Important News
First Quarter Progress Reports, Delayed
Your child's progress reports will be sent on Monday, October 15, 2018. The progress reports were sent to our CMIT South MS/HS campus. When you receive the progress reports, please take a moment to read through the report and celebrate your child and celebrate his/her hard work.
If you cannot wait until Monday, you are able to review your child's progress report via SchoolMax.
I apologize for this delay.
Juliana Derin - Principal Secretary
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Grade Level Greatness
Second Grade Tigers
Hello Tigers! The Autumn breeze is upon us. Please ensure that students have a sweater or jacket to keep them cozy as we are learning. The Social Studies test will take place on Monday October 15th, please study with your child to ensure a successful push on the test. We are organizing field trips but still need more volunteers to accommodate both classes. Please let myself or Mrs. Baynham know if you have been fingerprinted. Native American Research projects will go home next weekend and will be due November 26th, the Monday after Thanksgiving. Enjoy your weekend.
Ms. Michelle Phillips
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Happening's in Libebe's Fifth!
Happy Friday! Pat your children on the back for the hard work they did this week! In Math students have been building their skills in long division and we talked briefly about dividing decimals. The lesson will be completed next week. In Science students discussed water scarcity and will be sent home with their first Science project next week to wrap up their unit on Earth Systems. Notice will be sent when the students go home with the information.
As you know students have an assessment in Math every Friday, unfortunately there has been a significant increase in students talking during the assessment. Students know that if they are found talking during the assessment, I have to assume that they are cheating and if they are cheating they will receive a zero. This can be very damaging to their grade. Please continue to encourage students to stay quiet during their assessments so that their grade only reflects the information that they have given.
Thank you for all that you do and the support that you give!
-Ms. Libebe
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We are now in the middle of October. The students are still learning expectations and routines, but there is a lot of learning taking place. This past week Kindergarten has been taking the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). Each class had their first substitute teacher. They all did wonderful with the change.
We are going over the letter M, how it looks, how it sounds and what words start with M. Students have been authors, illustrators and presenters. They have been writing sentences, learning what a noun is, adding details to writing, drawing pictures and lastly presenting their work to the class. Students have enjoyed presenting and it has helped create a nice family atmosphere with respect and appreciation.
We are reviewing all of the skills we have learned in math so far, such as counting, cardinality, making a set, and comparing numbers. We have been introducing interactive math centers in our daily routine to help keep these skills fresh and use them in a new fun way! We will continually practice these skills throughout the year and work on mastery!
Social Studies
This week in Social Studies we identified symbols of the United States such as the flag, bald eagle, and the Statue of Liberty. We learned that Lady Liberty represents freedom. Then we talked about where the president works and lives and discovered other important U. S. monuments and buildings.
Each morning during morning meeting we often talk about the weather for the day! However, this week in Science we have been learning a bit more about the different types of weather. We have recorded the weather for this week on a graph, reviewed our data, and watched a few videos to get a better view of the different types of weather we have throughout the year! We also worked on identifying the appropriate clothing for the various types of weather. Lastly we matched our weather vocabulary to to the appropriate visual that represents a particular type of weather.
Ms. Cunningham, Ms. Curtis, Ms. Derfler, and Ms. Lucas
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P.E. - Week 5 and Sports Mix Club ( grades 3-5 only )
Greetings Parents/Guardians,
Another great week inside the CMIT gymnasium. The younger students, K-2, learned all about the different levels of speed while moving forward, the difference between directions and pathways which was covered last week, and finally the definition and application of force. The students loved playing and can tell you all about the new game they learned called "boo-boo tag."
The older students in grades 3-5 held in depth discussions about strategy and tactics. Students were able to differentiate between the two and identify tactics used in a tag game of their own. I'm proud to say that this week's lesson was very student run and each class was able to provide multiple tactics and strategies in which to either chase someone or flee during the tag games.
I'm sad to say that my Sports Mix club only has 6 of 30 possible students enrolled so far. Many students have shown interest and taken sign-up sheets from me, but have failed to bring them back signed AND with the one-time $10 membership fee. The club is every Monday from 3-4 pm and for grades 3-5 only, due to the complexity of the information and tasks that are to be performed each week. I will leave some copies of my club agreement form to be signed in the main office. I can only take 30 students in the club so entry is based on first-come first-served. If you take one, please read the agreement in its entirety as BOTH students and parents must sign the agreement along with bringing the $10 on Monday. Students can not come and go into the club on weeks that suit their interests. It is a full membership that should be honored and students will sign in each week.
The club agreement and syllabus on what sports we will cover on which weeks are attached to this newsletter. I would like to get the club up to exactly 30 students so we can field an entire team for both offense and defense each week and make it a real game !
Please bring the agreement tomorrow, Friday, Oct 11 or Monday, Oct 15 along with $10 if you wish to be enrolled in the club before the next session. I will turn away students who come with one and NOT the other.
Please enjoy your weekend !!
Garrett Loomer
P.E. Teacher - Department Chair
CMIT South Elementary
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I Love Music!
Next week, we will be decorating the large board in the Music Room using the theme "#I Love Music!". Parents, please allow students to go online and print out a picture dealing with music to post on the board. My suggestion is that students use the Google images search engine. Here are some examples of searches that might yield the best return: I love music, music, iPod, Rhythm, etc. Students can search their favorite artist, instrument, and/or song as well. My goal is to create a board that represents each student and depicts how music brings us all together regardless of other differences. Students will be receiving a homework grade for their contribution so please be sure that your child brings something. I will also be sending out a reminder message via Class Dojo. Thank you for all of your help and I cannot wait to see what everyone brings!
Jared Bailey
Music Teacher
CMIT South Elementary
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3rd Grade Welcomes October!
Hello Parents,
This past week I have noticed that there are so many students that are coming to school without pencils, folders, and glue. This is a HUGE concern with going into the second month of school. I am asking you to please check with your child every Friday and make sure that they have what they need to be successful in school. Being prepared and ready to learn is a social skill grade that they are graded on weekly. We want to see all of your students successful!
Cultural Projects were all amazing! I am so proud of every single one of them. We have finished all projects! It took some time but we did it! Cookbooks are currently being put together and you will see them in December to prepare and organize all of them.
Comprehension packets will be coming out the beginning of next week. These are not mandatory, only optional, but will encourage their reading comprehension.
As always, I am available via Class Dojo and Email.
-Ms. Pavignano
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3rd Grade Art
What’s been going on in Art class lately…
This week in art, 3rd grade students invented insects! We discussed what defines an insect and identified their main parts. Leading up to this assignment, students covered sheets of paper with paint and then created various textures in the paint from experimenting with objects. Some objects included plastic forks, scrubby sponges, a potato masher and hair combs.
Next week, students will begin using their painted textures to make collages of their original insect designs! This artistic process is inspired by artist Eric Carle, author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Click the link to see and hear the story!
Brittney Frei
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Lego & Robotics
This week K-2 graders built the launcher and spinning top using the instruction paper. They observed how the spinning tops spin faster and better.
3-5 graders tried to figure out how simple machine’s speed increase of the rotation. They built a simple machine and observe when they crank the handle one full turn and count how many times the position marker turns.
Additionally, thank you for the interesting to the clubs. As I said I will choose the students to depend on their wishes, skills, and behaviors. I will make a pre-test and send emails to you.
The Lego Club will be started for first and second graders on October 15th at 3:30 pm.
The Math Club will be started for 4th or 5th graders on October 16th at 3:30 pm.
The FLL Club will be started for 4th and 5th graders on October 20th at 9 am.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Esra Keskin
Lego & Robotics Teacher
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Announcements & Reminders
Technology Class
Greetings Parents/ Guardians,
This week students’ assignments are from 10/15 to 10/19
K-1 graders: Beginning Mouse and Typing Skills Development
• Students will learn how to use the mouse by moving it with purpose as a basic skill.
• Students will consistently and regularly type the alphabet A-Z to develop letter recognition and basic keyboard literacy.
These are online activities that help students practice basic mouse skills
K grade typing
1st grade typing
Assignment for 2-3 graders: Computer Fundamentals: Mouse, Select, Drag, and Double-click
- In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice using a mouse to select, drag, and double-click as they select items using the pointer and mouse button, move objects on the screen, and double-click to open objects.
Assignment for 4-5 graders: Computer Fundamentals: Symbols of Technology
- In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners will receive direct instruction and practice recognizing and applying simple pictures and symbols to identify and use technology.
Assignments will be graded based on participation, following the instructions from the assignment, turning in the assignment on time and effort during the class assignments.
Thank you,
Mrs. AK
Technology Teacher
Mrs. Ak
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Kindergarten Arts and Crafts club!
Hi K Arts and Craft families! Just checking in to let you see what we spent our time on this week. We embraced the fall theme again and made decorative fall wreaths. I hope you enjoyed them as much as the kids did and were able to hang them up! Just one last reminder to turn in your money for the club so we can do more extensive and fun crafts. Thank you to those who have already turned in your money, you’ll receive receipts at our next club meeting.
Ms. Lucas and Ms. Curtis
Diana Lucas
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PTO News
Fall 2018 CMIT South Elementary School Book Fair
CMIT South ES PTO is excited to host its first Book Fair at CMIT South Elementary. In order to make the book Fair a great success, we will need your help!
The Book Fair is scheduled for Oct 22-Nov 2, 2018. We will need volunteers to assist with events such as Teacher Preview Day, Parent Night, Student Preview Days, Student Shopping Days, etc. There will also be general shopping times in the afternoon beginning Oct 24-Nov 1, 2018 and generally we will need two-three volunteers for that time period. Special event days will require about 4-10 volunteers depending on the activities planned for the event. Set -Up and Break-Down of the event will require about 4-6 volunteers.
Please use this link to sign up to volunteer during the Book Fair:
Patrice Harrell-Carter Principal
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Catch up with PTO News
Please view our newsletter here! Don't forget to sign up to receive directly in your inbox if you haven't already!
Missed our PTO Meeting? No need to worry, you can view it here! We'll be making improvements to our live event technology to enhance your viewing experience!
"The" CMIT PTO Board
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Student Success
This past Wednesday, I witnessed our PTO members making plans and sharing their vision for our new school -The CMIT South Elementary. This was a great opportunity for me to see school and families in partnership for student success.
Our PTO Board has made many plans to support student success this year. One thing I now ask of our parents is that you encourage ALL scholars to be productive in their attempts to complete all school work, and model positive behavior. I have stated this before; I cannot overemphasize the importance of the home supporting our teachers as they work assiduously to plan and implement meaningful lessons, while monitoring and supporting positive behavior.
The success of school and home have always been the common denominators. We applaud our parents who are on board this year to make it a success. Go Tigers! Let's hear you ROAR!
L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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The Counselor's Den
Importance of Attendance in School
Great day Thee CMIT Family! It was another exciting week of working with your energetic and excited learners.
This week I would like to take a moment to address the imperativeness of teaching our students the importance of attendance. Let's look at the definition of attendance:
Attendance is "the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event" (
As we translate the definition of attendance in association within the school system, it reflects students' behavior may be determined by his/her attendance in school. For example, a student who is often tardy,or absent may eventually become disruptive as a way of avoiding the negative attention from his/her classmates due the students' absences/tardiness. A student who is often absent from school may also develop the mindset of not caring, because him/her is unable to develop a healthy relationship with he teachers and classmates.
"Attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent" (
How important is attendance?
The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to
build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. In addition to falling behind in academics, students who are not in school on a regular basis
are more likely to get into trouble with the law and cause problems in their communities.
A 2008 study conducted by the Rodel Community Scholars at Arizona State University that tracked students from kindergarten through high school found that dropout
patterns were linked with poor attendance, beginning in kindergarten. Gregory Hickman, director of the Rodel Community Scholars program and former director of the
Arizona Dropout Initiative, notes they discovered that as early as kindergarten, behavioral differences are apparent between those who go on to graduate and those who
drop out, with dropouts missing an average of 124 days by eighth grade (
It is possible the above statements, may be associated to the characteristics students develop and transfer into the workforce. Students who encounter difficulty in maintaining good attendance while attending school, oftentimes take the same behavior into his/her form of employment. When a student is constantly late or absent, there is a strong possibility it will reflect on his/her paycheck (while in school grades are form of students' earning his/her paycheck).
Below are a few articles and videos to assist in the importance of attendance in school:
DM Davis,
Professional School Counselor,
CMIT South ES,
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