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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary




Important News

Early Dismissal

Grade Level Greatness

Kindergarten Rocks!

2nd Grade Greatness!

3rd Grade Updates!

Announcements & Reminders

Technology Class

PTO News

Updating Schoolmax

Fabulous Fifth Graders

Important News
Early Dismissal

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
Grade Level Greatness
Kindergarten Rocks!

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
2nd Grade Greatness!
Greetings to all our 2nd grade Tiger families and supporters! Can you believe it?!?! It's already the 4th week of school! We are so excited to see all of our students getting back in the swing of learning in person and comfortable with the classroom norms and routines so that effective and efficient learning can take place! Students are reminded to bring their thinking caps, listening ears, and focus goggles to school (in-person AND virtually) every single day! Just a reminder that Friday, October 1 is a professional development day, so students will not be reporting for school that day. Social Studies: This week in Social Studies we are learning what all about citizens. Our objectives are: Students will identify and describe characteristics of good citizenship. Students will describe ways in which citizens make positive contributions to their school and community. Students will demonstrate good citizenship by taking responsibility for personal actions, respecting and being fair with others, and being honest. We will continue our classwork on pages 12- 17 Science:This week in Science. We are learning about the four Seasons and Day Length. Our objectives are: Students will analyze sunrise and sunset times from different seasons. Students will analyze sunrise and sunset data from different times of year. After analyzing data students will see that there is more daylight during the summer months than the winter months. They will relate this to temperature. Students will notice patterns in sunrise and sunset data and be able to continue the patterns. We will create a pamphlet of the four seasons for a hallway display. Then we will have a worksheet activity to review our knowledge of the seasons. Health: Responsible scholars we are! In health we are going to be working on how to be safe and avoid dangerous situations. We will engage in activities that provide our scholars opportunities to make positive decisions. - decision making - goals to maintain safety - avoid danger Math: This week in math, we are exploring topic 2.1. In this unit, we are focusing on MD Common Core Standards 2.OA.2, 2.OA.3, 2.OA.4, and 2.MD.8 where we will be reviewing equal groups and what it means for numbers to be even and odd. We are also learning to sort coins by their names, values, and physical attributes. Students will recognize that groups of 10 pennies can be exchanged for dimes and how this relates to base ten blocks (ones and tens). We have had a fun time introducing and practicing our math routines such as Calendar Math and Math Talks! Ask your scholars about quick counts and estimation jars. Ways to support learning at home: Coin games- Take turns exchanging smaller coins for bigger coins. Emphasize that the amount of coins is not as important as the value of coins. Talk about money when you are out shopping for groceries, clothes, etc. Have them recognize, compare, and discuss the cost of items. Be sure to review our unit family letter next week to find additional ways to support learning at home! Important Materials Needed: If you have not already done so, please send in a purple folder, blue folder, and a composition notebook specifically for math. These materials are essential to our classroom organization and success. Reading: This week in reading, students will be learning about short e, o, and u sounds. Our essential question is, “How are families around the world different?” Our vocabulary words are aside, culture, fair, invited, language, plead, scurries, and share. We will be going over commands and exclamations this week in grammar to build off of what we learned about sentences last week! This week, we will be doing shared reading, interactive read alouds, and close reads while we learn about families from all over the world! We will also be doing MAP Reading testing this week, so please have your students get a good night’s sleep and come in with a charged up chromebook (and thinking cap!) ready to go!

In partnership, The Second Grade Team -Ms. Phillips -Mrs. Valera -Mrs. Boggess -Mr. Rowland
3rd Grade Updates!
Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who attended back to school night! We had a great turnout and we really do appreciate your feedback! Students are just about finished with the MAP Math and the MAP Reading, and teachers will be sending scores home very soon if they have not already. We will take it again in the winter and the spring so we are going to try to make as much growth as possible! We are moving right along in class with our curriculum and we have started giving homework this week as well. Please make sure to be checking Canvas daily for any homework, announcements, or important info. In person students will be using Canvas, but we will have both physical homework and virtual homework. If a student is absent, they can always complete their homework on Canvas! Please make sure use our Google Site as it has many helpful links and resources such as schedules, more newsletters, important links, and a weekly assignment breakdown page! Here's the link to our google site: We can't wait to continue learning and progressing in 3rd grade together! Please let us know if you have any questions! From your 3rd Grade Team! :)

Leah McDonagh Kylie Fleet Tamara Mathews Rashidah Balogun
Announcements & Reminders
Technology Class
Dear CMIT Families, This week we learn about how to log in to Google Classroom in Technology Class. Students do not use their Chromebooks in the Technology class because we have iMac computers. Therefore, they need to use their PGCPS email account Username and Password to access Google Classroom. Many of our students do not remember their usernames and passwords because they do not use them for their Chromebooks. Can you please practice entering usernames and passwords for Gmail at home? You can write their username and passwords on a piece of paper for them to remember if necessary. If students don't remember their password in Class, I can't help them access Google Classroom or their assignments so they need to keep their password in mind. If you have any questions, please send me messages by Class Dojo. Thank you,

Mrs. Ak
PTO News
Updating Schoolmax

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
Fabulous Fifth Graders

L. Watkis (Assistant Principal)
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