Important News
Summer Reading is the Best!!
Now that summer is almost here...what are your plans.
Of course, it has to be reading.
This love and joy of reading are never out of style.
Please consider selecting books from this website.
Read and grow with your children this summer.
You'll be glad you did.
Ms. Watkis
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Staying Well
Please continue to support and encourage your children to practice healthy habits away from home:-
wearing their mask
washing hands after restroom
eating their own food/not sharing food.
These are essential practices to keep everyone healthy to stay in school.
Thank You for your support
Ms. Watkis
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Grade Level Greatness
3rd Grade Updates!
Hi everyone! We have just ONE full week of school left! 8 days in total! We are so proud of how far our students have come this year and we can't believe our time together is coming to an end!
We have a full week next week and we will be having our FIELD DAY on Friday, June 17! We also are finishing up Q4 and ALL missing grades need to be submitted no later than Wednesday, June 15! Teachers will not accept late assignments past this day. Let's keep working hard and finish our Q4 strong!
We will also be sending home students' notebooks and supplies from the classroom next week so if you want to send in an extra bag for students to put their materials in, that would be awesome! OR students can come with a backpack that is mostly empty aside from the things they need daily and we can put materials in their backpacks. We just want to make sure nothing is too heavy for them to carry.
We are going to be having a mini celebration for the end of the year on Tuesday, June 21 in our classrooms, so if anyone wants to send in individually wrapped snacks or goodies for the kids, please do! We would need to make sure there is enough for everyone however. Anything send in needs to be NUT FREE. Thank you!!
Please use our Google Site as it has many helpful resources for you all! There is a weekly assignment breakdown that can help parents keep up with students' assignments, a grade level newsletter, and many other important resources. Here's the link to our google site:
From your 3rd Grade Team! :)
Leah McDonagh
Kylie Fleet
Tamara Mathews
Rashidah Balogun
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Second Grade Uptdates
Hi families!
We are in the single digits of days left in school! Your scholars are ALMOST third graders! Can you believe it?
RELA: We will be moving into Unit 6 Week 2 where students will be examining energy sources. Our essential question will be “How Do We Use Energy?”
Math: Students are finishing up our unit on collecting data and graphing. We will spend the remainder of the year focusing on previously taught standards in preparation for third grade.
Updates and Reminders:
1. Please be sure to send in refillable water bottle daily.
2. Please pay attention to the weather so that your scholar is dressed accordingly!
3. Please continue to discuss appropriate school and classroom behavior with your student.
Mrs. Valera, Mr. Rowland, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Boggess
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PTO News
Summer School Offerings
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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Tutor Me!
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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FAQs |
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