Administrative Announcements
Don’t Miss Your Scholar's School Picture!
Students took a school photo on Picture Day Thursday, October 21, 2021. Don't miss the chance to order your child's photograph. There's still time to place an order, just visit:
School Name: Chesapeake Math and IT Elementary
Picture Day ID: EVTWF9GVK
Enter the student's first name, last name, and grade.
***Make ups for students who missed "Picture Day" and for VIRTUAL students will be held on Monday, December 6, 2021 at CMIT North Elementary.***
You too can order your school pictures on A schedule will be sent out as we get closer to that date.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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This is a gentle reminder of our NEW ABSENCE/TARDY/EARLY DISMISSAL reporting system procedure.
Notification of absences, doctor notes, and early dismissal notes NEED TO BE RECORDED/UPLOADED using the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form (ONLY) within three (3) days of your child’s return. Family vacations/trips are not considered excused absences; therefore, it is strongly discouraged to schedule family vacations during school time.
Click here to access and use the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form:
Early dismissals are discouraged. We request medical/dental appointments, etc., be arranged when possible after school hours, on free days, on Saturdays, or during vacation periods. The early dismissal period ends at 2:00 p.m. daily. If an Early Dismissal is unavoidable, please send an email to the front office staff Mrs. Virgil (, Mrs. Love ( and Ms. Twyman ( as a courtesy heads up with your scholar(s) first/last name, teacher/grade, and the time of departure.
Click here to view the PGCPS school year calendar:
School arrival: 7:35 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.
Classes begin: 7:55 a.m.
Early Dismissal ends: 2:00 p.m.
School dismissal: 2:25 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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2021-22 Publicity Release Form/Guidance Document for Schools
Throughout the school year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) and the Prince George’s County Board of Education conduct activities that may be publicized by local or national news media or used to promote the school system. Publicity activities include interviews, photographs or videos of individuals or groups of students, or student works (including, but not limited to, artistic works, athletic activities, performances and competitions) that may be used in websites, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, print or online publications, or videos.
IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO...Please fill out a Publicity Release Form for all students at CMIT North Elementary (CMIT MS/HS will send there's separately). Please check ONE of the two statements in the attached form, include your DIGITAL SIGNATURE, and SUBMIT ONE form for EACH student at the elementary. This Publicity Release Form will remain in effect through September 2022.
You do not need to fill out the form again if you have already filled out one for this school year.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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UPDATED: SY 2021-22 Emergency Contact Forms
We still need parents to review and fill out the UPDATED Emergency Family Card/Contact form for your scholar’s specific grade level - EVEN IF YOU FILLED IT OUT IN THE FIRST COUPLE OF WEEKS OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR, we are asking that you kindly fill it out again under your scholar's grade level as we continue to improve our practices and make them more efficient.
We cannot over-emphasize the importance of this vital communication tool. Every student must have an updated family card on file, with operating phone numbers for parents/legal guardians and an emergency contact number.
Please complete this year's UPDATED Emergency Family Card/Contact Form for the 21-22 SY. If you have multiple students, complete a form for EACH student's specific grade level.
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Virtual Pastries with the Principal
CMIT Families,
Please join my administrative team and I at the designated date/time listed below according to your child's grade level to receive school updates, school data, Covid-19 updates, and more. This event is an interactive virtual event that will allow you to provide feedback in the following areas: curriculum, instruction, assessments, programs, and more. Links will be sent to your email 15 minutes prior to the meeting time.
October 26 at 9:00 am- Kindergarten
October 26 at 10:15 am- 1st Grade
October 26 at 11:30 am- 2nd Grade
October 28 at 9:00 am- 3rd Grade
October 28 at 10:15 am- 4th Grade
October 28 at 11:30 am-5th Grade
Dr. Fryson
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Follow us on Social Media!
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media.
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary
Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary
Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
CMIT North Elementary staff
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Clubs are Back!
Hello All! Please take a moment and sign up for clubs!! Clubs will start on November 1, 2021. Seats are limited, so ONLY one club per person. Please only sign up ONE time. All clubs will be VIRTUAL this school year with the exception of the STEM Clubs so please plan accordingly.
Sign-up will no longer accept entries after MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2021 at 2:55 PM.
Sign-up does not guarantee a spot in the club - this is a lottery. Students will be notified by Wednesday, October 27, 2021, by the club sponsor.
Club Lottery Form:
Make sure you click on the link attached to the form to read a description of each club. Each description includes the grade levels of students being accepted, the day students will meet, and any materials students will need at home to participate in the club.
If you have any questions or concerns please email Mrs. Richardson at OR
Cortney Richardson
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Read-A-Thon* Spirit Week*
We have raised over $18,000 so far for our 1st Annual Read-A-Thon! We've done such an awesome job, so we have decided to EXTEND the date for donations! We will now be accepting donations until next Friday 10/29 so keep them coming! We still have quite a ways to go to hit our goal of $100,000.
Use this link to create an account for your scholar(s) if you haven't already done so.
Thank YOU so much to everyone that's donated and helped raise money for more Smart Boards, projectors, supplies, and curriculum enhancements!
Below are the top 5 leaderboard rankings for Classrooms:
Top 5 Classrooms:
Ms. Kelly $3,350
Ms. Barton $2,025
Ms. Thornton $1,690
Ms. Major $1,321
Mrs. Hutchins $1,220
Top 5 Scholars:
Tyler G.
Aamir S.
Kennedy B.
Bryn C.
Jaliyah J.
To celebrate the Read-A-Thon we're having Spirit Week next week. Starting off on Monday with Cat in the Hat day. Wear your favorite fun or silly hat. See below for the Spirit Week theme for each week. It will also be posted on the school story.
And let's not forget about the awesome prizes we have for the Read-A-Thon! See the list of prizes your scholar can win for the funds they raise. On top of these prizes, the class with the most funds raised will receive a party! Can anyone beat Ms. Kelley's class?!
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Save the Date * October 30, 2021
The CMIT Tigers 3rd Annual (Virtual) Health Awareness and Fitness Day will take place on October 30, 2021. Join us for an INCREDIBLE day of Virtual Activities, Conversations, Challenges, and the MOST Memorable Guest Speakers! Last year, Olympic Champion Jackie Joyner Kersee was one of our special guests. We can't wait to hear from this year's special guest. Who will it be??? Stay tuned, you wouldn't want to miss it!
We will explore topics surrounding health and fitness to ensure we are living our "Best Lives" in and out of the Tiger's Den! There will be lots of prize giveaways.
During the event and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we will raise funds to support the Ora Lee Cancer Research Foundation. You will hear information about the organization and the founder Dr. Haydiah Nicole Green. Don't forget to mark your calendar!
Health and Wellness Committee
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Week of October 25th
We are more than halfway through the first quarter. Time is sure flying by. As we finish up this round of assessments we are reviewing routines, expectations, and procedures of the school and classroom. We are also starting to dive more into the curriculum as class time is freeing up.
Next week, we are having our book character day parade. This is a yearly school-wide event that helps promote the joy of reading in the scholars. A letter along with an All About the Book form has been sent home with your scholar. Your scholar is to choose a book to read and do a report on and is to return the form on Friday, October 29th. While in class your scholar will do an oral report on their book, sharing with their classmates the title of the book, the main character(s), the setting, if there was a problem and how it was solved, along with events that happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story. This will be a graded assignment. On the 29th, your scholar may dress up as one of the characters from the book (this is optional). We will then have a little "parade" in which we can see the characters other students throughout the school have been reading about.
Make sure all items are labeled. There are a number of items being misplaced and we do not know who they belong to. If possible, add your scholar's grade level.
We do have snack time in kindergarten. Send a peanut free snack with your scholar as we do not provide the snack for them.
This week in ELA we will:
-Workbook pages 168-173 and 182-187
-Learn sight words: me, for, with and letters B and R
-Learn about authors purpose. Why is the author writing the story: to inform, persuade, or entertain
-Review sight words: he, have, a, is, the, like, am, to, we, make, my, I
This week in Social Studies we will:
-Learn what it means to be a good citizen
-Learn about Cesar Chavez, Iqbal Masih, and Malala Yousafzai
This week in Math we will:
-Workbook pages 101-120
-Learn how to count, read, and write numbers 8, 9, and 10
This week in Science we will:
-Start learning about matter
-Learn how we use our 5 senses to observe and explore matter
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
First Grade News and Reminders
Hello First Grade Families:
Please be sure that your child is connected to their teacher's Google Classroom, if you have any questions reach out to your child's teacher directly. Homework is assigned on Monday and should be uploaded no later than 3:25 p.m. on Friday (or the last day of the school week).
Your student should have their charged PGCPS issued device, charger, and 1 set of headphones daily. Please use a sticky to add their username and password to their device so that students are able to log in. Please contact if you have any questions or issues concerning technology.
Students need to have at least 3 pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, 2 folders, 3 composition books, 1 personal hand sanitizer, and at least 1 extra mask in their backpack daily.
Please be sure to contact your child's teacher directly (via email or dojo) if dismissal plans change.
Please follow proper protocols if your child is not feeling well and complete the Frontline health check before your child comes into the school building.
Looking ahead to next week:
Literacy: Procedural Text
Phonics: Qu, qu /kw/; Vv /v/, Yy /y/, Zz /z
Syllables, segmenting and blending
Language Conventions: Adjectives
Unit 1: Assessment
Math: Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract Within 10.
Topic 2: Assessment
Beginning Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20
Social Studies: Chapter 2: Geography of the Community
Lesson 4: Leaders
Science: Chapter 2: Light
Lesson 3: Uses of Light
Unit 1: Diversity and Inclusion
Lesson 3: Learning From Diversity
DRA Tests (Developmental Reading Assessment) will take place next week.
Have a fantastic week!
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a superb seventh week in second grade.
We had such a great time celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday! It meant so much to see everyone in their orange.
Next week, we will continue Unit 1 in reading, titled, "You Are Here." The big question for the unit is "How do different places affect us?" Throughout the week, we will focus on realistic fiction. The weekly question is, "How can a new place help us change and grow?" The spelling pattern will be Inflected Endings -s, -es, -ed, -ing. In Math, we will continue Topic 3. This topic covers adding within 100 using strategies.
Students will begin taking their DRA assessment.
It is HIGHLY recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Week 10/25 to 10/29
In Math, scholars will be finishing Topic 3 and starting Topic 4 Wednesday. The Topic 3 Assessment will be on Tuesday 10/26.
In Science, students will have the Topic 1 Assessment on Thursday 10/28. Topic 2 begins on Nov.1.
In Reading, they will begin Unit 1: Week 5 - Myth. The skills they will be taught are to spell words with diphthongs -ou, -ow, -oi, -oy, and common and proper nouns.
In Writing, they will continue personal narratives. New words for spelling have been given on AAA spell. Students will begin practicing words titled: The Golden Flower Spelling Words.
In Social Studies, students will be reviewing for the Unit 1 Test (Environments). Students will be turning in all homework assignments by each Friday on Google Classroom. Please make sure students press turn in when turning in their work.
Class Dojo is our main form of communication. Please join your scholar’s homeroom teacher’s Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo for any updates and new information to be shared. If you would rather use email as your main use of communication, please tell your scholar’s teacher. Lastly, please be sure to check SchoolMax for all graded assignments. As a reminder, scholars will have an opportunity to resubmit assignments to improve their grades. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description. All students should be bringing their school devices with them to school daily. Have a great week!
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
What's Happening Next Week
We are just finishing up our Fall testing. The Fourth Grade team would like to give a BIG shoutout to all our scholars for being flexible these last few days as we navigate through testing. Thank you for all your hard work.
Next week in Reading, students will be identifying text structures, correcting/making predictions in informational text. In Social Studies, we will begin Chapter 2 Americans and Their History focusing on how we stayed the same or changed during our history. In Math, students will continue working on multiplication and in Science students will be learning about the transference of energy.
Please check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's grades in all academic areas. Students can request a re-do of an assignment using the Google Form that is posted in Google Classroom. Only assignments that have been assigned or entered in SchoolMax within the last week can be redone unless noted otherwise. Please have your scholar complete one form for each redo request. Once the form has been submitted your scholar's teacher will give out additional information. If students are granted a redo, the assignment(s) must be completed within 3 days from the date assigned.
Please encourage your scholar to complete assignments in a timely fashion. Not using the time given to complete assignments will result in falling behind and it will be very hard to catch up.
Just a friendly reminder that ClassDojo is the best way to contact us. We are available from 7:55 am-2:55 pm.
Fourth Grade Team
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5th Grade
Fifth Grade Newsletter
Thank you fifth grade families for your cooperation during this past week of testing!
In Math, we postponed our Topic 2 (Adding and Subtracting Decimals) Assessment due to testing. This test will take place next week. Then, we will begin Topic 3 (Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers).
Scholars continue to apply what they know and are learning about properties of matter to identify substances and materials based on their properties. We will also conclude this first topic for Science (Properties of Matter), and begin Topic 2: Changes in Matter.
In RELA, we will continue narrative writing. We will wrap up U1W4 and move on to focus on making predictions and text structure, regular and irregular plural nouns.
In Social Studies, scholars will continue lessons in Chapter 3, as they continue learning to distinguish fact from opinion.
This is a friendly reminder that students should come to school with their device already charged, and bring their charger as a backup.
Have a great week!
Your Fifth Grade Team
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Counselors Corner
Coffee Collaborations Part 2!
Join me for a casual chat over coffee (or whatever you prefer) as we explore Power Struggle-type behaviors.
What they look like, feel like, sound like, and getting to the root of why they present themselves so we can best address them appropriately :)
We will meet virtually, so you can join in from wherever!
When: Friday, Nov 5, 2021 @ 9:00am
Meeting ID: 355 817 2053
Passcode: Green11
Your School Counselor
[Ms. Whitney Green]
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Creative Arts
Specials News
This week's projects have included art elements like line, repetition, pattern, value, and color. They have worked on value, with shading and highlights, depth of field and changing the context of imagery. Necessary materials include: Sketchbooks/Paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
K-1 practiced:
Introduction to Digital Citizenship: Cyberbullying
This colorful and engaging video introduces students to the basics of dealing with cyberbullying on the internet.
2-5 practiced:
Virtual Classroom Meetings
In this animated video, Trey introduces the learner to video conferencing and how to prepare for and participate in virtual classroom meetings using available software and hardware tools.
Students explored shapes in Spanish. Please complete your Rockalingua assignments.
Scholars learned about CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) and worked on writing prompt this week. Next week, we will continue with CER writing.
K-2 students explored the concept of pitch, and second grade is beginning to place pitches on the staff! Third grade is learned note names of the treble and bass clef, and 4th and 5th grade are extended their knowledge of the staff to identify melodies and harmonies and play them on instruments.
PE: Another Great week in PE! Continue to work on your assignments in Google Classroom as they are assigned to you.
Create Arts Team!
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