Administrative Announcements
Happy Holidays
As we are quickly approaching the end of the physical year, we wanted to say Happy Holidays to all of our CMIT Elementary families, community partners, and supporters.
Please remember that our scholars are still children and yes their education is a priority but we want them to enjoy their education journey. We want them to be exposed to interesting teachers and subjects. We want them to love learning. We want them to be open to others’ ideas. And we want them to have some fun along the way.
So over this short winter break allow them some time to just be kids.
Happy Holidays to you all.
Ms. Riley and CMIT ES Staff
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Its Cold outside
As the weather continues to play with our emotions, please be reminded that if it is 32' or above we do go outside for recess. Please ensure that your scholars come to school with an appropriate hat and coat (that closes). We would like to ensure that they are warm while playing outside.
Also if students are shuttle bus riders, we are still lining up outside for the bus. Please remind your driver that school dismissal begins at 2:20 pm. Many buses are not arriving until between 2:35 -2:45. That is up to 25 minutes standing outside waiting on them. (Our scholars are cold!)
As always thank you for your support.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Winter Packets
All Kindergarten through Grade 5 packets are optional for students to complete. We do recommend that students should continue to work and grow over their break from Dec 23, 2016 to Jan 2, 2017. The winter break packets are Parcc aligned. The packets will be available online as December 16, 2016 through January 2, 2017 at
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Good Bye Mr. Hodges
Many of you know, Mr. Hodges. He has been a substitute here with us for 3 years now. Man how time flies.
Mr. Hodges, now Officer Hodges, is moving on to become a Park Police Officer with Montgomery County Police Department.
He will be missed. He is forever a CMIT Tiger.
Good Luck! We look forward to you coming back and visiting with us on career day.
CMIT Staff
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Parent Speak UP survey
This survey is about your child(ren)'s education and your ideas about how your school is using technology to improve teaching and learning. We are also interested in how you and your child use technology for learning and communicating at home. Please encourage your child to complete the Student Survey. Your neighbors and co-workers can share their ideas by completing the Community and Business Partners survey, as well. The survey will take 15 minutes or less to complete. Read the Overview page ( or visit the Project Tomorrow national site for more detailed information.
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Future Assessments
CMIT Elementary scholars will take following assessments in near future.
January 9th - February 15th: ACCESS testing (ELL students only). January 17th - February 3rd: MAP - Winter testing (K-5) January 17th - January 27th: FAST #2 Science Assessment (5th grade only)
Arif Akpinar Program Coordinator
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CLF Stem Fair & Makers' FEST
Ready, Set, CREATE! On January 28th, 2017 CLF will host its annual STEMFair and 1st annual MakersFEST at CMIT Elementary. With STEMFair projects and research already underway the competition seems to be heating up! We are also highlighting those who choose not to compete but would like to show off their talents! The MakersFEST is a non-competitive showcase so everyone is invited to enter. All you have to do is fill out the MakersFEST Fundamental Form! This year CLF will also provide financial support on a first come first serve basis to those who may need it. If you find yourself short on supplies just contact with a quote for the materials you need. Don’t forget to send progress pictures of your creation to for printing. As a reward for entry, MakersFEST participants will be entered into a raffle to win cool prizes! Next year CLF plans to share these MakersFEST projects with the Maryland STEM Festival and the world! Come out and see the creativity of our future inventors on January 28th!
Cihan Bicer CLF Student Activities Director
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CMIT Academic Calendar
CMIT follows PGCPS calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website: and their families are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2016-17 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent. Students will earn incentives for Perfect Attendance. Please note that June 12, 2017 – June 15, 2017 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not any family vacations until after June 16, 2017. Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for 2016-17 calendar updates: state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school: -Death in the immediate family -Illness of the student -Quarantine -Court summons -Principal-approved activity -Mental or physical incapacity -Violent storms -Observance of a religious holiday -State of emergency
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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The MESA club is off to a great start. We will have our final Club meeting of the year on Thursday December 22, 2016. Students should bring in the $10 club fee as soon as possible. Students should bring in a personal snack on club days. So far we have decided on groups for the different competitions. We have started our bridge design for our big competition. We have started creating our scratch game. We are very excited about this opportunity. Students may bring any STEM fair questions they have to our club meeting! Our club is at capacity with 20 students. Thank you for your interest in STEM!
Benora McCain
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Math Tiger Club
I would like to share that Math Kangaroo competition date has been announced. It will be held on Thursday, March 16 2017. We are working on previous Math Kangaroo test questions and working so hard to ensure good results.
Mrs. Inci
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CMIT Steppers
I am excited to announce the 2016-2017 CMIT Steppers Step Team. Students in grades 3-5 came out to learn a combination step and execute it as a group. Students came ready to work and I am super excited to work with these scholars as we begin putting together routines and chants. Look out for us in the new year.
Yanisha Daniel
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Flu vs Cold
Let’s fight the Flu together!
We are now in flu season and the best way to protect you and your family from the flu is to get vaccinated. Flu vaccines are offered at doctor’s offices, clinics, health departments, pharmacies and by many employers. Other tips to fight the flu include:
Washing hands frequently Covering coughs with your elbow Sneezing into tissues Eating a healthy meal Exercising Getting plenty of rest Disinfecting frequently touched areas
Differentiating a cold from the flu can be difficult. Please use the chart above. If you are still unsure please contact your health care provider.
Please keep all sick children home until they are fever free, without medication for 24 hours. Students must not have any episodes of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. Please also remember that your child needs to feel well enough to be in class and ready to learn. Have a safe and healthy holiday season!
Crystal Anthony, RN, BSN - CMIT Nurse
CMIT Nurse
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Germ Warfare
Wellness newsletter
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Lost and Found
Items left in the lost and found will be donated on December 23, 2016. Please ensure that you (your scholar) check that they do not have any items there.
Thank you
CMIT Elementary Staff
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K-Kids gets a banner!
The Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City presented K-Kids with an official banner! Kiwanis President Andrew Wong and our club officers proudly display our new banner - to be used at future events and meetings!
The Kids also finished up the blankets that will be donated and distributed to DC's less fortunate. Way to go K-Kids!
- Ms. Santiago
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Enrichment Program,
Please ensure that you pick up your child(ren) on time from the enrichment program. If you are late, a late fee will apply and payment is due upon your arrival. You will be asked to make payment in the front office. Only credit/debit cards accepted.
Enrichment Program new hours for early dismissal days: 1:00pm - 4:00pm.
Please provide healthy snacks with your child if you are an enrichment parent. Students start to the program with snacks time. There is also a vending machine available in the cafeteria for enrichment students.
Emergency Drop off Fee,
Students who picked up after 3:00 pm will be charged a $20 emergency drop-in enrichment fee and payment is due upon your arrival.
Arif Akpinar Program Coordinator
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Dance, Dance, Dance....
This week was the first performance of the dance team and they did an awesome job! These girls are 3-5th graders who have work so hard to show their talents and gifts. I am happy to be their coach and I look forward to many more performances this year.
Tenika Fryson
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Holiday Performances at PG Mall
Greetings CMIT Chorus Parents!
I am so proud of the CMIT Chorus members. They performed at PG Mall on Friday, December 9th and did a PHENOMENAL job. They were so excited to see people stop, listen, and enjoy the hard work and time they've put in over the past 2 months. Take a moment and view the pics and videos from the performance.
Also, as a reminder, we will had our CMIT Holiday Concert this Tuesday, December 13th @9:00am.
Rafealito Ross General Music Teacher CMIT Chorus Director
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Progress Reports
We are approaching the end of the calendar year and are on the cusp of a well-deserved break. Please note the following this week.
- Q2 Progress Reports are scheduled to be released Wednesday, December 21st. - Schools will be closed for Winter Break Friday, December 23rd.
We wish you a restful break and look forward to seeing you in the new year on January 3rd!
CMIT Administration
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We represented CMIT well at the UMD basketball game!
Congratulations to our upper elementary students for a great job representing our school. We appreciate you and all our volunteers. Please consider attending another game with your bookmark ticket. Job well done!
Benora McCain
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Volunteers needed for our STEM fair!
We will be having our Third annual CMIT Elementary STEM fair on January 7, 2017. We need volunteers. Please complete the link below if you are able to volunteer.
Benora McCain
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CMIT Elementary STEM FAIR & OPEN HOUSE January 7th, 2016
Dear parents;
As you know, our students are working hard for our annual Stem Fair which will take place on Saturday, January 7th. Please help, support and encourge your child(ren) and plan to join this exciting event. This year, there will be an open house for prospective parents on the same day too. We are very excited to host prospective parents and present our scholars' projects on December 7th, 2017.
Event details will be shared soon...
Adam Akpinar Program Coordinator
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Third Annual STEM Fair projects are due January 3rd!
Benora McCain
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Papa Johns spirit day receipts!
It's not too late! Send in you Papa Johns receipts. Monday morning will be the absolute last day. You can email it to Mrs. Mccain at Thank you for all you support!
Benora McCain
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Glow Party!
Our invitation only GLOW party will be December 20, 2016. This event will take place during school hours! This is for students who sold at least eight fundraiser items. Siblings within our school are welcome. All students that receive and invitation may wear black and white. Invitations should go home on December 16th and the 19th. If you would like to help monitor students during this event email Mrs. Mccain at Thank you for your support!
Benora McCain
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Kindergarten wishes you and your family a wonderful holiday and restful Winter Break! Don't forget to work on your presentations for the STEM Fair! It is due on Tuesday, January 3rd! If you have questions, please contact your teacher before Thursday to ensure a response! This week in Kindergarten... English Language Arts We will read the story "George Washington Visits." It is a story about a young boy's encounter with General Washington. We will be comparing and contrasting the past and present and working with initial and final /d/. Mathematics We are adding! Students will be learning how to join groups to find a total. We will be learning the plus sign and equal sign as well! Students will also be identifying how many more they will need to get to 10! Please note: students should still practice finding 1 and 2 fewer. (This will be integral when we transition to subtraction after Winter Break!) Be sure to get some extra practice at home! An easy way to incorporate this at home is during dinner prep or at the grocery. For example, "I have eight apples, but I need 2 more (or 2 fewer). How many will that be? Can you do that for me?" This will help make Subtraction and Addition much easier later in the year! Science Students will be learning about motion and magnets. What types of motion are there? What is force? How do we apply force? High Frequency Words Here are our sight words we have learned so far. Remember to practice reading and writing these words regularly! (When reading at home, if you see these words, have your child point it out!) All of the words we will learn this year are available on our grade level website under "Sight Words." I, am, little, to, a, have, is, the, we, my, like, he, for, me, with, she REMINDERS - Homework for Winter Break and the week we return will be distributed on Thursday, December 22 and will be due on Friday, January 7! - Homework is due on FRIDAY each week. Remember to look for their new homework packet on Fridays. Homework that is not submitted by the due date will be given a ZERO. - Please read regularly! Remember that just 20 minutes a day can boost your child's reading levels! - As the weather gets colder, remember that we still go outside for recess when the weather is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately! - If you would like to chaperone any future field trips, you must have a fingerprint background check. This can be obtained from the Fingerprint office at the county building 14201 School Lane, Upper Marlboro, MD Monday-Friday from 8:00am-3:45pm. For more information or to contact the fingerprinting office, please look at the fingerprint office website: Please remember to send an extra pair of uniform clothes to keep in your child's cubbie at school in the event of accidents or spills. - Uniform is enforced daily, including uninterrupted black shoes. Please go to for more information.
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1st Grade
1st Grade
Gingerbread Man
Reading skills – Retelling the story, character traits and compare and contrast
Spelling - Plural
Sight words – Another, thank, great, which, people
Grammar Skills – Plural Nouns –es
Math We are continuing to work on counting by 10’s, 5’s and 1’s up to 120.
Social Studies We will be learning about different cultures.
Science Our focus is Physical Science with an emphasis on sound.
Gingerbread Houses Make sure to bring in your permission slip to make a Gingerbread House. Each teacher set up sign up genius list, make sure to bring in your item and a container of icing by December 20, 2016.
STEM Fair The STEM fair project is due January 3, 2017. No late STEM Fair projects will be accepted in the STEM Fair.
Fun Activities to do at home Breaking Up Words into Syllables. As you read your leveled book, break the longer words into syllables to sound them out. Notice that when the syllable ends with a vowel, the vowel typically makes its long sound. If the syllable has a vowel in the middle of two consonants, the vowel makes its short vowel sound. Example: hop-ping, ho-ping. Extension: Use your knowledge about vowels in syllables to spell these two syllable words: clapping, redo, and lion.
It’s all in the Details. Read your leveled book. Stop periodically to talk about the story. When the story is finished, retell the story, and include key details. What is the message or lesson from this story? Extension: Make connections to the story. Does this story remind you of another story? Does this story remind you of an experience you have had?
Counting On. Have an adult say a number such as 78. You start at 78 and continue counting up to 120. Have an adult say another number such as 24. You start at 24 and continue counting up to 120. Continue the activity until it is no longer fun. Extension: Have an adult say a math equation such as 62+3. You start at 62 and then count up 3 (62…63,64,65).
1st Grade Team
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2nd Grade
Mrs. Dougherty's Super Star News
Student of the Week Our student of the week is Gabby Jones. I interviewed Gabby and learned her favorite color is red, favorite subject is technology, and her favorite sport football. Gabby is a very hard worker. She completes all of her assignments with tons of effort! She is always willing to help. Thank you Gabby, for all you do!
New Year’s Resolutions Hailey S. – I will use Sumdog to learn math! Aaron – I will workout more. Jamal – I will be nice to other people because I will treat others how I want to be treated. Gabby – To play more video games! Samuel – To eat more broccoli. Connor – To eat healthy foods.
Positive Thinking We created positive affirmations posters and put them up in the hallway. Here are some of our positive sentences: I am a winner. I am helpful. I am awesome. I feel happy. I am funny. I am thankful.
What are we learning? This week we will be reviewing what we have learned so far.
We are looking forward to having some of our parents come in next week to read and work with us!
By: Gabby Jones and Shayne Thomas
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3rd Grade
Have Fun Learning
Happy Holidays Parents, As we are moving closer to the end of the year, our scholars are synthesizing their learning and making deeper connections. Over the break encourage scholars to read a book that he or she would not normally read or visit the library to research how the Spanish and French explorers help shape our country or have your scholar help bake cookies by reading the directions and measurements. So much fun learning can happen over the break. We cannot wait to hear how scholars continue their learning incorporating Math, Science, Social Studies and Reading in their day to day activities. This week in Reading, students will be revisiting character traits and opinion writing. In Social Studies we will continue to look at how the French and Spanish Explorations help shape our country. In Math and Science, students will continue discussing the effects of different forces on an object’s motion and interpreting data. Check out the following link for 50 fun activities to do over the holiday break. a safe and happy holiday. See you in the new year!
Yanisha Daniel
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4th Grade
4th Grade News
As we prepare for Winter Break, students should all be working to complete their STEM Fair projects and research papers. Research papers should follow the rubric provided in the STEM Booklet on page IV. Please keep the research papers to a reasonable length, and ensure that students are doing the writing themselves. Remember, students should be able to explain their projects to the judges, so make sure you practice your presentations at home!
We would like to congratulate Zach Ward for being the only fourth grader to receive a 100% on their Math Test. GREAT JOB Zach! Keep up the great work! Congratulations to all other students for working hard and doing their BEST!
As this will be our last newsletter before Winter Break, we wish all families a safe and happy holiday! See you next year!
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5th Grade
Winter Break!
Pictures this week feature:- Emnet Theodros and Nathaniel Hicks. Students worked on Parallel Circuits this week.
Parents and students-Happy Holidays! Stay safe.
The holidays are almost here. Research shows that our scholars sometimes forget knowledge learned over the holidays. Parents-this is how you can help. Please ensure that daily reading is still been done during the break. This is the BEST time to have students read a novel, since they may be indoors a lot.
In January, students will begin testing in different subject areas to measure growth. PARCC is coming up as well-we would like to exceed the state standards in all areas. Please support the following:- 1. Read a good book (s) 2. Study time table 3. Study the Periodic Table 4. Practice cursive writing 5. Practice Fifth Grade Vocabulary list-students have a copy.
Lesma Watson Watkis
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Creative Arts
Hello CMIT Family,
I hope all is well. I would like to inform you about our Robotics Club. We did a great job with scholars and have completed four missions so far. As you know we will participate First Lego League(FLL) this year and I just would like to share with you tournament date. Our tournament will be held Prince George County Community College Saturday, February 4th.
I would like to thank my robotics club 5th-Grade students, Peter Abang Jonathan Pannell Tony Tinsley Nehemiah Hilton-Bey Cory Wigfall Stanislaus Vittor Malik Capers
Lego Teacher Mr. INCI Sincerely,
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Pikachu's Wish!
Pikachu says "Please share our CMIT Elementary School Art Wish List so we can replenish our art supplies for second semester!" Our highest needed items are paint brushes, new Elmers glue bottles, and broad Crayola markers (the markers and glue can be purchased anywhere!). Please consider sending something or sharing our wish list. All purchased items will be shipped directly to the school and will be used by all of our scholars! Lastly, clay is my absolute favorite media to teach and it is also on the list. Thank you so much for your support! CMIT Elementary Art Wish List Link: please take some time to sit down with your scholar and make art. Make thank you note collages, color in the snow with old squeeze bottles of colorful water, cut stuff (practice using the scissors the correct way), glue stuff (practice "a dot does a lot"), practice coloring slowly and carefully with markers and practice clicking the kids shut. Most importantly make it fun! (If your scholar is overwhelmed easily try focusing on 1 supply at a time.) Have a fantastic winter break tigers!
Megan Breckenridge
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CMIT Chorus Club Winter Celebration
Greerings CMIT Chorus Parents!
The chorus will have its "Winter Celebration" on Tuesday, December 20th from 3:00-4:00pm. This celebration will be in honor of the hard work, dedication, and time our scholars put in preparing for our Winter performances. The menu will consist of:
Pizza (cheese, pepperoni, and sausage) Dessert (cookies) Juice
If you would like to attend or donate items (desserts, juice boxes, napkins, paper products, or plastic ware) please inform me via class dojo or email (
Rafealito Ross General Music Teacher CMIT Chorus Director
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Physical Education
Winter is here! Please remember to bring or wear sneakers for Physical Education. Thank you.
Mr. Hatcher Physical Education
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Dear Parents, We had a great week of computer programming during our HOUR OF CODE week. Every class from Kindergarten through 5th grade participated and cumulatively our CMIT Elementary students wrote 45,000+ lines of code! What a great opportunity to learn computer science, see the code behind computer applications, and understand why these are important skills for the 21st century learner! Despite a few technology snags earlier in the week due to the high volume of participants worldwide for this 4th annual Hour of Code, the overwhelming positive response was undeniable. Many students have asked about access at home with some of the activities. Here is what CMIT Elementary students will do to improve their coding skills; RESOURCES: MINECRAFT Minecraft course gives you the chance to explore the coding behind on of the world's most popular video games. Choose between Steve or Alex and explore all of your favorite aspects of Minecraft from the eyes of a game developer. RESOURCES: STAR WARS Star Wars course is your chance to build a galaxy with code. User learn basic coding through blocks or JavaScript and work toward coding their own Star Wars game! Happy Coding!! Mrs. Avsar -Technology Teacher
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PTO Announcements
Secret Holiday Shop
Attention CMIT Parents..... Santa stopped by CMIT and dropped off tons of gifts for childern to by so we decided to open the Children's Secret Shop December 12th through 17th from 8AM until 6PM! Children will have the opportunity to shop for family and friends. Volunteer in the Shop: wait there is more.... Looking to finish your last minute shopping.... have no fear a silent auction is here. Please see the attached file and don't forget to place your bid!!!!
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FAQs |
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Transportation: Student Drop Off /Pick Up and Early Departure
Note: The parents/guardians are responsible for the daily transportation of their child(ren). CMIT-Elementary does not provide transportation during student arrival or student dismissal. Please update the authorized person(s),including the bus company or the childcare business, that will pick up your child(ren)by submitting an email or written notice to , and the Principal’s Secretary,
Q: What is the earliest that I may drop off my child?
A: 7:35 a.m.
Q: Where should we drop off students in the morning?
A: All car riders should be driven to the rear of the building and dropped off at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process constant and mobile. Carpoolers that include 3 or more students may be dropped off at the main office entrance along with the bus riders.
Q: What is the earliest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal begins around 2:30 p.m.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and charged Enrichment late fees.
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and CHARGED ENRICHMENT DROP IN FEES (PAYABLE UPON PICK UP).
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Students should be picked up from the Main Office no later than 2:10 p.m. To expedite the process, please send an email to the classroom teacher, the receptionist, Mrs. Virgil, and the School Secretary, and the Principal’s Secretary or submit a handwritten note in order to expedite the process.
Q: What is the process for walkers?
A: CMIT-Elementary does not recognize walkers since there are no residences within walking distance. Please call the Main Office at 240.573.7240 if you have unique circumstances relevant to the pick up of your child. Please consider that CMIT-Elementary does have a student body of 500 and we are unable to accommodate 500 different unique circumstances.
Uniform Policy
Q: How do I order uniforms?
A: All uniform shirts and tops are handled by the All American Wear. Please call 301-459-5000. All khaki or navy uniform bottoms may be purchased here or at any retail store that sells uniform pants, shorts (except cargo pants), skorts, etc. Full dresses are not allowed for females. The CMIT-ES logo must show during the school day.
Q: When will the uniform policy be enforced?
A: The uniform policy will begin during the first week of school. Please ensure that students are wearing a burgundy or royal blue polo until official uniform tops are received prior to September 19, 2016.
Q: When does the student wear the Physical Education uniform?
A: Please confirm the day of the week that the students enrolled in Physical Education class. Then, students report to school and wear the gym uniform all day. Parents may wish to send the students with wipes for sanitary purposes.
Q: Must the uniform shoe have all black?
A: Yes, the shoe worn with the uniform must be ALL BLACK. Any tennis shoes can be worn for PE and PE only.
Visitations and Volunteers
Q: How does a parent make an appointment to visit a class?
A: Please email to request an appointment. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to the email. All classroom observations will be limited to 15 minutes.
Q: How does a parent volunteer for classroom assistance, chaperone of field trips, etc?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to express an interest in volunteering. The classroom teacher will contact the parent to establish a date, time, and the nature of the task(s). however, we ask that parents participate in a brief orientation sponsored by the PTO prior to volunteering. Please contact the PTO at for assistance.
Parent’s Corner
Parent Teacher Conferences
Q: How is a Parent Teacher Conference scheduled?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to request a conference date. The parent will have no more than 30 minutes to meet with the teacher. The conference date scheduled by PGCPS is November 11, 2016. Any other conference requests must be scheduled with the teacher.
Parent Teacher Organization
Q: When will the Parent Teacher Organization Meet?
A: The PTO is scheduled to meet on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. except when a holiday, school closing and/or early dismissal has been scheduled. The following dates have been designated for PTO meetings: September 13, 2016; October 4, 2016; December 6, 2016; February 7, 2017; ; April 4, 2017; and June 6, 2017.
Student Academic Performance
Q: How do I know if my student is missing assignments and/or homework? How do I follow up on my student’s progress in the class?
A: Please check the School Max website first. If there are further questions, email the teacher for information on your child’s academic progress or call 240.573.7240 to leave the teacher a voicemail message.
Q: To whom do I express my concerns about academics?
A: Please contact the teacher first. If the teacher fails to respond, then contact the Program Coordinator, The next line of communication is the administration.
Home Visits
Q: When will the home visits begin?
A: Parents should submit a request to the teacher. A teacher and/or staff member will contact the parent to schedule a date and time that is convenient for the parent and the CMIT Staff.
Student Breakfast/Lunch
Q: What time does breakfast begin?
A: Breakfast is served from 7:35 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. in the cafeteria. Students arriving at 7:50 a.m. or later should have breakfast prior to being dropped off.
Q: How much are the breakfast/lunch?
ELEMENTARY (Kindergarten - 5) |
Reduced Price Breakfast
Full Price Breakfast
Reduced Price Lunch
Full Price Lunch
Q: How do I pay for the breakfast/lunch?
Cash |
Send Cash payment to the school cafeteria so your child’s account can be updated.
Online Payments using a debit or credit card
Visit to set up, review, and add money to your child’s account.
The account balance follows the student as long as they are enrolled in a Prince George’s County Public School.
Q: Where can I find the menu for the breakfast/lunch?
A: Please click on the link for the School Menu.
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