Administrative Announcements
Charter and Specialty Programs Lottery Is Still Open!
The online application window for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Charter & Specialty Programs Lottery for the 2022-23 school year is open from Monday, November 1, 2021 through Friday, January 28, 2022.
Charter and specialty program (i.e. Montessori, Creative & Performing Arts and Language Immersion) lotteries have been combined into ONE application window.
The application window for Talented and Gifted (TAG) will remain separate. The TAG application window will be available Wednesday, January 12 through Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
To apply, the student MUST have a valid PGCPS issued Student ID.
To view information on the application process:
For more information and to apply during your program application window, click here:
If you already have a dashboard, you can log in using your user information. Please note, you MUST go to your student’s profile in Scribsoft and update the grade level for the 2022-23 school year PRIOR to applying.
La lotería para las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad comienza el 1 de noviembre
El periodo de solicitud de admisión en línea para las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George (PGCPS) para el año escolar 2022-2023 está abierto a partir del lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021 y hasta el viernes, 28 de enero de 2022.
Las loterías de las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad (p. ej. Montessori, Artes creativas y escénicas; y de inmersión lingüística) se han combinado en UN periodo de solicitud de admisión.
La ventana de solicitud de admisión para el programa de Talentosos y Dotados (TAG, por sus siglas en inglés) seguirá realizándose por separado. La solicitud de admisión para el programa TAG estará disponible desde el miércoles, 12 de enero hasta el miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022.
Para solicitar su admisión, el estudiante DEBE tener una identificación estudiantil valida de PGCPS.
Ver información sobre el proceso de solicitud de admisión:
Para más información y para solicitar la admisión durante el periodo de solicitud de admisiones de su programa, haga clic aquí:
Si ya está registrado, puede iniciar sesión usando su información de usuario. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que DEBE ir al perfil de su estudiante en Scribsoft y actualizar su nivel de grado para el año escolar 2022-23 ANTES de solicitar su admisión.
La loterie des programmes à charte et programmes spécialisés s’ouvre le 1er novembre
La période de candidature en ligne pour la loterie des Écoles publiques du comté de Prince George (PGCPS) relative aux écoles à charte et programmes spécialisés de l'année scolaire 2022-23 sera ouverte du lundi 1er novembre 2021 au vendredi 28 janvier 2022.
Les loteries des écoles à charte et des programmes spécialisés (c'est-à-dire Montessori, Arts créatifs et du spectacle, Immersion linguistique) ont été combinées en UNE seule période de candidature.
La période de candidature pour les élèves talentueux et doués sera séparée. La période de candidature TAG sera ouverte du mercredi 12 janvier au mercredi 23 mars 2022.
Pour postuler l’étudiant doit avoir une carte d’élève valide délivrée par PGCPS.
Consulter les informations sur la procédure de candidature:
Pour plus d'informations et pour postuler pendant la période de candidature de votre programme, cliquez ici:
Si vous avez déjà un tableau de bord, vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant vos informations d'utilisateur. Veuillez noter que vous DEVEZ vous rendre sur le profil de votre élève dans Scribsoft et mettre à jour le niveau scolaire pour l'année scolaire 2022-23 AVANT de postuler.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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COVID-19 Vaccination Status Form
Chesapeake Math & IT North Elementary is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of its community members. Now that children who are five and older are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccinations we strongly encourage all students to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
As we prepare for full, 100% in-person instruction, we are requiring all parents to submit their student's COVID vaccine status in order to maintain a healthy educational environment and to properly adhere to quarantining, contact tracing, and testing guidelines.
This information will only be shared with pertinent school personnel and it will allow us to plan for the safest school experience possible.
Please click here to access the Google Form:
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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COVID-19 Update: All Students Moving to Virtual Learning (Dec. 20-23; Jan. 3-14) / Actualización de la COVID-19: Todos los estudiantes volverán al aprendizaje virtual (20-23 de diciembre; 3-14 de enero)
Dear Prince George’s County Public Schools Community,
In light of the stark rise in COVID-19 cases throughout our school system, all students will transition to virtual learning, effective Monday, December 20 through Thursday, December 23. Winter Break will proceed as scheduled, Friday, December 24 through Friday, December 31, and virtual learning will continue Monday, January 3 through Friday, January 14. In-person learning will resume Tuesday, January 18, following the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday; students in the K-6 Virtual Learning Program will return Monday, January 31.
Over the past few days, I have remained in daily contact with the Prince George’s County Health Department regarding appropriate steps for maintaining safe environments across more than 200 school communities. Educators, administrators and support staff must be able to deliver in-person instruction and other activities in conditions that prioritize their own health, as well as the wellbeing of the school community. The increased positivity rates have significantly challenged the ability to do so, causing anxiety among many school communities and disruption to the school day.
Parents who need to pick up instructional items to ensure continuity of learning may do so on Monday, December 20. Your child’s school will provide more information about pickup times. Additionally, meal distributions next week will occur on Monday, December 20 and Wednesday, December 22 between 10 a.m. and noon. Information about meal distribution in January is forthcoming.
I strongly encourage all of you to take every precaution against COVID-19, follow social distancing protocols and get vaccinated.
Thank you for your continued support.
Monica Goldson, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Actualización de la COVID-19: Todos los estudiantes volverán al aprendizaje virtual (20-23 de diciembre; 3-14 de enero)
Estimada comunidad de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George:
En vista de la considerable alza en los casos de la COVID-19 detectados a lo largo y ancho de nuestro sistema escolar, todos los estudiantes volverán al aprendizaje virtual a partir del lunes, 20 de diciembre y hasta el jueves, 23 de diciembre. Las vacaciones de invierno procederán según lo previsto, desde el viernes, 24 de diciembre hasta el viernes, 31 de diciembre, y el aprendizaje virtual continuará a partir del lunes, 3 de enero y hasta el viernes, 14 de enero. El aprendizaje presencial reiniciará el martes, 18 de enero, día festivo de Martin Luther King Jr. Los estudiantes de kínder a 6.° grado del programa de aprendizaje virtual regresarán el lunes, 31 de enero.
En los últimos días, he permanecido en contacto diario con el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Prince George en relación a los pasos adecuados a seguir para mantener entornos seguros en más de 200 comunidades escolares. Los maestros, administradores y personal de apoyo deben poder impartir instrucción presencial y otras actividades en condiciones que prioricen tanto su propia salud y bienestar como los de la comunidad escolar. El aumento de las tasas de positividad ha desafiado significativamente la capacidad de hacerlo causando ansiedad entre muchas comunidades escolares y la interrupción de la jornada escolar.
Los padres que necesiten recoger artículos para garantizar la continuidad del aprendizaje pueden hacerlo el lunes, 20 de diciembre. La escuela de su hijo ofrecerá más información sobre los horarios para recoger los materiales. Adicionalmente, la distribución de comidas de la próxima semana se llevará a cabo el lunes, 20 de diciembre y el miércoles 22 de diciembre entre las 10:00 a.m. y las 12:00 p.m. Próximamente se compartirá la información sobre la distribución de comidas para enero.
Los animo a todos a tomar todas las precauciones posibles contra la COVID-19, a seguir los protocolos de distanciamiento social y a vacunarse.
Gracias por su apoyo continuo.
Monica Goldson, Ed.D.
Directora ejecutiva
Mise à jour relative au COVID-19 : Tous les élèves passent à l'apprentissage virtuel (20-23 déc. ; 3-14 janv.)
Chère communauté des Écoles publiques du comté de Prince George,
En raison de l'augmentation considérable des cas de COVID-19 au sein de notre système scolaire, tous les élèves passeront à l'apprentissage virtuel du lundi 20 décembre au jeudi 23 décembre. Les vacances d'hiver se dérouleront comme prévu, du vendredi 24 décembre au vendredi 31 décembre, et l'apprentissage virtuel se poursuivra du lundi 3 janvier au vendredi 14 janvier. L'apprentissage en personne reprendra le mardi 18 janvier, après la Fête de Martin Luther King Jr. ; les élèves du programme d'apprentissage virtuel des classes de la maternelle à la sixième année reviendront le lundi 31 janvier.
Ces derniers jours, je suis restée en contact quotidien avec le Département de la santé du comté de Prince George concernant les mesures appropriées pour maintenir des environnements sûrs dans plus de 200 communautés scolaires. Les éducateurs, les administrateurs et le personnel de soutien doivent être en mesure de dispenser un enseignement en personne et d'autres activités dans des conditions qui donnent la priorité à leur propre santé et à leur bien-être. L'augmentation des taux de positivité a considérablement remis en cause cette capacité, provoquant l'anxiété de nombreuses communautés scolaires et perturbant la journée scolaire.
Les parents qui ont besoin de récupérer des objets pour assurer la continuité de l'apprentissage peuvent le faire le lundi 20 décembre. L'école de votre enfant vous fournira de plus amples informations relatives aux heures de ramassage. En outre, pour les parents qui le souhaitent, la distribution des repas aura lieu à l'école de votre enfant.
Je vous encourage tous à prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires contre le COVID-19, à suivre les protocoles de distanciation sociale et à vous faire vacciner.
Merci pour votre soutien continu.
Monica Goldson, Ed.D.
Directrice exécutive
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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STEM Fair Projects Due January 24th.
All STEM fair projects are due January 24th.
If you have any questions email
Students should have written their title, question, hypothesis, materials, and procedures. Students should complete their experiment.
By December 20, 2021
Students should take pictures, and create a data chart/graph by January 7, 2022
CMIT STEM Fair Committee
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Happy New Year!!
Welcome 2022! The kindergarten team wishes everyone a Happy New Year. We hope that everyone was able to find the time needed to relax and recharge. We are coming into this year having to change gears and mindsets as we transition to virtual learning for the next couple of weeks.
You have received the Zoom links for your scholar's teacher. There are expectations for virtual learning. Scholars are expected to be logged on by 8am, be dressed in appropriate clothing (no pajamas), and to eat during provided times or breaks (not during instructional times). Specials teachers will join your scholar's teachers link so there is no need for them to change Zoom links.
If you are having technical difficulties and are unable to log on, let your scholar's teacher know.
This week in ELA we will:
-Learn sight words: go, from, yellow
-Learn middle /e/. Learn letters W and Y
-Phonics: double O----- /oo/ sound
-Review author's purpose of persuasion and learn about persuasive writing
This week in Social Studies we will:
-Start learning about jobs in the past and jobs today.
-Learn how jobs have changed
This week in Math we will:
-Review addition
-Start learning subtraction within 10
This week in Science we will:
-Complete learning about how the sun effects the Earth's surface
-Take Topic 3 Assessment
Dates to know:
Jan 3-Jan 14th---Virtual Learning
Jan 17th-- No School
Jan 21st-- 3 hr Early Dismissal (Dismiss at 11:25)
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
Happy New Year Families:
Dates to Remember:
January 3-14- Students will switch to virtual learning
January 18- In-Person learning resumes
January 24- STEM Fair projects due
January 31- All students return to in-person learning
Looking ahead to next week:
Unit 2: Essential Question: How do living things grow and change?
Story: "How Do Baby Animals Grow?" Genre: Information Text.
Phonics: Review: Initial and Final Consonant blends, open/closed syllables.
Literacy: Review: Text Features- Using headings to locate key facts or information in a text.
Language and Conventions: Declarative, Exclamatory and Interrogative Sentences
Math: Topic 4 Review: Subtraction Facts to 20.
Using Strategies to Subtract: Adding with a number line, doubles, near doubles, and ten-frames
Progress Check Topic 1-4 Benchmark
Topic 4 Assessment
Social Studies: Chapter 2: Geography of a Community
Review: Cardinal locations, features of a map.
Science: STEM Fair/ Building and Engineering Unit
Health: Unit 2: Empathy and Critical Thinking
Lesson 3: Relating Thoughts Feelings and Behaviors.
Have a phenomenal week!
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We have made it to winter break! We hope everyone takes this time to relax and spend time with loved ones!
When we get back in 2022, things will look a little different than how we left things. You should have received a new schedule from your scholar's teacher. This will be the schedule that will be used during virtual teaching until January 14, 2022.
Over break, our scholars can continue to practice their skills on IXL, Prodigy, and by using flashcards.
As always, if you have any questions please reach out to your scholar's teacher via ClassDojo.
We cannot wait to see all of you in 2022!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Welcome Back Tigers!
Welcome back from winter break! We hope that you all enjoyed your time off. In math, students will continue Topic 7: Represent and Interpret Data. In science, students will continue Topic 3 Lesson 2: Weather/ Seasonal Weather changes / Water cycle. In reading, they will review comparing and contrasting the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic, and informational text. They will be introduced to identifying historical fiction. They will be preparing for the Unit 2 test. Students will be given new spelling words with the name, Nature’s Patchwork Quilt Spelling Words. The test will be on Friday, 1/7. In Social Studies, students will begin Chapter 3, Communities Build a Nation.
Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work in Saavas AND in Google Classroom. Please note that we follow the grading policy from PGCPS. Please look over the policy. Students are required to fill out the make-up form BEFORE attempting to redo the assignment (located in Google Classroom). Also, teachers have to approve the student before they do the assignment because not all assignments are eligible for make-up. Please express to your scholar the importance of turning in their own work on time. If they have not attempted to complete the assignment and it is late, it will NOT be accepted, per the PGCPS Grading Policy. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description.
Class Dojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo for any updates and new information to be shared. If you would rather use email as your main form of communication, please tell your scholar’s teacher. Lastly, please be sure to check SchoolMax for all graded assignments. All students should be bringing their school devices with them to school daily. Have a great week!
Third Grade Team
Tunisha-Marie Davis
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4th Grade
Happy Holidays!!
The Fourth Grade team would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season!! We have made it to winter break. Take this time to relax, recharge and enjoy quality time with family.
Next week in Reading, students will be synthesizing information & monitoring comprehension.
In Social Studies, we will understand that business supply goods and services match demand.
In Math, students will use arrays and multiplication to find the factors of a given number.
In Science, students will develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move.
Please take note that January 3-14, 2022 all students will be virtual. Students are expected to log in to their homeroom teacher's Zoom link at 7:55 am. Please refer to the schedule below as slight changes have been made to accommodate this shift.
Students should be in the beginning phases of their STEM Fair project. Below you will find the link for the STEM Fair Packet. Please use the packet as a guide to help your scholar to complete his/her STEM Fair project. Students are also required to submit a research paper with their STEM Fair project. We will discuss in class further after break.
Have an awesome break and we will see you next year!!
Important Dates
12/24/2021-1/2/2022 No School Winter Break
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
Fifth Grade Newsletter
Greetings Parents!
We have reached the end of the calendar year, where students and teachers look forward to the Winter Break, so we may return to school revitalized for instruction and learning. While students will not return to the building on January 3rd, your fifth grade team will be ready to see them in our online classrooms. You have received your scholars' virtual schedule from their homeroom teacher via Class Dojo and/or email, and your scholar has received their schedule in Google Classroom. When we return, we will take some time to re-establish virtual classroom norms and Zoom etiquette, but will dive into instruction to minimize any gaps in the curriculum pacing. We thank you in advance for your support and patience during this transition!
When we return, in Math scholars will ‘use models and strategies to divide decimals.’ In Topic 6, we will use modeling strategies, such as area model and place value blocks, to divide decimals by decimals and divide decimals by whole numbers.
We will continue Topic 7 in Science--explaining and demonstrating how Earth's rotation and revolution affects patterns in space and on Earth. During break, students should complete the experiment portion of their STEM project. As a reminder, projects are still due January 24th.
This week in RELA, students practiced explaining relationships between ideas, prefixes:il-,in-,im-,ir-, and perfect verb tenses. When we return from break, students will set New Year’s goals, learn about suffixes, and synthesizing information from 2 texts. We will begin researching and writing STEM Fair Research papers when we return on 1/03/2022. Please ensure your students are prepared with an idea of what they should research. This is a large part of their STEM Fair Project.
In Social Studies, scholars will continue Chapter 6 focusing on the Key Concepts of the Constitution and Creating a New Nation.
Thank you for your support and partnership! We hope you and your family stay safe, be well, and have a Happy New Year!
Your Fifth Grade Team
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Counselors Corner
Winter Break & Mental Health
Your School Counselor
[Ms. Whitney Green]
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PTO Announcements
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays from the Specials team! Enjoy your break!
Create Arts Team!
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FAQs |
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