Administrative Announcements
Charter and Specialty Programs Lottery Is Open!
The online application window for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Charter & Specialty Programs Lottery for the 2022-23 school year is open from Monday, November 1, 2021 through Friday, January 28, 2022.
Charter and specialty program (i.e. Montessori, Creative & Performing Arts and Language Immersion) lotteries have been combined into ONE application window.
The application window for Talented and Gifted (TAG) will remain separate. The TAG application window will be available Wednesday, January 12 through Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
To apply, the student MUST have a valid PGCPS issued Student ID.
To view information on the application process:
For more information and to apply during your program application window, click here:
If you already have a dashboard, you can log in using your user information. Please note, you MUST go to your student’s profile in Scribsoft and update the grade level for the 2022-23 school year PRIOR to applying.
La lotería para las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad comienza el 1 de noviembre
El periodo de solicitud de admisión en línea para las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George (PGCPS) para el año escolar 2022-2023 está abierto a partir del lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021 y hasta el viernes, 28 de enero de 2022.
Las loterías de las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad (p. ej. Montessori, Artes creativas y escénicas; y de inmersión lingüística) se han combinado en UN periodo de solicitud de admisión.
La ventana de solicitud de admisión para el programa de Talentosos y Dotados (TAG, por sus siglas en inglés) seguirá realizándose por separado. La solicitud de admisión para el programa TAG estará disponible desde el miércoles, 12 de enero hasta el miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022.
Para solicitar su admisión, el estudiante DEBE tener una identificación estudiantil valida de PGCPS.
Ver información sobre el proceso de solicitud de admisión:
Para más información y para solicitar la admisión durante el periodo de solicitud de admisiones de su programa, haga clic aquí:
Si ya está registrado, puede iniciar sesión usando su información de usuario. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que DEBE ir al perfil de su estudiante en Scribsoft y actualizar su nivel de grado para el año escolar 2022-23 ANTES de solicitar su admisión.
La loterie des programmes à charte et programmes spécialisés s’ouvre le 1er novembre
La période de candidature en ligne pour la loterie des Écoles publiques du comté de Prince George (PGCPS) relative aux écoles à charte et programmes spécialisés de l'année scolaire 2022-23 sera ouverte du lundi 1er novembre 2021 au vendredi 28 janvier 2022.
Les loteries des écoles à charte et des programmes spécialisés (c'est-à-dire Montessori, Arts créatifs et du spectacle, Immersion linguistique) ont été combinées en UNE seule période de candidature.
La période de candidature pour les élèves talentueux et doués sera séparée. La période de candidature TAG sera ouverte du mercredi 12 janvier au mercredi 23 mars 2022.
Pour postuler l’étudiant doit avoir une carte d’élève valide délivrée par PGCPS.
Consulter les informations sur la procédure de candidature:
Pour plus d'informations et pour postuler pendant la période de candidature de votre programme, cliquez ici:
Si vous avez déjà un tableau de bord, vous pouvez vous connecter en utilisant vos informations d'utilisateur. Veuillez noter que vous DEVEZ vous rendre sur le profil de votre élève dans Scribsoft et mettre à jour le niveau scolaire pour l'année scolaire 2022-23 AVANT de postuler.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Robotics Club
The Robotics Club will start Saturday sessions on Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 11:00am-1:00pm.
Benora McCain
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2 Hour Early Dismissal, Wednesday, November 17th
Please mark your calendars! Wednesday, November 17th is a Professional Day for Teachers and there will be a 2 hour EARLY DISMISSAL for Students. Dismissal will begin at 12:25 P.M. All scholars who are not enrolled in the after school Enrichment Program will need to be picked up by 12:55 P.M.
The Enrichment Program will end promptly at 4:00 P.M. for ALL students who are enrolled.
Please make necessary arrangements to pick up your scholars on time. Thank you.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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National Scholarship Month!
November is National Scholarship Month. Sponsored by National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA), National Scholarship Month® (NSM) is about building an awareness of scholarships. Whether you are a scholarship provider, an institution of higher education, a student, a parent, or a business, National Scholarship Month is a way for all of us to celebrate our work and our common goal of helping all students get to and through college.
National Scholarship Month was established in 1998 by Scholarship America (formerly, Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America). It provides recognition to communities, organizations, and businesses in the scholarship industry and serves to encourage others to step forward and join this movement to improve educational opportunities and educational achievement around the world.
CLF joins NSPA in their mission to help our community navigate the landscape of college and scholarships!
Make sure to check all CLF social media for updates and tips!
Twitter: @CLF_CLF
Instagram: @ChesapeakeLighthouseFoundation
FB: @CLFPublicCharters
CLF Communications Team
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Our next PTO meeting is Wednesday November 17th at 6pm. You can use the link below to pre-register for all of our meetings
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 17, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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Saturday Academy is Coming!
Saturday Academy will be starting on November 20th. This invitation only enrichment program will help build student math and reading skills.
Program Coordinator
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Welcome to the 2021-2022 MESA club. Club attendance is mandatory. All students should register for the Johns Hopkins online website this week. Students may be dismissed from MESA club if they miss three sessions or have two behavior infractions. If any student is interested in joining MESA club, please email Mrs. McCain at On Thursday, November 18th, MESA club will meet from
3pm - 5pm for a special Johns Hopkins presentation.
Thank you for your dedication and support to STEM!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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Get into the School Spirit
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Honey Baked Ham Gift Cards
As we move on to celebrating the upcoming holidays, we're providing a new way to support the PTO and the school, with Honey Baked Ham gift cards! If you plan on buying a Honey Baked Ham or Turkey for any of the upcoming holidays, or just for a night off of cooking dinner, you can buy gift cards to use to purchase the ham or turkey and support the PTO in the process! Honey Baked Ham gift cards also make wonderful gifts. You can use your HoneyBaked Gift Card to shop online or in-store at any Honey Baked location nationwide. And the most satisfying part is that 20% of your purchase goes directly to support the fundraiser. Click the link to order a gift card for yourself and/or family and friends!
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Go Green Club/KIWANIS!
We need your help! Kiwanis club will be collecting food, hats, gloves, blankets, scarves, homeless care-packs, hand sanitizer, tissue, toys, socks, masks, water bottles, and hygiene supplies. Please send items starting November 15th - December 15th. Thank you!
Program Coordinator
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Virtual Scholastic Book Fair 11/5-11/18
Program Coordinator
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Week of November 15th
This week concludes the first quarter of school and begins quarter 2. Grades will start being finalized and posted on Monday, November 15th.
Make sure you are labeling all items to help ensure missing items get returned to your scholar.
We will start keeping workbooks in the classroom. Make sure to send in your scholars math and K.2 literacy workbooks if you have not already done so. As we move into a new quarter check your scholar's pencil boxes and school supplies. If you see they are low, please replenish them as teachers are low on supplies we can give to those who need them.
This week in ELA we will:
-learn sight words: of, are, that and letters D and K
-learn rhyming words
-retell text
-review sight words: me, with, for, she, see, look, my, to, make, like
- review authors purpose: focus on informational text
This week in Social Studies we will:
Continue learning about State and National symbols
This week in Math we will:
-Take the Topic 4 assessment
-classify objects in 2 categories
-sort categories by counting
-use counting to compare how many objects are in a categories
This week in Science we will:
-observe and sort objects based on properties
- STEM Day on Friday. Classrooms will focus on various STEM activities
Dates to Know:
Nov 16– last day of first quarter
Nov 17– Early Dismissal (12:25)
Nov 24-26– Thanksgiving Break
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
First Grade News and Reminders
Hello First Grade Families:
Please be sure that your child is connected to their teacher's Google Classroom, if you have any questions reach out to your child's teacher directly. Homework is assigned on Monday and should be uploaded no later than 3:25 p.m. on Friday (or the last day of the school week).
Your student should have their charged PGCPS issued device, charger, and 1 set of headphones daily. Please use a sticky to add their username and password to their device so that students are able to log in. Please contact if you have any questions or issues concerning technology.
Students need to have at least 3 sharpened pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, 2 folders, 3 composition books, 1 personal hand sanitizer, and at least 1 extra mask in their backpack daily.
Please be sure to contact your child's teacher directly (via email or dojo) if dismissal plans change.
Please follow proper protocols if your child is not feeling well.
Looking ahead to next week:
Unit 2: Essential Question: How do living things grow and change?
Story: "The Life of a Frog" Genre: Information Text.
Phonics: Initial Consonant blends: fl, sl, tr, st
Literacy: Finding Main Idea and Important Details
Language and Conventions: Isolating beginning, ending, and middle sounds in words.
Writing: Retell key details of a text
Describe connections between two ideas or pieces of information.
Math: Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20.
Using Strategies to Add:
Adding with a number line, doubles, near doubles, and ten-frames
Topic 3 Review and Assessment
Social Studies:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Geography of a Community
My Community: Finding Places
Science: STEM Fair/ Building and Engineering Unit
Scientific Method: STEM Fair project preparation
Unit 2: Empathy and Critical Thinking
Lesson 2: Predicting Feelings
DRA Tests (Developmental Reading Assessment) will continue this week.
November 17- Professional Day for Teachers – 2-Hr. early dismissal for students.
November 19- STEAM Day more information will be provided by your students classroom teacher.
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a terrific tenth week in Second Grade!
Next week, we will begin Unit 2 in reading, titled, "Nature’s Wonders." The big question for the unit is "What patterns do we see in nature?" Throughout the week, we will focus on informational text. The weekly question is, "What patterns can we notice in a garden?" The spelling pattern will be contractions. In Math, we will be continuing topic 4. This topic covers fluently adding within 100 using strategies.
Students will continue taking their DRA assessment.
It is HIGHLY recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Welcome to the Week of 11/15 to 11/19!
In Math, scholars will continue Topic 4: Using Multiplication Facts to Divide.
In Science, students will continue Topic 2, Lesson 1: Focusing on STEM and the Scientific Method.
In Reading, they will be working on the skill: Main Idea and Details.
In Writing, they will begin learning about How-to Articles. New words for spelling have been given on AAA spell. The list is titled Patterns in Nature Spelling List. The spelling test will be on Friday.
In Social Studies, students will be continuing Chapter 2, Lesson 2: Types of Resources. Students will be turning in all homework assignments by each Friday on Google Classroom.
Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work.
Class Dojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo for any updates and new information to be shared. If you would rather use email as your main form of communication, please tell your scholar’s teacher. Lastly, please be sure to check School Max for all graded assignments. As a reminder, scholars will have an opportunity to resubmit assignments to improve their grades. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description. All students should be bringing their school devices with them to school daily. Have a great week!
Friday 11/19/21- STEM Day
Third Grade Team
Tunisha-Marie Davis
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4th Grade
Next Week in Fourth Grade
Next week in Reading, students will be completing Unit 1 Assessment and begin Unit 2 later in the week identifying the author's purpose and text structure. In Social Studies, we will be finishing up Chapter 2 by taking the chapter assessment and beginning Chapter 3 Government. In Math, students will continue working on multi-digit multiplication. In Science, students will be learning about energy resources.
Please check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's grades in all academic areas.
Please encourage your scholar to charge their school issued device nightly.
Just a friendly reminder that ClassDojo is the best way to contact us. We are available from 7:55 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.
Upcoming Dates
11/17/2021 2Hr Early Dismissal
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
ROARING toward Second Quarter!
In RELA this week, we finished Unit 1, by taking the Unit 1 assessment. We have moved onto Unit 2: Observations. Next week, we will focus on subject-verb agreement, author’s purpose, and evaluating details.
In Social Studies this week, we learned about Daily life in the colonies, slavery in the colonies, and cooperation and conflict in the colonies. Next week, we will learn about the French and Indian war and finish up Chapter 4 by taking the assessment on Friday, 11/19.
In Science students are continuing with Matter. We are focusing on the similarities and differences of physical properties and chemical properties of matter.
In Math, students have completed Chapter 3. We have administered the end of Chapter 3 topic test. We are moving on to Chapter 4, Multiplying decimals and whole numbers.
-5th Grade Team
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Counselors Corner
Career Chats are BACK! and we Need YOU!
Hello Tiger's Den!
College and Career readiness is something we discuss with even our tiniest of Tigers :)
It is so wonderful to engage in exploratory conversations that ignite curiosity and inspire future goals!
In order to make this part of our curriculum as rich as possible, I am turning to you all, our wonderful Tiger Den Parents and Guardians (and all your many connections in the communities outside our own!)
In place of one big Career Day at the end of the year, we infuse career conversations and presentations all year long! The different exposures and real life interactions that our Tiger's receive from our Career Chats program is priceless. Will you please be a part of it?!
Below is a form to sign up to share 30-45 minutes of your time and yourself with our Tigers. All of our chats will be virtual, and so you can do it from anywhere!
Share what you do, how you get to where you are and field some inquisitive minds with creative questions :)
You can speak in as many different classes and grade levels as you would like!
You can reach out to stakeholders that may not be directly affiliated with the Den and host them to speak!
I will work with you to schedule a time with the classroom teachers and Poof! Just like that you have had an even bigger impact on the future!
I am so excited to get these Career Chats going. Start signing up!
Your School Counselor
[Ms. Whitney Green]
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"World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. The purpose of this day, celebrated on November 13 of each year, is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations!" (
We earned the honor and title last year of being a Kindness School, and though we practice kindness every single day, we are not going to miss this opportunity to show just what it means to be a ROARing Tigers Den for Kindness!
We are challenging all of our Tigers this weekend to make kindness a purposeful priority, and have some activities to help streamline those efforts:
Kindness Checklist!
Attached are checklists for our lower elementary Tiger cubs, our upper elementary Tigers, and one for our Families! Pick the challenge list that suits you best and start spreading that kindness!
Take photos of your kindness in action, and post them to our social media outlets with the hashtags: #KindnessCounts2021 #WorldKindnessDay2021
(twitter: @CMIT_elementary; Facebook: @CMITNorthElementary; Instagram: @cmit_north_elementary; @cmitnorthespto)
Kindness Poster Contest!
Using recycled materials, create a motivating poster with a message about kindness to share with all the Tigers in the den! Posters should be made from recycled and repurposed materials, demonstrating our kindness to our environment! Posters will be hung all around the building to inspire kindness for ourselves, others, and our planet, all year round, and awards will be given for the beautiful artwork!
Bring the posters to school on Monday, and I (Ms. Green) will be ready to collect them and display them!
**Acknowledgement & Awards** will be provided to the Tigers (and Tiger families) that complete the most acts of kindness this weekend, sending out such positive ripple effects into our world!
Your School Counselor
[Ms. Whitney Green]
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Creative Arts
Specials News
Tigers will be starting projects, taking their preliminary sketches to final renderings with craftsmanship as a priority. We will also include reviews and discussions to practice reflection activities. Necessary materials include: sketchbooks/paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons.
K-2 practiced:
K-2 practiced:
Keyboarding: Locate and Type Letters K, L, M, N, and O
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice in keyboarding the letters K, L, M, N, and O as they locate and type the letters, recognize the letter sounds, and learn the relationship between the letters on the keyboard and on the screen.
3-5 practiced:
Keyboarding: Home Row
This engaging and interactive digital lesson provides direct instruction and practice in the area of basic keyboarding techniques needed to type using the home row keys. The learners gain knowledge about proper finger placement and posture.
K-2 students are exploring the concept of pitch and second grade is beginning to place pitches on the staff! Third grade is learning note names of the treble and bass clef and 4th and 5th graders are extending their knowledge of the staff to identify melodies and harmonies and play them on instruments.
Another fantastic week in PE. We reviewed sports. Scholars are doing great in PE!
All students will need a Spanish composition journal labeled with their name, teacher, and grade. All students should have Rockalingua accounts by now. Thank you!
Scholars continue to explore Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) and work on their writing prompt this week.
Create Arts Team!
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FAQs |
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