Administrative Announcements
Student Support Specialist
We here at CMIT ES would like to welcome to our staff Mrs. Addie and Mr. Rashad as our Student Support Specialist. They are an appreciated an added addition to our staff and work directly with each and every scholar in our building.
Welcome and thank you for all that you do here at CMIT ES.
CMIT Administration
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Pick up and dismissal
Please be reminded to Drop off and pick up your scholars on time. 7:35 we open our doors for students to enter and 2:20 pm we begin dismissal.
At dismissal if you are having an emergency please call the front desk at 240-573-7240. We can place your child in Enrichment for the day for a $20 fee.
CPS Child Protective services and/or the Police will have to be called if we are not contacted prior to 2:55 about a child and their pick up arrangements. We can not have unattended children in the building, in the parking lot, on the sidewalks or playground before or after school.
Please work with us. We do realize that dismissal has been a long process, but we have been moving much faster and it is down to 20-23 minutes.
Please also follow the new traffic pattern, all cars must enter through the last entrance in front of CLF and exit by the 2nd opening CMIT ES side. This reduces confusion with traffic. Also please stop speeding down Chevy Chase Drive and through the parking lot. We are trying to keep all of our staff and students safe.
Plan accordingly.
Thank you for all of your patience.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Front Office Announcements
To answer many questions that we receive daily at the front office we would like to address some of them here. Administrators are working tirelessly throughout the day to meet the needs of the school and our students and we would like to direct most questions to our school's website ( which is the best place to go for answers.
Email is the method of communication which is most preferred to get information to the school regarding your child. Please send an email to Mrs. Dubon (, Mrs. Virgil (, and your student's teacher(s) for the following reasons:
- Absences (a note should follow any absence) - Dismissal arrangements and changes (this should be received no later than 12 p.m.) - Appointments during school hours - Classroom visits/volunteering (24-48 hours prior to the date requested)
Parents wishing to meet with teachers or have questions about your child's classes should contact the classroom teacher by email or Class Dojo so your child's teacher can arrange a time and day. Teacher's will reply within 48 hours.
Mrs. Virgil Receptionist
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Parent Information Folder
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Parent Volunteers
As required by the PGCPS (Administrative Procedure 4215), all volunteers must follow the security process. The information to assist you in obtaining clearance, if you have not already done so, is as follows: about $7.00 you can get a commercial background check. This will expire at the end of every August after each school year and allows you to volunteer at school and on field trips. The second option is for about $60 - you can get fingerprinted. The fingerprinting is good indefinitely as long as you volunteer at least once a school year. Both services are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 11:45 am and 12:30 pm to 3:45 pm at the Sasscer Administration Building: 14201 School Lane in Upper Marlboro, 20772. Please contact Mrs. Virgil for further information regarding the Volunteer process at CMIT ES. Thank you for your cooperation.
Ms.Riley Acting Prinicpal
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Roaring Readers
Do you like to read? Do you enjoy doing projects? I, Ms.Riley, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to Read. Each month I will introduce a topic, theme, or idea. You may choose a book to support this. There will be a list of items that you can do to show how you connect to the book you have chosen. Your work will be displayed for all to see. I can't wait to sit down and discuss the books we have read.
All books should be at the student's reading level. October - Book about sports or a sports figure
Book extensions should be turned in the last Monday of the Month to Mrs. Dubon in the front office. Please give her a hard copy and no emailed entries. November 7, 2016 is the due date for these entries.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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High School Ground Breaking
On September 15, 2016, Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation hand the groundbreaking ceremony. As the sister school to Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North we are excited and welcoming to the new addition of a high school building.
Natiqua Riley
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Food Allergies
Food allergies affect up to 15 million people in the United States, including one in every 13 children, according to the Food Allergy Network. Just eight foods account for 90 percent of all food-allergic reactions: Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish.
As children pick out new notebooks, backpacks, and outfits, what goes into their lunch boxes may be an afterthought. Packing a safe and healthy lunch bag – for school or work – is essential to maintain energy and mental stamina for the whole day.
Involving children in planning their school lunch and snacks makes them more likely to eat the food and not trade lunch with friends, and teaches them the basics of a nutritious meal.
Start Fresh Every Day Avoiding food poisoning starts with a clean lunch bag. • Empty, wash and dry your lunch box or bag every day after returning home. An insulated lunch box is easy to clean and keeps food at the right temperature. If using brown paper bags, use a new bag every day • Don’t forget to wash and dry reusable water bottles • Prepare lunch food on a clean kitchen surface with clean utensils
Pack Nutritiously With the help of your child, prepare lunch menus for the whole week, make a grocery list, and buy the foods once a week. Simplify by using individually wrapped portions or prepare single-serving bags of snacks for the week (pretzels, trail mix, cut vegetables).
Lunch aside, school birthdays or other classroom celebrations can make kids with food allergies feel left out. CMIT ES will not have birthday parties at school. Birthdays can be celebrated at home or on weekends. Thank you for understanding. We will also try to prevent any food treats as well.
Meet with your scholar's teachers at the start of the school year and ask them to ensure that there are no food treats shared in class for anything. We do not want your scholar to be left out.
All parents need to be understanding of the fact that many students still at this age have not been diagnosed with food allergies and we are being proactive with not increasing the chances of finding out at school. Food allergies are definitely more common today than previous.
I am asking that all families make sure medical records are up to date. This is very important for kids with food allergies especially. These should include any forms and directives from your child's allergist stating what your child is allergic to, how severe the allergies are, what signs school officials should look for, and what steps need to be taken in the event that your child has a reaction. Some kids also sport bracelets or stickers that state they have food allergies. Finally, if your child has an EpiPen, take the time to check the expiration date on box; if the date has passed or is coming up, be sure to get a new one for school.
If your child is carrying their medication on them, the school must still have the proper paperwork and letter from Doctor and parent stating that instructions and that the medication location.
Thank you in advance for your support with keeping scholars safe.
CMIT Staff
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Advanced Math Program
Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) Advanced Math Program (AMP) prepares students in grades 4-12 for different levels of competition math. AMP runs almost every Saturday and will begin on September 10th this year. Every Saturday, students work in small groups with an instructor from 9AM to 1PM. We split the classes based on mathematical ability so that students can work with others around their same level. Our middle school classes focus on MathCounts preparation.The High school students primarily work for college organized math contests. The AMP program is only open to students from CLF schools. We are holding tryout dates all throughout August: every Saturday from 9:30-11:30 AM and every Monday from 5-7 PM. Students only need to attend one tryout date, but we have made many dates available to accommodate busy summer schedules. If you and your family are interested in joining the AMP, you can sign up for a tryout date at this link:!register/con8You can also find more information at!about2/coo8If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email us at
CLF - Mr. Avsar
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2016 - 2017 Clubs Sign-Up
Dear Parents Please see our club descriptions in the attachment. Enroll your child in a club with using following link.*Club sign up due Tuesday September 20, 2016. *Only one response at a time will be accepted. Please fill this form separately for each of your child. *Clubs start on September 26, 2016. *Students can enroll in one club only due to the high interest. *If there are more applications than available spots, there will be a lottery to place the students into the clubs according to capacity. *Club registration is subject to change according to the academic performance. *All clubs, except competitions, are semester based. Thank you
Adam A. Akpinar Program Coordinator
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CMIT Academic Calendar
CMIT follows PGCPS calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website: and their families are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2016-17 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent. Students will earn incentives for Perfect Attendance. Please note that June 12, 2017 – June 15, 2017 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not any family vacations until after June 16, 2017. Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for 2016-17 calendar updates: state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school: -Death in the immediate family -Illness of the student -Quarantine -Court summons -Principal-approved activity -Mental or physical incapacity -Violent storms -Observance of a religious holiday -State of emergency
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Food Services
Starting from the first day, August 22, CMIT ES students are provided breakfast and lunch services directly by PGCPS. Parents can open an account or add more funds in their existing food services account by visiting;jsessionid=gSzaLBqslo9rkzfxhRpxwYjw.aln01General information about meal services, menu, and meal prices, please visit Questions and concerns about the food services should be directed to PGCPS Food and Nutrition Services: CMIT ES cafeteria is not furnished with a microwave. We will not be able to warm up your scholars lunch for them. Please send the food in a disposable &/or a recyclable container. Free and Reduced Price Meals Household may apply for benefits online at Only one application per family is requested. Families are instructed to complete the application on line. For more information please contact the Food and Nutrition Services Application Center at 301-952-6517.
Ms. Riley Acting Principal
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Enrichment Program
Dear Parents
CLF offers an enrichment program in the morning from 6:30pm to 7:30pm and in the afternoon from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. If you are interested, please register your child(ren) on our website. Please email your questions regarding to registration and payment at and questions regarding to the program details at
Thank you
Adam A. Akpinar Program Coordinator
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Observance of Library card Month (September)
Ms. Riley
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Schoolmax Access
You can find the link for SchoolMax on the PGCPS webpage under the tab for Parents, complete with instructions on how to register (for first-time users) and how to reset your password. If you use a smart phone/tablet and have a parent self-service account, you can access the new, easy-to-use mobile family portal SI Express. Check out the links below for information on self-service account registration or details on SI Express. look forward to working with you to promote student success.
Ms. Riley
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2015-2016 Yearbooks Are Available
Yearbooks for the 2015-2016 school year are available for $25. You may submit payment to Ms. Powers or Mrs. Breckenridge. Payment may be cash or check made out to CMIT Elementary.
If you have questions for the 2016-2017 yearbook please contact Ms. Cooper at
Have a great day!
Megan Breckenridge
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*Student Spotlight* Jeswin Siju Jeswin is a kindergarten student in Mrs.Smith class. Jeswin loves to read. He even knows all of his kindergarten site words! Warner Brown Warner is in Ms. Santiago's class. She always comes to school with a big smile and ready to learn! On Grub with Grandparents Day, she bravely welcomed all the Grandparents! She loves to have fun and dance at school - especially to the Responsibility Song! This week in Kindergarten... We will be discussing the word "Considerate." How does being considerate help us to be a good friend? Student? Daughter/son? We will discuss what it means, and what it looks like at school and at home. English Language Arts We will be reading the story "Miss Bindergarten takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten." Along with the story, we will be learning how to classify and categorize and identify nouns. We will also be naming, sounding, writing letters to Z and learning to identify beginning sounds in words. Mathematics We will continue learning to compare numbers to 5! Students have learned to find 1 and 2 more, and 1 and 2 fewer. We will continue to hone these skills this week. An easy way to incorporate this at home is during dinner prep or at the grocery. For example, "I have three apples, but I need 2 more (or 2 fewer). How many will that be? Can you do that for me?" Science Students will continue to learn the elements of science such as observation, experiments, and problem solving. They will begin to learn about the basics of the scientific method. Lastly, just a few dates and reminders: - There is no school Friday, September 30 due to Teacher Professional Development - Uniform is enforced daily, including uninterrupted black shoes. Please go to for more information.
- The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
1st Grade News!
Make sure to check Class Dojo to keep in touch with your child's teacher.
We are so excited about Apple Day, coming up on Thursday, September 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Please remember that all parents and volunteers in the classroom MUST have their receipt on file for fingerprinting or background check in order to participate. A permission slip and sign up will be coming home shortly.
First Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Moving Along
As we come close to the half mark of the quarter, students are becoming very familiar with our expectations, rituals, and routines. Please check SchoolMax to monitor your child's progress. ELA/Social Studies classes are focusing on Main Idea, Using Text features, inflected endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, and communities. Math and Science classes are focusing on multiplication, division, and weather. Please contact your child's teachers if you have any questions. Please remember we are a team. So let's make sure we are successful!
Tenika Fryson
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4th Grade
4th Grade News
We are rolling right along in fourth grade! Students are doing an exceptional job turning in and completing all homework assignments! The Solar System Projects that students made in Science class look amazing, and our students worked very hard to complete them! Please continue to check Class dojo for frequent class and student updates.
We would like to recognize two students who have had an exceptional start to the 2016-2017 school year. These students are Ryhanna Mbakop from Mrs. McCain's class and Morgan Virgil from Mr. Mogilski's class! Both of these students have truly exemplified our school motto "TIGERS ROAR," by achieving success academically, respecting our school and their classmates, and setting a great example for all of the students here at CMIT. Congratulations and keep up the great work!
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Creative Arts
It's been very busy in Physical Education!
Kindergarten students are learning about spatial awareness and pathways (straight, curved, and zig zag).
Students in 1st grade are learning how to dribble a ball with their hands.
Students in 2nd grade are learning how to locate their pulse and jump/land with correct technique.
Students in 3rd grade are learning and applying chasing and fleeing strategies. A short homework assignment was sent home to reinforce the strategies that were taught in class.
Students in grades 4 and 5 are focusing on team building.
I also had the opportunity to introduce the fitness version of Pokemon Go to grades 2-5 in class over the last two weeks. It was a great way to get students excited about fitness!
Reminder: Please send your child to school with sneakers on their PE days. The schedule can be found at
A PE uniform is also required for grades 3-5.
Thank you!
Mr. Hatcher Physical Education
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Art Room News and Artists of the Month!
Hello Tiger Families, Thank you to everybody who was able to take some time to stop by last week during back to school night! I enjoyed meeting you and having the opportunity to talk to you. I loved that many of your scholars went straight to the easels and started drawing! The easels are proving to be a big hit (which is why there is such a need for dry erase markers and chalk!). We are still focusing on the Element of Art- LINE. We are continuing to examine the art of Corey Barksdale. We have also looked at the following artists/artworks to explore movement with lines and the use of color to express emotions in art: Romero Britto- Picasso- Right now I would like to take a moment to recognize our Artists of the Month. This month both of my artists come from Mrs. Dougherty's 2nd grade class. I have been keeping an eye out for students since the first day of school. These students R.O.A.R (Respect others, Opt to be scholarly, Act responsibly, and React with kindness) during art class. I would like to let you know how truly hard it is to only choose two students as I see so many hard working scholars during my time teaching every one of our tech savvy tigers! These are the students I would like to take a recognize: Damilola Fawehinmi has amazing dedication and focus during art class. She is always interacting positively with her classmates. She takes her time and she thinks creatively to work with her mistakes. She thinks and reflects when she participates in class discussions. She is doing an amazing job challenging herself to think critically to become the best scholar she can be! Great job, Dami! Andre Gonzales Guzman is such a hard working student. He chooses to responsible every day. He does this by focusing on his work during class time and participating in class discussions. He always does the best he can. His determination and focus will help him on his educational journey! Way to go, Andre! I sincerely appreciate your support with bringing requested materials to donate to the art room. If you were unable to bring anything before but you are now able to, the only items we are still in need of are: -Dry Erase Markers (Throughout the year as they may dry out. The students are doing a great job taking care of the 2 large sets I purchased already.) -Chalk (I bought 6 sets of basic colors this weekend at the grocery store but it is fun to have a variety of colors) -Broad Crayola Markers (One parent let me know that they were on sale at Staples for $0.75, I was able to pick up a few but it is good to have them on hand throughout the year as they do dry out) -Baby Wipes (These are ALWAYS welcome!) Also, I will gladly purchase wipes for the room if you see pampers or huggies coupons and send them my way! Thank you for your support of visual arts! I hope you have a fantastic day! With Positivity, Mrs. Breckenridge
Megan Breckenridge
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PTO Announcements
Men Make a Difference
CMIT is hosting a Donuts for Dad/Men Make a Difference on October 10th 2016. This is an event that is truly to special to us as we honor the fathers, uncles, brothers, grandfathers, and male mentors that play a key role in the success of our children both inside and outside the classroom. These strong male figures will be honored this day. What do you need to do? 1. Sign up! By September 30th, please sign up : Continental Breakfast and Classroom Participation (Participate with Grade/Teacher)(8:05 am to 8:55 am) or b) Breakfast only (8:05 am to 8:30 am) Class participants should receive an e-mail from the teacher before Oct. 10 with details on your activity for the day 2. Show up! Between 7:35 am and 8:05 am Men should arrive at school, drop off children through the normal process and sign in with the CMIT ES PTO (Men will not be allowed to bring their children in through the front entrance during normal drop off hours) . 3. Eat up! From 8:05 am to 8:30 am please enjoy a light continental style breakfast where we hope to educate and encourage your participation at CMIT ES. 4. Start up! Beginning at 8:30 am, Men who have signed up for classroom participation (spaces are limited) will be escorted to their assigned classrooms. In the classroom you will have the opportunity to start working with the teachers to help our tech tigers R.O.A.R! You can also click the flyer below for more details If you would like to volunteer for this special event please email ONLY VOLUNTEERS SHOULD EMAIL THE PTO.
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Nando's Fundraiser
October 11th 3-9PM Nando’s Peri Peri Spirit Night – Laurel Center Towne Centre at Laurel, 14722 Baltimore Ave, Laurel, MD 20707 Have you ever had Nando's Peri Peri??? Let me tell you its the best thing ever!!!!! You will not be disappointed you can pick up a whole chicken, delicious side dishes like red mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and a so much more. They also serve sandwiches, salads and yummy desserts. Please make sure you present the flyer below and support us this spirit night. You will note be disappointed. (ps...if you never had Nando's come to our PTO meeting on Oct. 4th I heard they are serving us a meal that night) PTO Earns 40% of the Bill if you Mention CMIT
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Ways to support the PTO
There is a cost involved. Thank you for the reference it is an awesome resource!! Ways to Support PTO Register your Giant Card--Please register your Giant Card for the A+ school rewards. You can register online the school's ID is 18383. Remember to smile... shop and select Cheasepeake Math and IT Elementary PTO as your charitable organization. Don't forget to clip your box tops, please submit your BoxTops you can also drop them off in the boxes at the front desk. Every clip count. Subscribe to our calendars by clicking the links below: Google Calendar Apple Calendar Check our website Like us on FaceBook Together we can do great things. We look forward to working with you all this year and if you ever want volunteer for an event or start a committee please email CMITESPTO@GMAIL.COM
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Fundraising Night
Sept 19 located at the Bowie Town Center 3931 Town Center Blvd, Bowie, MD 20716 beginning at 6pm.
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PTO Information
Ways to keep up to date with PTO... Subscribe to our calendars by clicking the links below: Google Calendar Apple Calendar Check our website Like us on FaceBook Ways to Support Us... Email CMITESPTO@GMAIL.COM to volunteer for any of our events Register your Giant Card--Please register your Giant Card for the A+ school rewards. You can register online the school's ID is 18383 Remember to smile--shop search CMIT and select Chesapeake Math and IT PTO as your chartiable donation. Don't forget please send in your BOXTOPS.
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FAQs |
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Transportation: Student Drop Off /Pick Up and Early Departure
Note: The parents/guardians are responsible for the daily transportation of their child(ren). CMIT-Elementary does not provide transportation during student arrival or student dismissal. Please update the authorized person(s),including the bus company or the childcare business, that will pick up your child(ren)by submitting an email or written notice to , and the Principal’s Secretary,
Q: What is the earliest that I may drop off my child?
A: 7:30 a.m.
Q: Where should we drop off students in the morning?
A: All car riders should be driven to the rear of the building and dropped off at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process constant and mobile. Carpoolers that include 3 or more students may be dropped off at the main office entrance along with the bus riders.
Q: What is the earliest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal begins around 2:30 p.m.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and charged Enrichment late fees.
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Student dismissal ends at 2:55 p.m. Otherwise, students will be sent to Enrichment and CHARGED ENRICHMENT DROP IN FEES (PAYABLE UPON PICK UP).
Q: Where should we pick up students in the afternoon?
A: All car riders should be picked up in the rear of the building at the cafeteria entrance. Parents must remain in the car in order to keep the process mobile. Please notice the flow of traffic and refrain from stopping in the middle of the pathway. If you need to buckle in your students we ask that you do not block the flow of pick up so that we can dismiss all students in a timely manner.
Q: What is the latest time that I may pick up my student for early departure?
A: Students should be picked up from the Main Office no later than 2:10 p.m. To expedite the process, please send an email to the classroom teacher, the receptionist, Mrs. Virgil, and the School Secretary, and the Principal’s Secretary or submit a handwritten note in order to expedite the process.
Q: What is the process for walkers?
A: CMIT-Elementary does not recognize walkers since there are no residences within walking distance. Please call the Main Office at 240.573.7240 if you have unique circumstances relevant to the pick up of your child. Please consider that CMIT-Elementary does have a student body of 500 and we are unable to accommodate 500 different unique circumstances.
Uniform Policy
Q: How do I order uniforms?
A: All uniform shirts and tops are handled by the All American Wear. Please call 301-459-5000. All khaki or navy uniform bottoms may be purchased here or at any retail store that sells uniform pants, shorts (except cargo pants), skorts, etc. Full dresses are not allowed for females. The CMIT-ES logo must show during the school day.
Q: When will the uniform policy be enforced?
A: The uniform policy will begin during the first week of school. Please ensure that students are wearing a burgundy or royal blue polo until official uniform tops are received prior to September 19, 2016.
Q: When does the student wear the Physical Education uniform?
A: Please confirm the day of the week that the students enrolled in Physical Education class. Then, students report to school and wear the gym uniform all day. Parents may wish to send the students with wipes for sanitary purposes.
Q: Must the uniform shoe have all black?
A: Yes, the shoe worn with the uniform must be ALL BLACK. Any tennis shoes can be worn for PE and PE only.
Visitations and Volunteers
Q: How does a parent make an appointment to visit a class?
A: Please email to request an appointment. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to the email. All classroom observations will be limited to 15 minutes.
Q: How does a parent volunteer for classroom assistance, chaperone of field trips, etc?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to express an interest in volunteering. The classroom teacher will contact the parent to establish a date, time, and the nature of the task(s). however, we ask that parents participate in a brief orientation sponsored by the PTO prior to volunteering. Please contact the PTO at for assistance.
Parent’s Corner
Parent Teacher Conferences
Q: How is a Parent Teacher Conference scheduled?
A: Please email the classroom teacher to request a conference date. The parent will have no more than 30 minutes to meet with the teacher. The conference date scheduled by PGCPS is November 11, 2016. Any other conference requests must be scheduled with the teacher.
Parent Teacher Organization
Q: When will the Parent Teacher Organization Meet?
A: The PTO is scheduled to meet on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. except when a holiday, school closing and/or early dismissal has been scheduled. The following dates have been designated for PTO meetings: September 13, 2016; October 4, 2016; December 6, 2016; February 7, 2017; ; April 4, 2017; and June 6, 2017.
Student Academic Performance
Q: How do I know if my student is missing assignments and/or homework? How do I follow up on my student’s progress in the class?
A: Please check the School Max website first. If there are further questions, email the teacher for information on your child’s academic progress or call 240.573.7240 to leave the teacher a voicemail message.
Q: To whom do I express my concerns about academics?
A: Please contact the teacher first. If the teacher fails to respond, then contact the Program Coordinator, The next line of communication is the administration.
Home Visits
Q: When will the home visits begin?
A: Parents should submit a request to the teacher. A teacher and/or staff member will contact the parent to schedule a date and time that is convenient for the parent and the CMIT Staff.
Student Breakfast/Lunch
Q: What time does breakfast begin?
A: Breakfast is served from 7:35 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. in the cafeteria. Students arriving at 7:50 a.m. or later should have breakfast prior to being dropped off.
Q: How much are the breakfast/lunch?
ELEMENTARY (Kindergarten - 5)
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Reduced Price Breakfast |
$0.30 |
$1.50 |
$6.00 |
Full Price Breakfast |
$1.60 |
$8.00 |
$32.00 |
Reduced Price Lunch |
$0.40 |
$2.00 |
$8.00 |
Full Price Lunch |
$2.75 |
$13.75 |
$55.00 |
Q: How do I pay for the breakfast/lunch?
Send Cash payment to the school cafeteria so your child’s account can be updated. |
Online Payments using a debit or credit card |
Visit to set up, review, and add money to your child’s account.
The account balance follows the student as long as they are enrolled in a Prince George’s County Public School.
Q: Where can I find the menu for the breakfast/lunch?
A: Please click on the link for the School Menu.
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