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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary




Important News

Weekly Updates from CMIT South Elementary - Friday, October 21, 2022

Grade Level Greatness

DIBELS Testing

Mrs. Jones' Corner

Drug Free Looks Like Me Selfie Prop Contest

Announcements & Reminders

Kindergarten is going to the Pumpkin Patch!!

PTO News

Home School Connection

Important News
Weekly Updates from CMIT South Elementary - Friday, October 21, 2022
Click the following link to view Friday, October 21, 2022 newsletter:

Tauheedah Lewis Assistant Principal (3rd - 5th grades)
Grade Level Greatness
DIBELS Testing
Greeting Kinder families, DIBELS Testing is underway in our grade level! This unique test is a series of short tests that assess K-8 literacy. It is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of a set of K-8 literacy skills, such as phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. This and the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment will be a powerful tool in gauging the student’s areas of strengths and opportunities for growth in order for each teacher to properly differentiate instruction to meet each child’s needs. Once completed, we are able to share your scholar’s data with you and can provide resources to help you support their learning at home. Thank you families and have a great weekend!

Mrs. Jones' Corner
Happy Thur-Fri-YAY! Week 8 is coming to a close. We have wrapped up Topic 2 in Math and Topic 1 in Science. Both unit assessments will take place next week. There are no study guides for these assessments however, have students review the following Math: Associative Property of Addition, Commutative Property of Addition, Adding & Subtracting Multi-Digit Numbers, and Regrouping Science:Types of Energy, How Energy Transfers & Transforms, Light, Radiation, Waves & Sound, and Electric Circuits Scholars have been practicing skills over the last few weeks that will be covered and any information needed can be found in their textbook. Additional practice can also be found in IXL by using the standards provided in the beginning of the week post. As recorded in agenda books for the last 2 weeks Math Topic 2 Pick-A-Project has been submitted and grades have been entered into SchoolMax. If there was no submission prior to entering class today, scholars will not receive credit. Please see assignment details in Canvas if needed. Math Topic 3: Use Strategies & Properties to multiply by 1-Digit Numbers- This upcoming week will cover Lessons 3-1 through 3-3. We will work on multiplying multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000; rounding to estimate products; and the use of arrays and partial products. Our standards are 4.NBT.B.5, 4.OA.A.2 & 4.OA.A.3. Science Topic 2: Human Uses of Energy- Our first lesson will concentrate on energy conversions. Scholars will demonstrate how natural resources are converted to energy and fuel. Our standards are 4-ESS3-1 & 4-PS3-4. Health Topic 2- In our fourth lesson students will explore dental problems and solutions. This lesson wraps up our second topic in health. I did not send home the bi-weekly report as intended but please expect to receive them on Monday. Our classroom supply of Clorox wipes and pencils has dwindled. If you can and desire to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Lastly, remember to send in your candy donations for the Candy Wars. Info pictured in post. Make it an amazing weekend.

Mrs. Jones 4th Grade Math & Science Math Department Chair Engagement & Technology Liaison
Drug Free Looks Like Me Selfie Prop Contest
Attention!!!!!! Drug-Free Looks Like Me Selfie Prop Contest information Starting Friday, October 14, 2022, we will participate in a Drug-Free Selfie Prop contest (“Drug-Free Looks Like Me”). If students would like to participate, they should design a selfie prop that reflects drug-free practices and ideas, take a selfie using and/or with their prop, and submit a color copy of the photo on an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper by Friday, October 28, 2022, to Ms. Middleton in the Student Support Office. One student per grade level with the best selfie prop creation will receive a prize. Attached is the rubric the judges will use. Winners will be announced Monday, October 31, 2022, during the morning announcements. With Thanks, Ms. Middleton

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
Announcements & Reminders
Kindergarten is going to the Pumpkin Patch!!
We are so excited for our very first field trip this year. On Thursday, November 3rd, we are heading to Montpelier Farms to enjoy their Pumpkin Patch and see all of the wonderful sights that their farm has to offer. Your scholar’s teacher will be providing all families with detailed information about our upcoming trip this week. See you there!

PTO News
Home School Connection
Parents/Guardians, Thank you for supporting learning at home. It shows in our IXL data. Students are learning and mastering skills at home. Please continue to encourage scholars to get online and practice daily. Thanks for supporting student learning Ms. Watkis

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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