Administrative Announcements
In-Person Student Returning From Virtual Learning
Greetings CMIT Families,
As we look forward to welcoming back our in-person students from virtual learning, I am asking that you make sure your child comes to school wearing a well-fitted mask. We will continue our safety protocols listed below. In addition to these protocols, I am requesting that you continue to check your child for Covid-19 symptoms before sending him or her to school. As Dr. Goldson stated in the PGCPS Tele-Town Hall, we will distribute take home Covid-19 test for you to administer weekly. We will send out an email providing you with how we will distribute these test. Please make sure you check your email.
Secondly, PGCPS has updated the Covid-19 quarantine and testing guidelines that we will follow. Please click the link below to read the new updates. It is imperative that the school knows your child's vaccination status in order to properly provide guidance if he or she is infected with Covid-19 or identified as a close contact. If your child test positive for Covid-19, make sure you notify the school immediately.
As I stated before, we will get through this together. I believe we are capable because we work, not only as a team, but a family. Happy New Year and let's finish this year strong!
1. Hand Sanitizer stations
2. Hand washing/Sanitizing schedules (every 2 hours)
3. Needlepoint Ionization Bipolar System that cleans the air.
4. Schoolwide mask mandate
5. Family Health Screening
6. Staff Health Screening
7. Safety signage for social distancing throughout the building
8. Sanitizing procedure between usage of materials
9. Desk Shields and appropriate spacing
10. Assigned/ Numbered seats
11. Covid-19 Compliance team to monitor our daily operations.
12. Students assigned a number to assist with contact tracing.
13. One-to-One devices for scholars
14. Covid-19 safety trainings
15. PPE for all staff and students
16. Visitors are appointments only
17. Merv 13 Filters for the central air and heat
18. Care Room, which is a separate room from our Nurse Room, to separate individuals that exhibit Covid-like symptoms from well students.
19. Temperature Check at the Front Office
20. Covid-19 Exposure Notifications
Dr. Tenika Fryson, Principal
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January 21, 2022 – 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students and School-Based Employees
Please mark your calendars, Friday, January 21, 2022 will be a 3 hour early dismissal for ALL students and school based employees. Please plan ahead accordingly to make arrangements to have your scholar(s) picked up on time. Dismissal will begin PROMPTLY at 11:25 A.M. and end at 11:55 A.M.
There will be Enrichment aftercare for students who are enrolled. Enrichment students will need to be picked up by 3:00 P.M.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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CLOSING SOON! Charter Lottery closes Friday, January 28, 2022
The online application window for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Charter Lottery for the 2022-23 school year will close Friday, January 28, 2022.
To apply, the student MUST have a valid PGCPS issued Student ID.
To view information on the application process:
For more information and to apply during your program application window, click here:
If you already have a dashboard, you can log in using your user information. Please note, you MUST go to your student’s profile in Scribsoft and update the grade level for the 2022-23 school year PRIOR to applying.
La lotería para las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad comienza el 1 de noviembre
Para solicitar su admisión, el estudiante DEBE tener una identificación estudiantil valida de PGCPS.
Ver información sobre el proceso de solicitud de admisión:
Para más información y para solicitar la admisión durante el periodo de solicitud de admisiones de su programa, haga clic aquí:
Si ya está registrado, puede iniciar sesión usando su información de usuario. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que DEBE ir al perfil de su estudiante en Scribsoft y actualizar su nivel de grado para el año escolar 2022-23 ANTES de solicitar su admisión.
La loterie des programmes à charte et programmes spécialisés s’ouvre le 1er novembre
Pour postuler l’étudiant doit avoir une carte d’élève valide délivrée par PGCPS.
Consulter les informations sur la procédure de candidature:
Pour plus d'informations et pour postuler pendant la période de candidature de votre programme, cliquez ici:
Si vous avez déjà un tableau de bord, vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant vos informations d'utilisateur. Veuillez noter que vous DEVEZ vous rendre sur le profil de votre élève dans Scribsoft et mettre à jour le niveau scolaire pour l'année scolaire 2022-23 AVANT de postuler.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Tutoring is in Session
In-person tutoring will resume January 18th. This invitation only enrichment program will help build student math and reading skills. Students may log in with the links provided in their tutoring Google classrooms. Thank you!
Questions may be sent to and
Program Coordinators
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Club is virtual until further notice. We will meet Thursdays at 4:00pm.
Thank you for your dedication and support to STEM!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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Virtual STEM Fair will be held February 12, 2022
CMIT STEM fair Committee
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PARENT UNIVERSITY- January 19, 2022
Hello Parents,
As you know we host parent informational meetings once a month that we call Parent University. During this month's Parent University, our wonderful and amazing teachers will provide information on what to expect in each grade level academically and behaviorally. They will also provide some practices you can use at home to help with your child/childrens development. Make sure you set your alarms and jump on the Zoom links that will be shared on our dojo platform and in your emails. The event will take place on January 19, 2022 at 6:00pm-7:00pm. Zoom links will go out on Wednesday morning. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Michelle Crosby
Program Coordinator
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“Girls on the Move”
“The Girls on the Move” Club will be celebrating our 3rd Annual (Virtual) Vision Board Party on January 29th from 11am-1pm. We will be hosting a vision board party for all girls and women in our school community. During our virtual celebration, you will learn more about our club and create vision boards. A vision board is a poster board collage made up of pictures from magazines designed to remind you of what they want to see, do or become. Our girls create vision boards to focus on their future and carry a clear picture of their dreams and goals. Whether you’re an administrator, parent, student, mentor, or community leader, we want to empower our girls. All are welcomed to join us in the celebration and create a vision board for 2022!
Hope to see you there!
Supplies needed for creating your Vision Board
-White Poster Boards
-Lots of Magazines
-Glitter (optional)
If you don't have the supplies, you can create a DIGITAL VISION BOARD. More information will be shared during the party. Hope to see you there!
GOTM Facilitators
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Monday, January 17, 2022 Schools and Offices - CLOSED
In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. all PGCPS schools and offices will be closed Monday, January 17, 2022.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Robotics Club 2nd and 3rd Grade
The Robotics Club Saturday sessions will Not meet this Saturday. We will meet this Friday at 4:00pm.
The meeting link has been shared on ClassDojo. Email with any questions. Thank you!
Program Coordinator
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Week of Jan17th
Welcome Back!
We have survived two weeks of virtual learning and are happy to be back in the classroom. Thank you again for all of your patience over the past two weeks. As we return, we ask that you have conversations with your scholars to help reinforce the importance of keeping their masks on and washing their hands while at school.
Scholars should be wearing appropriate winter attire as we will continue to have recess outdoors as the weather permits.
If you picked up workbooks for your scholar, make sure to return the math workbook with your scholar on Tuesday. The K.2 Literacy workbook can remain at home as we will be starting unit 3.
We are getting ready to start out next round of MAP assessments. MAP Reading Fluency will take place the week of the 14th. Your scholar will need their device in order to complete the assessment. Devices should be coming to school daily and charged. We ask that you also send your scholar's charger in case they need to charge their device.
We also ask that you help ensure that your scholar does their best on these assessments by having a good nights sleep and a good breakfast.
This week in ELA. we will:
-Learn letter J
-Learn to make connections to text
-Introduce vocab: Folktale
-Review ch & sh words
-Review authors purpose
This week in Social Studies we will:
-Continue learning why people work
-Learn about community jobs
This week in Math we will:
-Review Topic 7 and take the Topic 7 Assessment
-Learn how to show parts of a number and represent those parts in an equation to solve problems
This week in Science we will:
-Learn about different kinds of weather (rain, snow, wind)
Dates to know:
Jan 17--No School
Jan 21-- 3hr early dismissal (Dismissal 11:25)
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
Hello First Grade Families:
Your student should have their charged PGCPS issued device, charger, and 1 set of headphones daily. Please use a sticky to add their username and password to their device so that students are able to log in. Please contact if you have any questions or issues concerning technology.
Students need to have at least 3 sharpened pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, 2 folders, 3 composition books, 1 personal hand sanitizer, and at least 1 extra mask in their backpack daily.
Please be sure to contact your child's teacher directly (via email or dojo) if dismissal plans change.
Please follow proper protocols if your child is not feeling well.
Dates to Remember:
January 17- Schools Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
January 21- 3hr. Early Dismissal
January 24- STEM Fair projects due
Looking ahead to next week:
Unit 2: Essential Question: How do living things grow and change?
Story: Bigger Shoes For The Big Race : Drama
Phonics: Long a Sound Spelled VC e ; Vowel Digraphs al and aw
Literacy: Find Elements of Drama
Language and Conventions: Imperative Sentences
Unit 2: Assessment
Topic 5 Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations
Topic Goal: Students will build upon what they have learned about addition and subtraction strategies to achieve mathematical fluency.
Focus: Adding equations with 3 addends.
Social Studies:
Chapter 2: Geography of a Community
Lesson 4: Continents and Oceans
STEM Fair/ Building and Engineering Unit
Unit 2: Empathy and Critical Thinking
Lesson 3: Relating Thoughts Feelings and Behaviors.
Have a safe and prosperous week!
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a great week in second grade!
As a reminder, we will be resuming in-person learning next week for students that have been in the building all year. Please continue to practice staying safe. Students will still be required to wear masks all day.
Next week, we will continue Unit 2 in reading, titled, "Nature’s Wonders." The big question for the unit is "What patterns do we see in nature?" Throughout the week, we will focus on informational text. The weekly question is, "What migration patterns do we see in some animals?" The spelling pattern will be Long o: o, oa, ow. In Math, we will work on topic 7. This topic covers more problem solving involving addition and subtraction.
It is HIGHLY recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Tuesday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Welcome Back Tigers!
Welcome to a new week! We are so excited to get back in the groove of things. There will be no school Monday, January 17th. Students should return Tuesday, January 18th. In math, students will begin Topic 8: Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract. In science, students will continue Topic 3: Weather/ Seasonal Weather changes/Water cycle. In reading, they will be studying for their unit 2 test. The test will be Thursday, January 20th. Students will be given new spelling words for this week as well. Please make sure to go into The spelling test will not be this week. It will happen next Monday, January 24th. The title of the spelling test is Unit 2 Spelling Words. In Social Studies, students will continue with Chapter 3, Communities Build a Nation. They will take the lesson 2 quiz Thursday, January 20th.
Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work in Saavas AND in Google classroom. Please note that we follow the grading policy from PGCPS. Please look over the policy. Students are required to fill out the make-up form BEFORE attempting to redo the assignment (located in Google classroom). Also, teachers have to approve the student before they do the assignment because not all assignments are eligible for make-up. Please express to your scholar the importance of turning in their own work on time. If they have not attempted to complete the assignment and it is late, it will NOT be accepted, per the PGCPS Grading Policy. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description.
Class Dojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo for any updates and new information to be shared. Lastly, please be sure to check SchoolMax for all graded assignments. All students should be logging into the correct Zoom for each subject. Please make sure your student is following the virtual schedule for their homeroom class. Have a great week!
Important Dates:
No School- Monday, January 17th
3-HR Early Dismissal- Friday, January 21st
Third Grade Team
Tunisha-Marie Davis
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4th Grade
Next Week in Fourth Grade
Next week in Reading, students will research animals and their adaptations and create an informational poster about an endangered animal.
In Social Studies, we will begin Chapter 5 looking at how where we live affect who we are.
In Math, students will use arrays and multiplication to find the factors of a given number and begin equivalent fractions and ordering fractions.
In Science, students will be able to develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move.
Please check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's grades in all academic areas. Students can request a re-do of an assignment using the Google Form that is posted in Google Classroom. Only assignments that have been assigned or entered in SchoolMax within the last week can be redone unless noted otherwise. Please have your scholar complete one form for each redo request. Once the form has been submitted, your scholar's teacher will give out additional information. If students are granted a redo, the assignment(s) must be completed within 3 days from the date assigned.
Students should be finishing up their STEM Fair project. Below you will find the link for the STEM Fair Packet. Please use the packet as a guide to help your scholar complete his/her STEM Fair project. Students are also required to submit a research paper with their STEM Fair project. STEM Fair projects and research papers are due on January 24th.
As we prepare for in-person learning to return next week, please ensure that your scholar is coming to school with his/her device charged the night before. Scholars should also be bringing the charger to school daily.
January 17th, 2022 No School Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
January 19th , 2022 Parent University 6-7 pm
January 24th, 2022 STEM Fair Projects & Research Papers due
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
Fifth Grade Newsletter
This week in RELA, we finished Unit 2 Week 5, focusing on active voice, comparing and contrasting texts, and synthesizing information. Next week, students will review Unit 2 and take the Unit 2 assessment covering all the topics. Students will review in class and should outside of class as well.
This week in Social Studies, students will continue learning about the Bill of Rights and the importance of the first 10 amendments. They will complete reading checks 1-4 and finalize Lesson 4 with the lesson check. They will complete the review for Chapter 6 and prepare for the Assessment.
This week, students will do their end of Topic 6 (Dividing decimals) test in math. Our new topic in math for this week will be Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions. Our first lesson is ‘Estimating sums and differences of fractions by using the nearest half or whole number.'
This week, students will complete their end of chapter 6 assessment in Science (Patterns in Space). Scholars will then begin Topic 4 - Earth’s Water. After completing this topic, your scholar will be able to describe and graph the amounts and percentages of water and fresh water in various reservoirs to provide evidence about the distribution of water on Earth. As a reminder, all STEM Projects (videos and research papers) are due Monday January 24th. We can’t wait to see what our Scientists have accomplished!
Parent dates/reminders:
We look forward to seeing our in-person students back in the building on January 18th and our virtual students on January 31st. We will continue to maintain our safety precautions in the classroom, including mask wearing at all times, sanitizing, breaks for hand washing, and wiping down all surfaces between classes. Please consider donating additional sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, and tissues to your child’s homeroom teacher to help us stop the spread of germs.
CMIT Parent University is January 19th. Please look out for more information and zoom links from your scholar’s teachers. We encourage all students and parents to attend.
STEM Projects (videos and research papers) are due January 24th and students will present Jan 27-28th. No late projects will be accepted.
January 17th - MLK Jr. Day - Schools Closed
January 21 - 3 hour early dismissal
February 2 - Last day of second quarter
Stay safe, and have have an amazing week!
Your Fifth Grade Team
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Creative Arts
Specials News
Welcome to 2022 from the Specials team! Please ensure your scholar is completing all assignments by the due date. Please ensure your scholar is prepared each day for specials.
Greetings Parents and Tigers,
Friendly reminder:
Late assignments may be sent through ClassDojo, labeled with the assignment name and date.
Please be sure to place the ClassDojo message in the correct student and class location.
Send it to me in ClassDojo (do not email) please.
Please refer to SchoolMax to view which assignments have not been received or graded.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Visual Arts Teacher
Students in grades 3-5 are beginning their work in Bandlab, the online based DAW (Digital Audio Workspace). This requires them to sign up with an email. If issues arise with their CMIT email (as they do not have access anymore), feel free to use a parents email or a student’s personal email. Emails are not used (only if choosing the “forgot password” button down the road), and students will only need it once! So excited to see what my Tiger producers come up with this month!
Ms. Bautch-Music
K-1 practiced:
Computer Fundamentals: Mouse, Select, Drag, and Double-click
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice using a mouse to select, drag, and double-click as they select items using the pointer and mouse button, move objects on the screen, and double-click to open objects.
2-5 practiced:
Tynker Coding- Space Cadet
This course uses simple code blocks to introduce computational thinking and computer science basics. Students learn by connecting code blocks and apply constructs such as loops and conditional logic to create algorithms that solve problems.
Mrs. Avsar - Technology
Please make sure to check Google Classroom for announcements and PowerPoint presentations.
This week students continued to study Mi Familia. Next week students will continue learning about Mi Familia.
Ms. Vazquez- Spanish
Students should be working on their STEM fair projects. Projects are due January 24, 2022. Projects must be submitted as a video.
Mrs. MccainWigfall- STEAM
Create Arts Team
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