Administrative Announcements
This is a gentle reminder of our NEW ABSENCE/TARDY/EARLY DISMISSAL reporting system procedure.
Notification of absences, doctor notes, and early dismissal notes NEED TO BE RECORDED/UPLOADED using the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form (ONLY) within three (3) days of your child’s return. Family vacations/trips are not considered excused absences; therefore, it is strongly discouraged to schedule family vacations during school time.
Please note, this absence form is the ONLY acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s).
Click here to access and use the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form:
Early dismissals are discouraged. We request medical/dental appointments, etc., be arranged when possible after school hours, on free days, on Saturdays, or during vacation periods. The early dismissal period ends at 2:00 p.m. daily. If an Early Dismissal is unavoidable, please send an email to the front office staff Mrs. Virgil (, Mrs. Love ( and Ms. Twyman ( as a courtesy heads up with your scholar(s) first/last name, teacher/grade, and the time of departure.
Click here to view the PGCPS school year calendar:
School arrival: 7:35 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.
Classes begin: 7:55 a.m.
Early Dismissal ends: 2:00 p.m.
School dismissal: 2:25 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Reminder: Student Home COVID-19 Testing
Dear Prince George’s County Public Schools Community:
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for helping to further strengthen our health and safety measures. In our first week of home COVID-19 testing, I am pleased to report that more than 85,000 families administered and uploaded test results. As we continue with testing as a critical piece of our strategy for safe schools, I ask all families to keep sharing results each Sunday through the end of February.
The home testing kit that students received includes tests to cover two weeks. Testing kits will be distributed to students biweekly through February 27. Please administer one home test to your child and upload results as requested. The online form to upload results will be available each week at 7 a.m. on Sunday.
There are two ways to upload weekly home COVID-19 test results:
1) Weekly Emailed Upload Link (sent on Fridays to students’ PGCPS email)
STEP 1 – Log into student’s email and open COVID-19 test email.
STEP 2 – Click on the form link to share test results (indicate if the test was negative or positive).
STEP 3 – Upload an image of the test result and submit.
2) Website Upload
STEP 1 – Go to the PGCPS website and click on "Home COVID Test-Kit Weekly Results"
STEP 2 – Log in with the student's PGCPS username and password.
STEP 3 – Complete the form and upload an image of the test result.
COVID-19 tests must be taken within 24 hours of returning to school; do not administer the test prior to Sunday. Please use only one test each week. One box should last for two weeks.
Please review our information page and FAQs for answers to common questions.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in helping us ensure safe schools.
Monica Goldson, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Saturday Academy Cancelled
Saturday Academy will be cancelled January 29th!
Questions may be sent to and
Program Coordinators
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Tutoring is in Session
In person tutoring is in session. Students meet Monday and Tuesday for math. Students meet Thursday and Friday for reading. Thank you!
Questions may be sent to and
Program Coordinators
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Club will be held in person. We will meet on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m.
Thank you for your dedication and support to STEM!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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Virtual STEM Fair will be held February 12, 2022
Our virtual STEM fair will be held on Saturday February 12, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Thank you to all who signed up. We will meet Tuesday, February 1st at
4:00 p.m.
CMIT STEM fair Committee
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Save the date! Grub with Grandparents will take place on Thursday, February 17th. More information to come!
Back by popular demand! Valentine’s Grams will be sold February 7-11th. This year we’re selling Smencils scented pencils. Pencils will cost $1. Stay tuned for more information to come.
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Be Heart Healthy
February is National Heart Health Month and the perfect time to be good to your heart and get a check up. According to the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. Join us on Friday, Feb. 4th, 2022 for CMIT Tigers Goes Red Day. Your scholar may wear red tops/shoes with their uniform bottoms in support of ending heart disease.
Health and Wellness Committee
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"Little Girls With Dreams Become Women with Vision"
"Girls on the Move" Club will host a VIRTUAL vision board party for all girls and women in our school community. We will meet virtually on Saturday, January 29th from 11:00am-1pm. Start collecting magazines, stickers, and anything else that you would like to add to your vision boards. Prepare for a day of interactive planning and fun. During our virtual celebration, you will learn more about our club and create vision boards. We will also have a special guest speaker. Whether you’re an administrator, parent, student, mentor, or community leader, we want to empower our girls. All families are welcomed to join us in the celebration and create a vision board for 2022!
Supplies needed for creating your Vision Board
-White Poster Boards
-Lots of Magazines
-Glitter (optional)
If you don't have the supplies, you can create a DIGITAL VISION BOARD. More information will be shared during the party. Please register by clicking on the link below.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
PBG Club
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Robotics Club 2-5
The Robotics Club Saturday sessions will NOT meet this Saturday. Email with any questions. Thank you!
Program Coordinator
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Testing, Testing, Read all about it!
Greetings Tiger Family!
Beginning next week, students in Kindergarten through Second Grade will be finalizing the MAP Fluency Assessment. All students with take the MAP Reading and MAP Math progress monitoring assessment. Please check ClassDojo for specific testing dates from your scholar's teachers. For more information about the MAP Reading and MAP Math, please visit assessment On testing days, please make sure your scholar has had a good night's rest so that they can do their best!
Your Resident Testing Team!
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Week of Jan. 31- Feb. 4
We only have 3 days left in the 2nd quarter. It is hard to believe that we are half way through the school year. The last day of the 2nd quarter is Wednesday. Check your scholar's SchoolMax for their grades. If their are missing assignments they need to be submitted by 3pm on Tuesday, February 1st. As the quarter comes to and end, note that Thursday, Feb. 3rd is a 2 hr early dismissal.
It is important that we enter the 3rd quarter prepared for class, lessons, activities, and assessments. Make sure that your scholar has all the materials they need to be successful in class. They should have pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, writing journals, headphones, their devices, and chargers. Please label devices, headphones, and chargers.
As we move into winter assessments, it is important that your scholar has what they need to be successful. Assessments are taken on their devices and headphones. If your scholar does not have working headphones, it is important that you supply them with them as soon as possible. We do not want devices to shut down on them while they are testing, so it is important that devices are being charged and that chargers are being sent to school as well.
We ask that you make sure that your scholars are getting a good amount of sleep and are eating a good breakfast in the morning as this can help them focus on the MAP assessments. We ask that you also take the time to reinforce the importance of taking their time, focusing, and doing their best.
Safety is important to us as we want to make sure that all students stay in good health. Make sure that you scholar's mask fits their face. If it is loose, tie the strings so it can fit securely on their face. Masks should fit snug enough that they do not fall down. We also ask that masks have a metal piece at the top so they can pinch it and help keep it in place. Remember to send extra masks with your scholar in case their mask breaks, gets wet, etc.
As we are into the colder months make sure to label your scholars winter apparel (hats, jackets, gloves, scarves, etc). As a reminder we do still go outside during the winter when weather permits, so dress your scholar in appropriate winter attire.
February is a busy month. We have Black History Month, our 100th day of school, and Grub with Grandparents.
We will be doing various activities for Black History Month as a class, grade level, and school.
*For the 100th day of school, feel free to make a 100th day of school shirt. You can cover the shirt in 100 stars, dots, pom-poms, and various other images that are school appropriate. More information will be given by your scholar's teacher.
*Grubs with Grandparents will be Feb 17th, so start checking and seeing if grandparents would be interested in joining us virtually. Grandparents are welcome to share events they experienced or were a part of that coincide with Black History Month.
This week in ELA we will:
-Learn the letters V & U and sight words: any, come, play
-Learn phonics for -ack and -ck words
-Define and learn about Fairy Tales
This week in Social Studies we will:
-Wrap up our lesson on jobs long ago and now
-Take the chapter assessment
-Start working on Black History Month projects
This week in Math we will:
-Decompose #6-8
-Learn addition and subtraction with 6, 7, and 8
-Solve addition and subtraction word problems and equations
This week in Science we will:
-Observe weather patterns
-Discuss and compare our weather and weather in other places
Dates to know:
Feb 2--Last day of 2nd quarter
Feb 3-- 2hr early dismissal (12:25 dismissal)
Feb 16-- 100th Day of School
Feb 17-- Grub with Grandparents
Feb 21-- No School
Feb 22-- 3 hr early dismissal (11:25) and Parent-Teacher Conferences
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
Hello First Grade Families:
Your student should have their charged PGCPS issued device, charger, and 1 set of headphones daily. Please use a sticky to add their username and password to their device so that students are able to log in. Please contact if you have any questions or issues concerning technology.
Students need to have at least 3 sharpened pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, 2 folders, 3 composition books, 1 personal hand sanitizer, and at least 1 extra mask in their backpack daily.
Please be sure to contact your child's teacher directly (via email or dojo) if dismissal plans change.
Please follow proper protocols if your child is not feeling well.
NWEA Fluency Testing will continue this week.
Please make sure that your student has their PGCPS email address on a sticky, on their laptop so that teachers can assist with log in.
Additionally, students will need microphone headsets for testing.
Looking ahead to next week:
Unit 3: Essential Question: How Can We Use Our Imaginations?
Story: The Ant and The Grasshopper: Fable
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs and Trigraphs;Contractions
Literacy:Correct and Confirm Predictions About Characters
Language and Conventions: Singular and Plural Nouns
Topic 5 Assessment
Topic 6: Represent and Interpret Date
Focus: Organize data into categories. ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
Social Studies:
Chapter 2: Geography of a Community
Lesson 5: My State
Unit 3: Observe the Sky
Lesson 1: Patterns in the Sky
Unit 2: Empathy and Critical Thinking
Lesson 4: Understanding That People Can Change
Have a safe and prosperous week!
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a great week in second grade!
As a reminder, we will be resuming in-person learning next week for all students. Please continue to practice staying safe. Students will still be required to wear masks all day.
We had a great week in second grade! Next week, we will be starting Unit 3 in reading, titled, "Our Traditions." The big question for the unit is "What makes a tradition?" Throughout the week, we will focus on fables. The weekly question is, "What lessons can we learn from traditional tales?" The spelling pattern will be Long i: i, ie, i_e, igh, y. In Math, we will work on topic 8. This topic covers money and time.
Students will be taking their MAP Fluency Assessments.
It is HIGHLY recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Welcome to Week 1 in February!
Welcome to February! In Math, students will take the Topic 8 test on Friday, 2/4. In Science, students will begin Topic 4: Climate. In Reading, they will be taking their Unit 3 Lesson 1 Quiz Monday, 1/31. Students will be given new spelling words for this week as well. Please make sure to go into The spelling test will be Friday, 2/4. The title of the spelling test is Granddaddy’s Turn Spelling Words. In Social Studies, students will continue with Chapter 3, Communities Build a Nation. They begin Lesson 4: Early French Communities & Lesson 5: Early English Communities.
Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work in Saavas AND in Google Classroom. Please note that we follow the grading policy from PGCPS. Please look over the policy. Students are required to fill out the make-up form BEFORE attempting to redo the assignment (located in Google Classroom). Also, teachers have to approve the form before they do the assignment because not all assignments are eligible for make-up. Please express to your scholar the importance of turning in their own work on time. If they have not attempted to complete the assignment and it is late, it will NOT be accepted, per the PGCPS Grading Policy. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description.
ClassDojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s ClassDojo. Please check ClassDojo for any updates and new information to be shared. Lastly, please be sure to check SchoolMax for all graded assignments.
January 31st: Welcome Back Virtual Students
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
Next Week in Fourth Grade
The Fourth Grade is so excited to welcome the virtual students into the Tiger's Den on Monday!! We can't wait to meet you.
Next week in Reading, students will be analyzing characters in a realistic fiction story.
In Social Studies, students will continue with Chapter 5 looking at how where we live affect who we are.
In Math, students will be reviewing and completing Benchmark Assessment 1-8.
In Science, students will be able to develop a model of waves using patterns in wave properties.
Please ensure that your scholar is coming to school with a charged school issued device and their charger daily. Students are required to also have a pair of headphones.
Every scholar should have emergency masks in their backpacks.
Have an awesome week on purpose!
February 2, 2022 Quarter 2 ends
February 3, 2022 Early Dismissal
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
Fifth Grade Newsletter
Greetings Parents!
This week in RELA students finished U3W1 and focused on analyzing the characters’ conflicts and prepositional phrases. Next week, students begin U3W2 focusing on analyzing plot elements and summarizing. Our spelling skill will be words with -ize,-ance, -ist, and -ence. Our language skill will be Pronouns and Antecedents. We have finished STEM Fair research papers. We are beginning Black History Month which will consist of a research essay, poster, and Wax Museum Project.
This week we learned the form of a New Nation and the Westward Expansion. Students are delving into the concept of how the nation was started and how migration and the new laws impacted their decisions to be a solid nation.
Students will continue to use equivalent fractions and LCM to add and subtract fractions including mixed numbers. Students will use the number line and other models to deepen their understanding of the concept. Students will take the Winter administration of Math MAP on Wednesday February 7th.
This week scholars presented their STEM Fair projects and was introduced to Topic 7 - Earth’s Water. Next week students will explore Earth’s freshwater. We will identify that most of Earth's freshwater is in glaciers, in ice caps, or underground. And, explain that some freshwater is found in lakes, rivers, wetlands, and the atmosphere. Scholars will take the 2nd Science Benchmark the week of February 7th.
ClassDojo continues to be our primary form of communication. Please stay connected with us for pertinent information.
Have a great week and stay warm!
Your Fifth Grade Team
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Creative Arts
Specials News
K-2 practiced:
Computer Fundamentals: Data Storage
During this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice with data storage devices, accessing stored data, and using and taking care of compact discs, DVDs, flash drives, and computer drives.
2-5 practiced:
Tynker Coding- Space Cadet
This course uses simple code blocks to introduce computational thinking and computer science basics. Students learn by connecting code blocks and apply constructs such as loops and conditional logic to create algorithms that solve problems.
Parents and Tigers,
Friendly reminder:
Late assignments may be sent through ClassDojo, labeled with the assignment name and date.
Please be sure to place the ClassDojo message in the correct student and class location.
Send it to me in ClassDojo (do not email) please.
Please refer to SchoolMax to view which assignments have not been received or graded.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Visual Arts Teacher
Upper elementary is entering the last weeks of their Bandlab DAW unit. I realize that STEM Fair projects are near their due date, so don’t fret: I will accept any Bandlab work for up to FULL CREDIT until February 1st!
First grade has a project coming up that requires recycled materials. Look out next week for a donation bin located in the cafeteria for your CLEAN recyclables (boxes, cans, and containers) and craft supplies (pipe cleaners, stickers, rubber bands, paper plates, and paper clips).
Hello parents! This week the students are learning a very important part of dance culture. The cha-cha slide!!! Have your students in good fitting tennis shoes so they can hop and step comfortably. If your student did not complete their asynchronous assignment, they are still available in Google Classroom to be completed. Have a great week!
Make up test are due Friday, January 28th. Please also answer the Spanish Question posted in Google Classroom. Please make sure to check Google Classroom for announcements and PowerPoint presentations.
Last week, we discussed and completed Mi Familia- Dialogue. Next week, students will work on a project about their own family members to demonstrate understanding of the Mi Familia vocabulary.
Students must bring their devices to class in order to work on the projects.
Students have completed their STEM Fair projects. Next week, we will make Catapults instead of balloon powered cars. Students will need the supplies below.
In a labelled gallon sized ziploc bag please send
1. Spoons (at least 2 plastic spoons)
2. Popsicle sticks (at least 6)
3. Rubber bands (at least 6)
4. Cotton balls or pom poms (at least 3)
5. Stickers (optional)
Create Arts Team
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FAQs |
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