Important News
Weekly Updates from CMIT South Elementary Friday, October 7, 2022
Tauheedah Lewis
Assistant Principal ( 3rd -5th grades)
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Home School Connection
Much has already been said about the support students receive from home and the impact on their learning at school. A supportive home environment influences learning at school. Therefore home school connection is a vital component of current and future success. We need your support. Please help scholars utilize all available learning platforms while at home. Continue to schedule learning opportunities for scholars to acquire skills, especially in reading and math.
IXL provides students with the opportunity to practice these skills anywhere and anytime.
Please support their effort to sign on, stay focused, and practice. This will help to close any gaps caused when students were out of school.
The attachment shows how scholars are doing in and out of school.
Thank you for supporting student learning.
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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March 10: Indigenous People's Day
At CMIT...
We celebrate indigenous, aboriginal, and native people.
Everyone is welcome here!
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Grade Level Greatness
5th Grade Updates
Hello Fantastic Fifth Grade Families!
Just a quick reminder that there is no school coming up on Monday, October 10 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. If you have not signed up for conferences already, please check dojo for the sign up genius. If there are no more available slots for Monday, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher to schedule one at another time.
This week in reading, we will be exploring poems that are themed with our Unit topic of Journeys. The essential question for the week is, "I can learn more about the theme Journeys by analyzing language in poetry." We will be talking about the text features of poetry such as rhythm, sound effects, text structure, and figurative language. This week's spelling focus is words that end with the suffixes -able and -ible.
List 1
List 2
In Social Studies, students will be diving further into the methods of government utilized by various native american groups as well as the different economies and why they thrived in the ways that they did. By the end of next week, we should be wrapping up with Chapter 1 and beginning to review for the chapter assessment. Be on the look out for that announcement in student agendas.
In Science, students will be finishing up the properties of matter and taking their assessment for the topic. For STEM fair, students should have already turned in their topics to either Ms. Thomas or Ms. Jenkins and should be working on their background research in order to form their hypothesis.
In Math, students are continuing work on decimals and place value. Some students may be moving onto adding, multiplying, and dividing decimals before the end of the week. A way that you can support this at home is by asking students questions involving money (take them to the grocery store and have them tally up the total to compare to the actual total at the register!).
In partnership,
5th Grade Team
Mrs. McCargo
Ms. Thomas
Ms. Jenkins
Mr. Rowland
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3rd Grade Updates!
Hi everyone! This week we continued on in our curriculum for each subject as well as celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month! Also, Monday, October 10, there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. This day is reserved for Parent-Teacher Conferences! A sign up sheet has been sent out, and if you did not get a conference slot and still require one, send your teachers a message! We ask that you are prompt to our conferences on Zoom. Conferences are back to back all day and we need to respect each person’s time slot! The Zoom link is on Class Dojo for you to use on Monday.
This week and next week, students are taking the DIBELS assessment for Reading. Please see the DIBELS letter on class dojo.
Please make sure to check Canvas and the weekly calendar frequently to help keep students on track! We have finished our first round of progress reports for the year already, and it's important students keep up with their work!
If anyone needs assistance using Canvas, please let your teacher know so we can assist you! We will be using it frequently this year! Also, please make to be checking Class Dojo frequently as we do post a lot of information there for you all. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the 3rd grade teachers and we will be happy to help!
Please use the 3rd grade Google Site for lots of helpful resources and links as well as an assignments page to help keep parents in the loop of everything we are doing!
From your 3rd Grade Team! :)
Leah McDonagh
Kylie Fleet
Tamara Mathews
Rashidah Balogun
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Second Grade Updates!
Hello Second Grade Parents!
This week in second grade...
We are continuing unit one, “You are Here” in our curriculum. Our unit essential question is “How do different places affect us?” We adjusted our lessons because of the short week last week, so our weekly question will again focus on, “How do different places make us feel?" Students will explore this essential question through poetry. In spelling, students will work to decode words with consonant digraphs. For example, the word lunch has five letters, but it has four sounds because /ch/ is a consonant digraph that makes one sound.
Students will begin exploring the scientific method in class to support STEM project efforts at home. Please be sure to submit your STEM fair topic, question, and hypothesis to your classroom teacher in the format requested.
Social Studies
We are moving into Chapter 2. In this chapter, students will explore people, places, and nature.
We are closing in on this month's issue on safety. Students have learned more about how to be safe in both their school community and home community. Students have also learned more about rules and laws, how to handle common emergencies, and about how they can help to keep their friends safe.
Students are beginning Topic 2 which involves working with Equal Groups. In this topic, students will distinguish between even and odd numbers, as well as use and make arrays to find totals through repeated addition and skip counting. Help at home! Look for arrays in real life (i.e. baking cookies, window frames, door panels, etc.) and talk about how many rows (horizontal) and how many columns (side to side). Practice skip counting at home, first by ones and then by tens, fives, and twos.
Updates and Reminders:
1. Please be sure to check your scholar's purple folder every night! Sign their calendar nightly in acknowledgement of daily behavior.
2. All second grade classes will have afternoon snack. Snacks should be healthful. Please be mindful of students with allergies and attempt to send allergy friendly snacks.
3. Students should bring a water bottle to school with them daily.
4. Homework is in full effect! Students should be completing 4 spelling assignments weekly in their spelling notebook AND 5 DreamBox lessons weekly. Remember, DreamBox is an application accessed through Clever. Participation in homework will be graded.
5. Please be sure you have signed up for parent conferences! All second grade teachers have posted sign-up links on Class Dojo. We look forward to meeting with you, virtually, on October 10th.
6. Remember to adhere to uniform policy. As it gets colder, please be reminded that outerwear needs to be a CMIT South ES jacket or sweater. All other jackets and coats can be worn outdoors, but should not be worn indoors.
Thank you for all of your support so far this year! We are thankful for every one of you!
Mrs. Valera
Ms. Barboza
Ms. Womack
Ms. Convert
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PTO News
Important: Repost
Afternoon Tiger Families,
During pick up whether for Afternoon Car Riders, Afterschool Enrichment, Thursday Clubs, Tuesday Power Hour, or Saturday Academy lane 2 is the exit pass-through lane, and families should not park or load in lane 2. Only park or load in lanes 1, or 3.
Enrichment families can also utilize parking spaces closest to the building or opposite the building.
The weather outside shifted, students should have only CMIT South Elementary Uniform sweaters or jackets on in the building. Navy blue or hunter green with no other logos can be accepted as well. Students can wear all-black bottoms sweatpants when having PE or a base layer with shorts. Students will still go outside for recess as long as the weather is not raining, the temperature is not freezing, or no heat advisories or warnings are in effect.
Principal Miller
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Join the PTO
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday, October 10, 2022
No school for students
Conferences were scheduled.
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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What's Going On?
Bringing the inside out...
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Understanding Student Scores in iReady
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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FAQs |
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