Administrative Announcements
Progress Reports
We are halfway through the quarter, and progress report grades will be available in Schoolmax after 12 noon on Monday. Reports are scheduled to be sent home on October 5th. Please take this opportunity to speak with your scholar about grades and strategies to ensure this quarter is a successful one.
As the year progresses Parents and scholars are asked to monitor their Schoolmax account on a regular basis. Parents are asked to contact the classroom teachers directly if there are any questions about the gradebook.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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No School for students on Friday
Schools are closed on Friday September 30, 2016 for Professional Development. Students are not to report to building. Please plan accordingly. Enjoy your 3 day weekend.
CMIT Administration
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Kids Helping Kids Food and Funds Drive 2016
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is excited to kick off our annual Kids Helping Kids Food & Funds Drive. This year's campaign will be held October 3 - October 28, 2016. The goal this year is to collect 500,000 pounds of food for Marylanders. Food and funds collected during the drive will be donated to community food banks for distribution to soup kitchens, pantries, and shelters. There will be boxes in the cafeteria for donations.
Ms. Riley
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Lost & Found
Lately there have been many items left behind in the school causing our lost & found bin to pile up. If you could please help us by asking your child to collect his or her items left behind it would be greatly appreciated.
Ms. Riley
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Inaugural edition of the new CLF Seasonal, "The Local Motive"
Please enjoy and read the Chesapeake LightHouse Foundation's publication, The Local Motive. It highlights items from all the schools under CLF.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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CLF Advanced Studies REGISTRATION is open now!
The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) will offer a variety of programs aimed at helping students further develop social skills while improving academic performance.
The following are exclusive courses made available ONLY to CLF schools’ students.
COLLEGE AWARENESS AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM: If you like hearing, “You’re IN!” or “You’re Hired!” then consider CLP— a mentorship program designed to help qualified students to improve their skills in Academics, Social, Extracurricular, Personal development and certainly, leadership! CLP is a long term mentor-mentee commitment utilized by high-achieving students to propel them in the competitive admission process of our top US college & universities. To apply to the CLP program, contact your school’s CLP Coordinator.
SAT/PSAT MATH and ENGLISH PREP: In these classes, we walk through solving practice problems that will cover all of the skills you’ll need (& want!) for the upcoming SAT Math and English sections. SAT/PSAT Math, Mrs. Inci, Monday 4:00-5:30pm, @CLF Advanced Studies Dates: Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Now 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, & Dec 19 (12 weeks, $300) SAT/PSAT English, Ms. Underwood, Tuesday 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies Dates: Sep 27, Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 15, Nov 22, Now 29, Dec 6, Dec 13, & Dec 20 (12 weeks, $300)
ADVANCED MATH PROGRAM: Designed by CLF’s Math Champions / Alumni, this unique program caters to CLF students who want to be further challenged in mathematics. The CLF’s Advanced Math Program enables these students who already excel at standard, grade level mathematics in school and are looking for a more interesting, challenging, and rewarding pace. Additionally, if you are currently a student on or considering participation in your school’s math team, this program is ideal for improving your personal & competition results! If you would like to attend AMP, please email us at ADVANCED Math, Mr. Avsar, Ms. Sandeep, Mr. Carmean, Mr. Onyshkevysh(s), Saturday, 9:00am-1:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies (monthly/$100)
ANDROID APP. PROGRAMMING: Student will learn programming and building for Android Applications using MIT's App Inventor which is a cloud-based tool to develop Applications for the Android Operating System. These apps can then be downloaded and run on any Android device. “There should be an app for that…now let’s build it!” This program is composed of two main stages. 1) Instruction of the App Inventor components through small fun projects. 2) A Capstone Project that requires Identifying a real problem and developing an application to address this problem. Students who complete this program successfully will be granted a Certificate of Completion. This program is designed for High School students or the middle school students who take high school math credits. Android App Programming, Mr. Sarica, Wednesday, 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 30, Dec 14, & Dec 21 (10 weeks, $250)
PUBLICATION & GRAPHIC DESIGN: While the name is self-explanatory, the assumptions stop there. Why settle for basic PowerPoints and Word docs when you could bring your creative mind to the world of graphic art, design, advertising, writing, marketing, and public relations! Learn and use tools to produce high-quality visual & written content that can help in your courses of study now, in college, and in the job market! Want to see your name in print? We do too! Help us, help you! Select student work will be published quarterly in the NEW CLF seasonal, “The Local Motive” and distributed to THOUSANDS of our subscribers, business leaders, politicians, and of course, your parents! Publication Graphic Design, Mr. Canli, Thursday, 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies Dates: Sep 29, Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 8, & Dec 15 (10 weeks, $250) Publication Graphic Design, Mr. Canli, Saturday, 11:30-1:00pm @CMIT South Dates: Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10, & Dec 17 (11 weeks, $275)
ARCHERY: This course is for everyone from beginner to experienced archers offering an introduction to archery, basic bow techniques, how to safely shoot a bow, improve your archery skills. Students will learn the steps that can be applied across all disciplines of archery. This is a fun, hands-on experience that promotes archery as a healthy lifetime activity. Students will discuss and demonstrate character development, self-evaluation skills, communication, cooperation, respect and related behaviors that are required in all effective functioning groups. No experience or equipment required for this course. CLF will provide NASP (National Archery in the School Program) original Genesis bows and arrows. No experience is required. Archery, Mr. Cihan, Saturday, 10:00-11:30am @CMIT South Dates: Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10, & Dec 17 (11 weeks, $275)
Cihan Bicer Student Activities Director Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation
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Hispanic Heritage Month
CMIT Staff
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September is Attendance Awareness Month
ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Tips for Attendance Awareness Month
Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) joins school systems nationwide in recognizing September as Attendance Awareness Month.
PGCPS expects all students to come to school everyday, on time, and prepared for academic success. This month, the Office of Pupil Personnel Services and schools across the district will raise awareness about chronic absenteeism prevention methods and promote the importance of daily attendance. Schools should promote the importance of attending school everyday on time. Poster displays, daily announcements, contests and incentives are examples of ways to promote attendance awareness. For additional ideas, click here.
“School achievement begins with regular attendance,” said Dr. Kevin M. Maxwell, PGCPS Chief Executive Officer. “As a parent, one of the most important things that you can do to support your child’s academic success is getting them to school daily.”
Helpful tips for parents:
Try to schedule extended travel during identified school calendar closures. If your child is lawfully absent from school, please send a note upon their return to school. If absent three-days or more, you may be required to provide physician documentation of absence. If you have questions or need additional support concerning your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school and or pupil personnel worker.
Research shows that chronic absences affects grade-level literacy on up to graduation rates. Consider the following:
Students chronically absent from preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are less likely to read on grade level by third grade. Students who cannot read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than proficient readers to drop out of high school. By high school, irregular attendance is a better predictor of school dropout than test scores. Students chronically absent in any grade level are less likely to graduate from high school or go on to succeed in college.
By law, parents and guardians must ensure regular attendance for their school-aged children who are enrolled in a public school. As of July 1, 2017 the compulsory school age is 5-17 years of age. This age refers to the minimum and maximum age required by a state in which a student must be enrolled in and attending public school, or an equivalent education program as defined by the law.
If a child has excessive unexcused absences, the parent/ guardian may be convicted of a misdemeanor and imprisoned, or fined by the courts. Additionally, any other adult who persuades, or attempts to persuade a student to be unlawfully absent, or who harbors a child who is unlawfully absent, may also be convicted of a misdemeanor and imprisoned and or fined.
According to PGCPS guidelines, absence from school is classified as lawful or unlawful. Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the school day, shall be considered lawful only for the following reasons:
Illness of the student (The principal shall require a physician’s certificate from the parent/guardian of a student reported continuously absent for illness) Hazardous weather conditions that would endanger the health or safety of the student Work approved or sponsored by the school, PGCPS, or the State Department of Education, accepted by the CEO, principal or their designees as reason for excusing the student Death in the immediate family Observance of a religious holiday Lack of authorized transportation Other emergency or set of circumstances approved by the CEO or his designee State of emergency Suspension Court summons Health exclusion
Unlawful absence is defined as the act of a student being absent from school for a day, or any portion of a day from an individual class, or any portion of a class for any reason other than those defined as lawful. Teachers are not required to provide missed classwork and assignments when absences are unlawful.
Attendance Tips and Resources: For helpful tips in building the habit of good attendance in elementary students, attached.
Ms. Riley
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Roaring Readers
Do you like to read? Do you enjoy doing projects? I, Ms.Riley, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to Read. Each month I will introduce a topic, theme, or idea. You may choose a book to support this. There will be a list of items that you can do to show how you connect to the book you have chosen. Your work will be displayed for all to see. I can't wait to sit down and discuss the books we have read.
All books should be at the student's reading level. October - Book about sports or a sports figure
Book extensions should be turned in the last Monday of the Month to Mrs. Dubon in the front office. Please give her a hard copy and no emailed entries. November 7, 2016 is the due date for these entries.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Observance of Library card Month (September)
Ms. Riley
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Schoolmax Access
You can find the link for SchoolMax on the PGCPS webpage under the tab for Parents, complete with instructions on how to register (for first-time users) and how to reset your password. If you use a smart phone/tablet and have a parent self-service account, you can access the new, easy-to-use mobile family portal SI Express. Check out the links below for information on self-service account registration or details on SI Express. look forward to working with you to promote student success.
Ms. Riley
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2015-2016 Yearbooks Are Available
Yearbooks for the 2015-2016 school year are available for $25. You may submit payment to Ms. Powers or Mrs. Breckenridge. Payment may be cash or check made out to CMIT Elementary.
If you have questions for the 2016-2017 yearbook please contact Ms. Cooper at
Have a great day!
Megan Breckenridge
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We are Good Readers
Kindergarten Play with letters, words, and sounds! Having fun with language helps your child learn to crack the code of reading. The tips attached offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
First grade Give your child lots of opportunities to read aloud. Inspire your young reader to practice every day! The tips attached offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
Second grade Find ways to read, write, and tell stories together with your child.Always applaud your young reader and beginning story writer! The tips attached offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
Third Grade Read about it, talk about it, and think about it! Find ways for your child to build understanding, the ultimate goal of learning how to read. The tips attached offer some fun ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
Fourth and Fifth Grade 1. Read aloud with your child. Find a comfortable spot where the two of you can read together every day for about 30 minutes. Take turns reading chapters from a book for pleasure, or read books that are above her reading level but are about things that interest her.
2. Encourage all reading. Comic books and magazines can provide a good reading experience. As long as they are age-appropriate, don't discourage his interest, but keep a stock of high-quality books in your home so he has other options easily available.
3. Keep a dictionary handy. Together, look up words she doesn't know and invest in a dictionary she can use on her own.
4. Use informative books. Encourage reading for information. If he has a science report, help him find books for his research rather than only going to the Web. While the Internet is an easy resource, teach him that books are often more detailed.
5. Discuss the books. Ask your child what an author's main theme is, how characters are alike or different, what she likes or dislikes about the story, and how it compares to other books she's read. Share your own thoughts.
6. Expect plateaus. Following some big leaps in his progress, your child may stay at the same reading level for several months. Keep encouraging him and offer praise.
7. Set a good example. Read for your own pleasure and information every day at home, in a room without television.
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School Closings in October
Schools are closed for these days in October. Please plan accordingly. - October 12 - October 21 - October 28 2 hour early dismissal - October 31
Ms. Riley
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*Student Spotlight* Cori Lewis Cori is in Mrs. Valera's class. She always comes to school with a positive attitude and a willingness to help others. Cori portrays excellent classroom citizenship by making good choices and encouraging others to do the same! Tarence Edwards Tarence is a kindergartener in Ms. Miller's class! Tarence is always excited to learn and really enjoys reading and writing. He is quite the artist too! Way to go Tarence, keep shining! This week in Kindergarten... We will be discussing the word "Honesty." What is honesty? Why is honesty important? English Language Arts We will be reading the story "Smash, Crash!" Along with the story, we will be learning nouns and verbs. We will also be identifying initial and final /m/. Mathematics We will be learning to compare numbers to 10! Students will continue to compare and also find 1 and 2 more, and 1 and 2 fewer with larger numbers. An easy way to incorporate this at home is during dinner prep or at the grocery. For example, "I have eight apples, but I need 2 more (or 2 fewer). How many will that be? Can you do that for me?" Science Students will begin observing the Earth and Sky. We will be documenting weather daily and discussing objects that can be found. Lastly, just a few dates and reminders: - Homework is due on THURSDAY, September 29 this week! - There is no school Friday, September 30 due to Teacher Professional Development - Please remember to send an extra pair of uniform clothes to keep in your child's cubbie at school in the event of accidents or spills. - Uniform is enforced daily, including uninterrupted black shoes. Please go to for more information.
- The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
1st Grade News!
Hello Parents!! Welcome to the last week of September. We have been having so much fun in first grade so far! In Math, we will be working on subtraction and in reading we will be learning about apples by reading informational text. Apple day will take place on Thursday, September 29. Please check your scholar's backpack for the permission slip and return it to school as soon as possible. We will be tasting apples, using apple stamps, and creating apple crafts. Please be on the lookout for an email from your child's teacher about how you can help with this fun event! Our website is updated often. Please check it for more updates!
Cortney Rhodes
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade Updates
Greetings Super Second Grade Parents!
Second graders have been working hard in class and learning so much! We are proud of their excellent scholarly work both at school and at home with homework packets and projects. We hope our scholars keep up the great work and continue to inquire, cooperate, and learn even more!
Next week will be testing for DRA reading assessments on Wednesday, September 28th (Mr. Trippe and Mr. Brillantes) and Thursday, September 29th (Mrs. Dougherty an Ms. Ahmed). There will also be one last Math pre-assessment on Tuesday morning in the classrooms. MAP testing has been completed for all students.
Please check your emails and Classdojo for a SignUp Genius volunteer link, and a letter from Mrs. Caler, our lead parent for the Second Grade Team.
Thank you!
The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Settling In
Thank you parents for communicating and working with us to ensure your child is successful in 3rd grade. We have had several positive conferences to come up with strategies that work for your child. We really appreciate the collaboration. This week our ELA/Social Studies classes will focus on subject/verb agreement and /j/,/k/, and/s/ sounds in our spelling words. Also, we will continue working on the summarizing and determining the main idea of informational text. In our Math and Science Class, we will work on calculating area and describing weather conditions. Please feel free to contact us on Class Dojo with any of your concerns.
Tenika Fryson
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4th Grade
Our week at a glance!
We will be completing unit one with an assesment on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will start working on comparing fractions and decimals. We will extend our understanding of fractions. Look for homework packets on Monday. Students should turn in their math and science logs next friday September 30th. Students should plan on turning in their STEM fair topics in two weeks. Congratulations to all the students who completed boat projects this week! Great job!
Benora McCain
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5th Grade
Making Progress!
Fifth graders are having a blast reading and writing each week. Many students presented their Tall Tales, and we enjoyed listening and learning from each other. Next week, we will move on to a new story. Please review the Family Time packets that will be sent home on Monday. Please access our grade level webpage to view the pacing guide for Math and Science. you for encouraging and supporting your child in all subject areas! About the picture: Students were excited to see their work on the bulletin board.
The 5th Grade Team!
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Counselors Corner
Visit Me!
Hello Tigers! I have been actively sharing some great information and ideas on our Guidance blog in support of all our scholars and their wonderful families. (right here: be sure to visit the site, check it often, and leave me a note! I would love to know (a) How you felt about any particular post! Any ideas, things that resonated with you, suggestions from personal experience or application...etc. (b) Any questions you have or topics you would like me to address! I can guarantee you that there is another parent/family out there wondering the same thing... One of my absolute favorite things about my job is the collaboration I get to participate in with all of you, so don't be shy, We are all part of the Tigers Den!
Sincerely, Ms. Ritchie Professional School Counselor
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Special Education
Special Education News
As we are midway though the first quarter, here are some helpful tips on how to build a positive relationship with the school.
Keep a paper trail- Make sure to keep copies of all report cards, progress reports, evaluations, educational assessments, IEPs, medical records, homework samples and other documents. They can provide insights into your child’s learning issues and how much progress he’s making. Take notes at important meetings and keep copies in a file.
Study Up- Read and attend workshops. Get insights from parents whose children have learning and attention issues. This way you’ll be familiar with your child’s challenges and possible ways that schools can help.
Build Relationships- Get to know your child’s teachers ( General Education & Special Education) as well as the school psychologist, speech therapist and anyone else who can help you help your child. Building relationships with these people will help keep the lines of communication more open. There’s less of a chance of misunderstanding if everyone knows each other.
Stay Calm- Remember that the teachers and other school staff members involved are there to help, even if you disagree with them. The process will go more smoothly if you listen and keep an open mind. Make a list of the topics you want to cover in important meetings. Take deep breaths. Consider bringing a friend or relative who can take notes for you and help keep you steady.
Bosede Bello Special Education Chair
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Creative Arts
Goooo Our Tiger!!!!!!!
Students have been building their imagination in the lego classroom. I enjoyed seeing their creations. Sarah Grace built amazing braveness this week.
Sincerely, Mr inci
Ibrahim Inci
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PTO Announcements
PTO Announcements
PTO Meeting Our next meeting is Oct. 4th come out and join us for a light meal served at 6pm. Men Make A Difference Day October 10th 8:00AM Donuts with Dad in Celebration of Men Make a Difference Day RSVP Required. This a very special event and is for all father's, uncle's, grandpa's and father figures involved in our students’ lives. Please make sure you sign up via the SignUp Genius link below to participate in this event: http:// Flyer is attached. Nando's October 11th 3-9PM Nando’s Peri Peri Spirit Night – Laurel Center Towne Centre at Laurel, 14722 Baltimore Ave, Laurel, MD 20707 Nando's really is life!!! Have you ever had Nando's Peri Peri??? Let me tell you it’s the best thing ever!!!!! You will not be disappointed you can pick up a whole chicken, delicious side dishes like red mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and a so much more. They also serve sandwiches, salads and yummy desserts. Please make sure you present the flyer below and support us this spirit night. You will not be disappointed. (ps... if you never had Nando's come to our PTO meeting on Oct. 4th I heard they are serving us a meal that night) PTO Earns 40% of the Bill if you Mention CMIT Panera Fundraiser October 24th 6-9PM Panera Spirit Night in Laurel 14806 Baltimore Ave, Laurel, MD 20707 PTO Earns 10% of Total Café Sales. Box Tops One of the easiest ways to support our school is by clipping BoxTops. Please use the form below to submit the BoxTops. We are encouraging parents to submit the sheets attached below to your teacher. All you have to do is click, print and submit. Its easier said than done. Check out this ghouls for schools themed one for next month.
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A+ Giant Card Rewards
Register your Giant Card- -Please register your Giant Card for the A+ school rewards. You can register online the school's ID is 18383
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FAQs |
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Transportation: Student Drop Off /Pick Up and Early Departure
Note: The parents/guardians are responsible for the daily transportation of their child(ren). CMIT-Elementary does not provide transportation during student arrival or student dismissal. Please update the authorized person(s),including the bus company or the childcare business, that will pick up your child(ren)by submitting an email or written notice to , and the Principal’s Secretary,
Q: What is the earliest that I may drop off my child?
A: 7:30 a.m.
Q: Where should we drop off students in the morning?
A: All car riders should be driven to the rear of the building and dropped off at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process constant and mobile. Carpoolers that include 3 or more students may be dropped off at the main office entrance along with the bus riders.
Q: What is the earliest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal begins around 2:30 p.m.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and charged Enrichment late fees.
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and CHARGED ENRICHMENT DROP IN FEES (PAYABLE UPON PICK UP).
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Students should be picked up from the Main Office no later than 2:10 p.m. To expedite the process, please send an email to the classroom teacher, the receptionist, Mrs. Virgil, and the School Secretary, and the Principal’s Secretary or submit a handwritten note in order to expedite the process.
Q: What is the process for walkers?
A: CMIT-Elementary does not recognize walkers since there are no residences within walking distance. Please call the Main Office at 240.573.7240 if you have unique circumstances relevant to the pick up of your child. Please consider that CMIT-Elementary does have a student body of 500 and we are unable to accommodate 500 different unique circumstances.
Uniform Policy
Q: How do I order uniforms?
A: All uniform shirts and tops are handled by the All American Wear. Please call 301-459-5000. All khaki or navy uniform bottoms may be purchased here or at any retail store that sells uniform pants, shorts (except cargo pants), skorts, etc. Full dresses are not allowed for females. The CMIT-ES logo must show during the school day.
Q: When will the uniform policy be enforced?
A: The uniform policy will begin during the first week of school. Please ensure that students are wearing a burgundy or royal blue polo until official uniform tops are received prior to September 19, 2016.
Q: When does the student wear the Physical Education uniform?
A: Please confirm the day of the week that the students enrolled in Physical Education class. Then, students report to school and wear the gym uniform all day. Parents may wish to send the students with wipes for sanitary purposes.
Q: Must the uniform shoe have all black?
A: Yes, the shoe worn with the uniform must be ALL BLACK. Any tennis shoes can be worn for PE and PE only.
Visitations and Volunteers
Q: How does a parent make an appointment to visit a class?
A: Please email to request an appointment. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to the email. All classroom observations will be limited to 15 minutes.
Q: How does a parent volunteer for classroom assistance, chaperone of field trips, etc?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to express an interest in volunteering. The classroom teacher will contact the parent to establish a date, time, and the nature of the task(s). however, we ask that parents participate in a brief orientation sponsored by the PTO prior to volunteering. Please contact the PTO at for assistance.
Parent’s Corner
Parent Teacher Conferences
Q: How is a Parent Teacher Conference scheduled?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to request a conference date. The parent will have no more than 30 minutes to meet with the teacher. The conference date scheduled by PGCPS is November 11, 2016. Any other conference requests must be scheduled with the teacher.
Parent Teacher Organization
Q: When will the Parent Teacher Organization Meet?
A: The PTO is scheduled to meet on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. except when a holiday, school closing and/or early dismissal has been scheduled. The following dates have been designated for PTO meetings: September 13, 2016; October 4, 2016; December 6, 2016; February 7, 2017; ; April 4, 2017; and June 6, 2017.
Student Academic Performance
Q: How do I know if my student is missing assignments and/or homework? How do I follow up on my student’s progress in the class?
A: Please check the School Max website first. If there are further questions, email the teacher for information on your child’s academic progress or call 240.573.7240 to leave the teacher a voicemail message.
Q: To whom do I express my concerns about academics?
A: Please contact the teacher first. If the teacher fails to respond, then contact the Program Coordinator, The next line of communication is the administration.
Home Visits
Q: When will the home visits begin?
A: Parents should submit a request to the teacher. A teacher and/or staff member will contact the parent to schedule a date and time that is convenient for the parent and the CMIT Staff.
Student Breakfast/Lunch
Q: What time does breakfast begin?
A: Breakfast is served from 7:35 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. in the cafeteria. Students arriving at 7:50 a.m. or later should have breakfast prior to being dropped off.
Q: How much are the breakfast/lunch?
ELEMENTARY (Kindergarten - 5)
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Reduced Price Breakfast |
$0.30 |
$1.50 |
$6.00 |
Full Price Breakfast |
$1.60 |
$8.00 |
$32.00 |
Reduced Price Lunch |
$0.40 |
$2.00 |
$8.00 |
Full Price Lunch |
$2.75 |
$13.75 |
$55.00 |
Q: How do I pay for the breakfast/lunch?
Send Cash payment to the school cafeteria so your child’s account can be updated. |
Online Payments using a debit or credit card |
Visit to set up, review, and add money to your child’s account.
The account balance follows the student as long as they are enrolled in a Prince George’s County Public School.
Q: Where can I find the menu for the breakfast/lunch?
A: Please click on the link for the School Menu.
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