK Monday April 20th- Friday April 24th. The MCAP spirit week will be implemented to motivate our students to be excited and ready for the upcoming test. Details attached. All dates and events are subject to change. Best,

Deidra Chandler Professional School Counselor
PTO News
Yankee Candle Flyer
Yankee Candle Flyer

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Parents, we realize this is not utmost on any of our minds. However, I need to mention our Yankee Candle Fundraiser because the monies for paper orders were to be submitted Monday, March 30, 2020 the same day we are scheduled to return to school. I am asking all fundraiser participant to use the online portal to place all orders (if possible), until further notice. Please ask your friends and family who are supporting us to do the same. Once our return date is confirmed, I will schedule a more appropriate order submission date, most likely via Class Dojo. I have uploaded the Yankee Candle flyer separately. Thank you Keep Safe!

Dr. Washington, Principal
Principal's Important News
Families, I hope you are keeping safe. We can only imagine the challenge you face having to work (whether remotely or at a site other than home) and care for your students at the same time. Our hope is that we will return to school shortly. However, given the COVID-19 status, it is possible our closure might be extended. In the case of a longer closure, we expect to hear from our CEO and follow up with families accordingly. In the interim, please allow your student to keep his/her mind mentally challenged/engaged while away from the building. Continue to be safe.

Dr. Washington, Principal
Staying Strong Together
Parents/Guardians, Thinking about how best we can provide support for your families at this time. I know that many students have assigned schoolwork, but before, during and after completion of work, please allow students and yourselves to be creative. Do things that will make a lifetime impact. -consider how to use the time to listen attentively and speak words of wisdom. Share your knowledge of family history, culture and even explain and teach finances to your children at this time. -organizational skills are fundamental to any job and career. Teach how to organize anything from a simple drawer with clothes, books, to organizing words by letters they begin with, numbers by digits, list of jobs, types of sports, etc. Out of this, our children will develop patience and persistence. -visualize- this is a skill used for math and reading and across other disciplines to help learners look for patterns, etc. Allow students to draw and write down what they visualize. They can look anywhere with open and/or closed eyes to learn something new/especially for our smaller scholars. -invest in the moment; here and now. My daughter at about 10 years old wrote a card and placed it on our refrigerator. It read. Mommy, Learn to Live in the Moment. (I was always checking out). That was her way of saying, be here now to listen to her and enjoy that moment with her, and to focus on the now. -Delve into being a writer/reader. You and your children can begin to journal. This cuts into concepts such as learning time, timeline, writing skills, reading skills, and much more. They can make up their own stories, illustrate this, and share with families. I still have letters and stories written by my children when they were young. -Finally, teach the scientific method (image included) right there at home. Students will identify a question, and follow through with each step. Who knows this may result in a project for school. Each step may last a day. Let your child be the teacher/leader for this and, Remember it is more important to look for participation, not perfection. (L. Watkis) Stay Strong. Respectfully,

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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