Administrative Announcements
If you are sick, please DO NOT report to school and risk your health or the health of others. Remaining at home will prevent you from exposing other students and/or staff to illness.
Students should stay home and consult with their Health Care Provider if they have:
A temperature greater than 100.4°F taken with an oral thermometer
Nausea (upset stomach) or vomiting
Diarrhea (frequent, loose, watery stools). Symptoms may include cramps, bloating, nausea and an urgent need to have a bowel movement
Stomach pain that is constant. If vomiting starts after the pain begins (call your healthcare provider immediately)
A severe headache that is interfering with usual activities
A sore throat that causes difficulty swallowing
Yellow discharge or crusting on eyelashes in the morning that returns after being cleaned, eye redness, tearing, eye itching, (call your health care provider for an appointment immediately)
A skin rash that causes itching and/or is located on most of the body
A constant cough and/or difficulty breathing
A complaint of feeling ill, a lack of energy and/or a decrease in ability to perform activities, or fatigue
COVID-19 symptoms: Fever 100.4 or greater, cough, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or a new loss of taste and/or smell.
*** Stay home and contact your healthcare provider immediately. We strongly recommend that students be tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin. If a student tests positive, please immediately notify the School Nurse or the Office of School Health at (301) 749-4722 to receive further guidance.
What to do if students have symptoms of illness:
If students have symptoms for more than 24 hours or if the symptoms become worse, call your healthcare provider for an appointment. Follow your healthcare provider’s advice on administering over the counter medications, and/or when your child can safely return to school/work.
What will happen if a student gets sick at school?
If a student gets sick at school, the student will be assessed by the School Nurse. If the School Nurse's assessment confirms that the student is sick, the parents/guardians will be contacted to pick the student up from school. You or your emergency contact must pick your child up promptly, within one (1) hour. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to provide the school with updated and working telephone numbers. In addition, it is important that the school have emergency contact telephone numbers of individuals who can pick up your child if you are unable to do so. This information should be given to the Registrar at your child’s school.
**Please Note: If your child has COVID-19 symptoms he/she will be placed in isolation until picked up from school.
When may the student return to school?
The student may return to school when symptoms have resolved for at least 24 hours (without pain relieving/fever reducing medications), if the student has taken the prescribed antibiotic for a full 24 hours, or if the health care provider clears the student to return to the school building (documentation is required).
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STEM Fair Projects Due January 24th.
All STEM fair projects are due January 24th. The final product should be a video submission. Upper elementary also needs to submit research papers to their ELA teachers.
If you have any questions email
CMIT STEM Fair Committee
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Virtual STEM Fair will be held February 12, 2022
CMIT STEM fair Committee
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Club will be held in person. We will meet Thursdays at 3:00 p.m.
Thank you for your dedication and support to STEM!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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Tutoring is in Session
In-person tutoring resumed on January 18th. This invitation only enrichment program will help build student math and reading skills. Students may log in with the links provided in their tutoring Google classrooms. Thank you!
Questions may be sent to and
Program Coordinators
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Robotics Club 2-5
The Robotics Club Saturday sessions will meet this Saturday, January 22nd from 11:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. Email with any questions. Thank you!
Program Coordinator
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Week of January 24-28, 2022
STEM Fair projects are due Monday, January 24th. We will be sharing projects with your scholars classmates to learn what your scholars experiments were about.
We have entered our winter assessment time. We will be beginning with the MAP Reading Fluency this week. In order to help ensure that your scholars do their best, make sure that they are getting a good nights sleep and a good breakfast.
Reminder: Make sure that your scholar is dressed appropriately for the weather. Scholars should be wearing winter coats, gloves, hats, etc. when needed. We do have outdoor recess as long as the weather permits which means we do go outside when the temperature is in the 30's.
This week in ELA we will:
-Learn sight words: said, where, was and letters J & X
-Define Folktale and start learning about Folktales
-Compare and contrast characters
-Review digraphs wh & th
This week in Social Studies we will:
-Continue learning about community jobs
-Learn about goods and services
This week in Math we will:
-Learn number binds for 5
-Solve addition and subtraction problems within 5
-Review and solve addition and subtraction word problems
This week in Science we will:
-Continue learning about types of weather
-Learn about the water cycle
-Watch STEM projects
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
Hello First Grade Families:
Your student should have their charged PGCPS issued device, charger, and 1 set of headphones daily. Please use a sticky to add their username and password to their device so that students are able to log in. Please contact if you have any questions or issues concerning technology.
Students need to have at least 3 sharpened pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, 2 folders, 3 composition books, 1 personal hand sanitizer, and at least 1 extra mask in their backpack daily.
Please be sure to contact your child's teacher directly (via email or dojo) if dismissal plans change.
Please follow proper protocols if your child is not feeling well.
NWEA Fluency Testing will begin this week.
Please make sure that your student has their PGCPS email address on a sticky on their laptop so that teachers can assist with log in.
Additionally, students will need microphone headsets for testing.
Looking ahead to next week:
Unit 2: Assessment
Unit 3: Essential Question: How Can We Use Our Imaginations?
Story: The Ant and The Grasshopper: Fable
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs and Trigraphs;Contractions
Literacy:Correct and Confirm Predictions About Characters
Language and Conventions: Singular and Plural Nouns
Topic 5 Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations
Topic Goal: Students will build upon what they have learned about addition and subtraction strategies to achieve mathematical fluency.
Focus: Adding equations with 3 addends.
Social Studies:
Chapter 2: Geography of a Community
Lesson 5: My State
STEM Fair Presentations
Unit 2: Empathy and Critical Thinking
Lesson 4: Understanding That People Can Change
Have a safe and prosperous week!
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a great week in second grade!
Next week, we will be finishing Unit 2 in reading, titled, "Nature’s Wonders." The big question for the unit is "What patterns do we see in nature?" Throughout the week, we will review the different skills and genres that we worked on throughout the unit. In Math, we will finish working on topic 7. This topic covers more problem solving involving addition and subtraction.
If you missed Parent University this week, the presentation can be found here:
It is HIGHLY recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Tuesday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Week of January 24-28th
Welcome to the last week in January! In Math, students will continue Topic 8: Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract. In Science, students will continue Topic 3: Weather/ Seasonal Weather changes/Water cycle. Their Topic 3 Assessment will be Wednesday, January 26th. STEM Fair projects are due Monday, January 24th. Students will present their projects Wednesday and Thursday, January 26-27th. In Reading, they will be taking their Unit 2 Test Monday, January 24th. Students will be given new spelling words for this week as well. Please make sure to go into The spelling test will be Friday, January 28th. The title of the spelling test is Below Deck Spelling Words. In Social Studies, students will continue with Chapter 3, Communities Build a Nation. They will take the lesson 2 quiz Monday, January 24th.
Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work in Saavas AND in Google Classroom. Please note that we follow the grading policy from PGCPS. Please look over the policy. Students are required to fill out the make-up form BEFORE attempting to redo the assignment (located in Google Classroom). Also, teachers have to approve the student before they do the assignment because not all assignments are eligible for make-up. Please express to your scholar the importance of turning in their own work on time. If they have not attempted to complete the assignment and it is late, it will NOT be accepted, per the PGCPS Grading Policy. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description.
ClassDojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s ClassDojo. Please check ClassDojo for any updates and new information to be shared. Lastly, please be sure to check SchoolMax for all graded assignments. All students should be logging into the correct Zoom for each subject. Please make sure your student is following the virtual schedule for their homeroom class. Have a great week!
Third Grade Team
Tunisha-Marie Davis
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4th Grade
Next Week in Fourth Grade
Next week in Reading, students will create an informational poster about endangered species, review and take Unit 2 assessment.
In Social Studies, students will continue with Chapter 5 looking at how where we live affect who we are.
In Math, students will be taking Topic 8 assessment and completing Topics 1-8 benchmark.
In Science, students will be able to develop a model of waves using patterns in wave properties.
Please check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your student's grades in all academic areas. Students can request a re-do of an assignment using the Google Form that is posted in Google Classroom. Only assignments that have been assigned or entered in SchoolMax within the last week can be redone unless noted otherwise. Please have your student complete one form for each redo request. Once the form has been submitted, your student's teacher will give out additional information. If students are granted a redo, the assignment(s) must be completed within 3 days from the date assigned.
Students should be in the final stages of their STEM Fair project. Below you will find the link for the STEM Fair Packet. Please use the packet as a guide to help your scholar review his/her STEM Fair project to ensure all components are included. Students are also required to submit a research paper with their STEM Fair project. STEM Fair projects and research papers are due on January 24th. Google Forms have been uploaded in Google Classroom for scholars to upload their video and research paper.
Please ensure that your scholar is coming to school with his/her device charged the night before. Scholars should also be bringing the charger to school daily.
Next week students will also be taking the cogAT assessment. Students will need a pair of headphones.
January 24th, 2022 STEM Fair Projects & Research Papers due
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
Fifth Grade Newsletter
Thank you parents for attending the January Parent University. Our presentation was shared in ClassDojo. If you missed the link, you can find the presentation here:
This week in RELA, students finished up with unit two and began unit three. Next week we will focus on analyzing the characters’ conflicts and prepositional phrases. We are finishing up STEM Fair research papers and beginning to analyze opinion essays.
In Social Studies this week, students worked on their assessment review of Chapter 6 and played some vocabulary games to prepare them for the final assessment. We will move forward into Chapter 7 next week.
Next week in Math, we will explore fractions. Students will estimate differences and sums of fractions and use common procedures to add and subtract fractions. We have completed Topic 6- Dividing Decimals and students will complete their assessment on Monday January 24.
In Science, students completed Patterns in Space-Topic 7. Next week, we will begin to explore the parts of the water cycle, and learn where solids, liquids, and water vapor can be found on Earth.
Virtual Families: We look forward to seeing our virtual students in person on January 31st. Look out for information regarding orientation before returning to the building. We will continue/maintain our safety precautions in the classroom, including mask wearing at all times, sanitizing, breaks for hand washing, and wiping down all surfaces between classes. Please consider donating additional sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, and tissues to your child’s homeroom teacher to help us stop the spread of germs in this season.
STEM Projects (videos and research papers) are due January 24th and students will present January 27-28th. No projects will be accepted late.
Important Dates:
February 2 - Last day of second quarter
February 3 - 2 hour early dismissal
Your Fifth Grade Team
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Creative Arts
Specials News updated
Please make a note that specials teachers prefer ClassDojo communication. However, our emails are provided below. (Mr. Dorsey- Art) (Mrs. Mccain-STEM) (Ms. Bautch- Music) (Ms. Vazquez- Spanish) (Mrs. Avsar- Technology) (Mr. Livas- PE)
Parents and Tigers,
Friendly reminder:
Late assignments may be sent through ClassDojo, labeled with the assignment name and date.
Please be sure to place the ClassDojo message in the correct student and class location.
Send it to me in ClassDojo (do not email) please.
Please refer to SchoolMax to view which assignments have not been received or graded.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Visual Arts Teacher
Upper elementary is entering the last weeks of their Bandlab DAW unit. I realize that STEM Fair projects are near their due date, so don’t fret: I will accept any Bandlab work for up to FULL CREDIT until February 1st!
First grade has a project coming up that requires recycled materials. Look out next week for a donation bin located in the cafeteria for your CLEAN recyclables (boxes, cans, and containers) and craft supplies (pipe cleaners, stickers, rubber bands, paper plates, and paper clips).
K-2 practiced:
Computer Fundamentals: Mouse, Select, Drag, and Double-click
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice using a mouse to select, drag, and double-click as they select items using the pointer and mouse button, move objects on the screen, and double-click to open objects.
3-5 practiced:
Tynker Coding- Space Cadet
This course uses simple code blocks to introduce computational thinking and computer science basics. Students learn by connecting code blocks and apply constructs such as loops and conditional logic to create algorithms that solve problems.
Hello parents! This week the students are learning a very important part of dance culture. The cha-cha slide!!! Have your students in good fitting tennis shoes so they can hop and step comfortably. If your student did not complete their asynchronous assignment, they are still available in Google Classroom to be completed. Have a great week!
Continue to complete work assigned in Google Classroom.
Students are working on their STEM Fair projects. Final projects should be submitted as a video on January 24th. Please upload the project to your science class.
Create Arts Team
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FAQs |
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