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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary




Important News

Congratulations CLF Schools' 2019 Annual Awards Winners!

Read our Newsletter 5/24/2019

Grade Level Greatness

Week of 5/ 24

Happening's in Libebe's Fifth

Art Room News

Makers Lab

Second Grade Den

PTO News

Kindergarten Graduation Promotion Ceremony Ad Sale

Fifth Grade Dance

CMIT South ES Field Day

Spring Scholastic Book Fair


LAST SALE! Spirit Wear 2019

Please Complete The Survey Regarding The Search For Our Permanent PGCPS CEO


The Counselor's Den

Memorial Day

Important News
Congratulations CLF Schools' 2019 Annual Awards Winners!
Chesapeake Education STEMazing Service Award: Spear Lancaster Student of the Year: Maya Holloman—CSP MS Hana Motta—CSP HS Zachary Akyeampong—CMIT Elementary (N) Louel Alan Maman—CMIT Elementary (S) Eniola Dosu—CMIT Academy North MS Donovan Perry—CMIT Academy North HS Cayman Curry—CMIT Academy South MS Sophia Montgomery—CMIT Academy South HS Teacher of the Year: Eugene Malloy—CSP MS Fatima Smith—CSP HS Michelle Tolbert—CMIT Elementary (N) Victor Hawkins—CMIT Elementary (S) Dana Wake—CMIT Academy North MS Jessica Cunning—CMIT Academy North HS Jemise Sawyer—CMIT Academy South MS Lori Payne—CMIT Academy South HS Support Staff of the Year: Davette Phifer—CSP MS/HS Ecola Virgil—CMIT Elementary (N) Erika Herbert—CMIT Elementary (S) Ronina Spence—CMIT Academy North MS Mehmet Elmaci—CMIT Academy North HS Tavon Cooke—CMIT Academy South MS/HS Volunteer of the Year: Peggy Klappenberger—CSP MS/HS Kim Tavel—CMIT Elementary (N) Trina Aime—CMIT Elementary (S) Robert L. Jones—CMIT Academy North MS Mary Milline—CMIT Academy North HS Michelle Marshall—CMIT Academy South MS Germansh Eshete—CMIT Academy South HS

CLF Community Partnerships
Read our Newsletter 5/24/2019
Our latest Newsletter!

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Grade Level Greatness
Week of 5/ 24
Greetings Parents, I have returned to class. Students have had a lot on their plate with the Wax museum and various assignments in my absence. We worked on some today and they are doing well to keep pace. We will be going to Camp Schmidt on June 3rd. Permission slips are due on 5/31. Please make sure you turn these in as we want all students to participate. We are also in need of chaperones, so if you are interested, please let me know. Students will be working on backgrounds for their Wax Museum next week. They must print out pictures at home. I will provide bulletin board paper. If you want them to use a backboard, they are more than welcome but we can not provide it. Next week has the book fair and the 5th grade party. The week after has the field trip, promotion and the Wax museum. We have a lot going on but it is also nearing the finish line. We can do it. Thank you as always for all you do and have a great holiday weekend.

Victor Hawkins
Happening's in Libebe's Fifth
Happy Friday! A couple reminders, the Camp Schmidt field trip is on June 3 money and permission slips are due next Friday May 31. Almost of all of the assignments for the quarter have been entered in SchoolMax, please, encourage your scholars to pay close attention to their SchoolMax accounts to make themselves aware of what assignments they are missing. As I mentioned before a lot of grades are suffering because students are not completing their homework on Prodigy. This is a simple assignment but it is worth a substantial amount of points. Scholars also need to be aware of the Science assignments that have been given to them on Clever, these also need to be completed for students to receive proper credit. As another reminder regarding Promotion, correction on how many tickets are allotted to each family for the event, each family will have access to FOUR tickets. Many families have expressed that they are in need of more than four tickets. Unfortunately, there aren't anymore to spare. However feel free to communicate with other families in case not everyone has use of all four tickets. Attached is more clarification on what is expected for students to wear on the day of promotion. More information will be forthcoming! Promotion - June 6, 2019 6 - 7:30p Students need to report to the CMIT Middle High School at @5p Middle High Have a great weekend and thank you for all of your support!

-Ms. Libebe
Art Room News
Hello CMIT Community! I would like to thank all the teachers, staff, administration, parents and students who made me lovely cards and congratulated me on my wedding last weekend. I am so grateful to belong to such a thoughtful and caring community. Incase some of you were wondering what students were going to make with all those paper towel tubes, well......I have finally decided! Students started painting bright patterns and detailed designs on the tubes. I plan to take all of the painted tubes and create a large sculpture to display in the school. Thanks again to all the parents who made this possible by bringing in tubes. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Brittney Frei
Makers Lab
Dear Parents, These past two weeks in Makers Lab have been about electricity and how it relates to microbes. Students reviewed the concept of electricity and the difference between an open circuit and closed circuit. Also, students used their creativity to create circuits of their own. One by one, our mudwatts have started to produce electricity which means that students have completed their Mudwatt experiment successfully! Attached are pictures of students circuit creations :)

Ms. Oz
Second Grade Den
Hello Parents, We have come into the last few days of school and it has been an exciting journey. We have been able to watch our tigers grow and mature in so many ways. We will miss each of them so much, so before they go we will have an end of the year party. We already have a theme set and will need volunteers to help make this the best party ever. The date will be June 7th which is a Friday. Our last field trip is May 24 to the Smithsonian Zoo located in Washington D.C. We are asking that all students and chaperones arrive by 8:00 am. Students are allowed to wear their CMIT South PE uniforms or their regular uniform on the trip. Students are not allowed to be out of school uniform. We will also need volunteers to help take down the classroom decor and prepare the rooms for next year. Please inbox a member of the second-grade team for details. Thank you for everything that you do to support us and your students!!!

Ms. Michelle Phillips and Mrs. Baynham
PTO News
Kindergarten Graduation Promotion Ceremony Ad Sale
ORDERS DUE BY MIDNIGHT! DON'T MISS OUT! Share a message of encouragement or congratulations to your student in the keepsake Kindergarten Graduation Promotion Ceremony Program. - Submit your ad copy and ad size to - Send payment via the PTO CashApp to $ptocmitsouthes. Note you name and ad size with your payment. - Submission deadline is Friday, May 24, 2019.

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Fifth Grade Dance
Hello parents! We are proud of our fifth-graders and they are moving on to the next level. To celebrate their accomplishments, we are planning a fifth grade dance. Parent Volunteers are needed for the following: Room Set Up/Decoration Set Up Food Beverage Set Up and Manage Stations Parent Chaperone for dance Food donations If you have any questions, please reach out to Deniece, or Michelle Stith, Date: 05/31/2019 (Fri.) Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm EDT Location: CMIT South ES, Upper Marlboro, MD PRICE IS $5 ***Pay in advance: Paypal - or CashApp - $PTOCMITSOUTHES and include you your student and teacher name.*** Sign Up Here!

"The" CMIT PTO Board
CMIT South ES Field Day
June 13, 2019 More information is to come. We'll be requesting donations. Please contact Mr. Loomer for more information.

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Spring Scholastic Book Fair
Dear Parents and Families: Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair theme is Dino-Mite: Stomp, Chomp and Read. The Dynamite part about this Fair is its Buy One Get One (BOGO) Free status. You can purchase enough books to build your students library at home or fulfill their Summer Reading list at half the cost. We will have a wide and wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits. Book Fair dates: Tuesday, May 28-Friday, May 31, 2019 Shopping hours: 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Special activities: Dress Down Friday (May 31, 2109) with $2.00 donation to All 4 Books Book Fair Home Page: Online Fair: None Only Credit Card and eWallet will be accepted at the Book Fair. Please go to our Fair Homepage and sign your student up for an eWallet Account. We are also seeking Dino-Mite volunteers to assist in making our Fair a huge success. If you are interested, please signup using the link below: We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. Sincerely, Deniece K. A. McDowell, J.D. Book Fair Chairperson CMIT South ES PTO

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Parents, We have more clothes in the lost and found. If you're child is missing something, there is a good chance it's in the bin. Please take a look to see if you have something there! Before the end of the school year we will be donating all clothes to charity.

"The" CMIT PTO Board
LAST SALE! Spirit Wear 2019
LAST SALE! Spirit Wear 2019 We're excited to announce that Mrs Carter has authorized the Gray "Tigers Roar" T-shirt to be an authorized shirt to wear with the PE Uniform. ALL SIZES ARE AVAILABLE (Kids - Adults)! Get yours Today! Our Spirit Wear sale will continue through 31 May. We'll be implementing Spirit Wear Days in the spring of this year. Get yours today! Our online store will be open until May 31, 2019. Because the online store doesn't allow you put the child and teacher name, if you order shirts, please email us at with the child and teacher name so that I may have them delivered!

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Please Complete The Survey Regarding The Search For Our Permanent PGCPS CEO
Dear Prince Georgians: I would like to thank everyone who has already taken the survey as we search for the permanent CEO of our public school system. For those who have not yet taken the survey, there is still time to do so before it closes next Thursday, May 30th. If you would like to take the survey, please visit This survey provides another opportunity for the public to weigh in on the qualities they would like to see in our permanent CEO. The first opportunity was a public hearing we held that included representatives from the search firm and the state selection committee, with over 80 residents signing up to testify. If you could not attend the hearing and would like to view it in its entirety, please visit our YouTube page. View the entire message here:

"The" CMIT PTO Board
Parents/Guardians, The school year is almost OUT. However, one thing is constant-that is learning. As you think about where learning for our scholars will take place over the summer, you may check out - The CLF Enrichment Program summer school here on our campus. Please pick up information from the enrichment staff in the evenings. SUMMER READING The local library is a good place to have scholars sign up and read during the summer. The following link may help. The following link will provide access to the 2019 summer reading list by grade level. The following is a website for extra reading resources- The following will help students imagine what they read, so they will comprehend more - CONGRATULATIONS to our scholars who attended the district science fair. They have learned so much from you and will be ready next year to enter with new categories such as Lego and Robotics. The traditional is good, but our students are ready to move beyond traditional and explore new ideas in STEM. Three students participated at the district level. They are Hailey pilgrim (5th grader), Louel Maman (4th grader) and Marlee Gunn (4th Grader). Congrats to Marlee who was placed 3rd in her category. End of Year Activities, Assemblies and Promotions. Please stay tuned to dates and times for the end of year celebrations. As we plan for next year, identify ways in which you can support us at school for the next SY. You are a part of the solution, and we value your support.

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
The Counselor's Den
Memorial Day
Hello Thee CMIT Family Hope everyone is having a great week! This week I focused on the preparation for promotions. However, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of our military families. This week was Military Appreciation Week. Did you know? Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time. Many people will visit loved ones and barbequing will occur, as you do so if it is possible just take a moment of silence to truly thank those who paid the ultimate sacrifice and the true meaning of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2019 occurs on Monday, May 27. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season. If possible take a moment to say an extra thank you to a Veteran, again thank you to all who served and are continuing to serve.

DM Davis, Professional School Counselor, CMIT South ES,
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