Administrative Announcements
Apply For Free or Reduced-Price Meals
Free or reduced-price meals are available to students based on household size and income. If income falls below the amount listed below for household size, then students living within the household may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. To view income eligibility guidelines, click below:
Benefits expire each year so families must reapply to ensure students continue to receive meal benefits. Students are automatically eligible for free meals if the family receives assistance under the Food Supplement Program or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits.
To Apply For Free or Reduced-Price Meals click below:
Mrs Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Small group starts on Wednesday
Small group interventions will start on Wednesday, October 14th. Students invited to participate will receive an invitation from their teacher to participate in small groups. We can't wait to see you there!
CMIT North Elementary staff
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NEW Roadways In Developing Elementary Students (RIDES) Training: Oct 14th & Oct. 21st!
CLF Community Partnerships
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Students interested in MESA club should have signed up on the club Google form. Students who made the lottery were added to the MESA club ClassDojo class. Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall is your coordinator. Contact Lastly, club attendance is mandatory. Students may be dismissed from the MESA club if they miss two sessions or have two behavior infractions. Thank you for your dedication to STEM!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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School Closures
Parent Teacher Conferences October 12, 2020
Teacher Professional Development October 16, 2020
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Follow us on Social Media!
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media.
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary
Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary
Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
CMIT North Elementary staff
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Nominate a teacher!
CMIT Leadership Team
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SAVE THE DATE October 24th Health Awareness and Fitness Day
The CMIT Tigers 2nd Annual Health Awareness and Fitness Day will take place from
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 24th. This event will be filled with health related topics, fitness and fun. We want to encourage our school community to make health a priority and build positive health habits at every stage of life. There will be surprise guest speakers. We will engage in a conversation with an Olympic Legend and Gold Medalist. You don't want to miss this event so mark your calendar. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.
HAFD Committee
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Parent University Data Talk 2020-2021
CMIT North Elementary Staff
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Week of October 12th
It is hard to believe but we have made it through half of the first quarter. Progress report grades have been posted and if you have not received them yet, you will receive them soon.
We are proud to say that all of the kindergarten scholars made it to the first Dojo party of the year and we had a blast. We look forward to meeting with you Monday for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
In ELA, we will be learning sight words: have, is, he, can, at
We will also be learning about informational text, plot, and main idea
In Math, we will learn about equal groups and greater than.
In Social Studies, we will have an assessment on Tuesday which will be on what we have learned about rules and cooperation.
In Science, we will learn about objects as well as solids, liquids, and gases.
Dates to know:
Oct 12--Parent-Teacher Conferences
Oct 16--No School
Oct 22-- Virtual field trip to pumpkin patch and orchard
Oct 30--STEM Project due
Oct 30-- Character Day Book Report due
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
This Week in First Grade
Reading - We will be reviewing nonfiction text features (i.e.: main idea, headings, etc)
Grammar: We will be making simple sentences with proper structure.
Phonics: gh sounds
Math - We are finishing Topic 2 and starting Topic 14.
Science - We are learning about Light Energy.
Social Studies - We are learning about My Government.
Health - We are using Sanford Harmony Unit 2 to learn about Empathy and Critical Thinking.
Reminders: No independent assignments will be given this week as it is a short week. No school Monday, October 12 for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Off on Friday, October 16.
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a great sixth week in second grade!
Next week, we will continue Unit 1 in reading. We will be using it as a review week. We will also begin practicing small groups. In math, we will be finishing up Topic 1. This topic covers fluently adding and subtracting within 20. We will be taking the unit test on Thursday.
As a reminder, it is recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are on 10/12/2020.
Please feel free to sign up for Parent University on 10/14/2020.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific long weekend and we will see everyone on Tuesday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
What's Happening in Third Grade
We have finished our initial round of MAP testing in Reading and Math. With the data collected, we have been looking closely at which skills students need additional support in and will begin targeting these skills in small groups. Beginning on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 students will be meeting with their teachers in small groups during Independent Work time. Classroom teachers will share with students and parents what time to meet.
Next week in Math, we will continue working on multiplication facts. In Science, we will continue to discuss Force and Motion. In Reading, students will be analyzing characters in a realistic fiction story to identify the theme. In Social Studies, we will be studying how we use the earth's resources.
Just a friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences is on Monday October 12, 2020. A Signup Genius was shared via ClassDojo. Please reach out to your scholar's teachers if you would like to set up an appointment outside of the time allotted.
Important Dates
10/12/ 2020 No School Parent Teacher Conferences
10/14/2020 Parent University
10/16/2020 No School Professional Development for Teachers
Let's have a great week on purpose!
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
Small Group Wednesdays will start soon! Be on the lookout for Dojo messages! We have begun our Mid Atlantic Fundraiser this week! We also had our first month Class Dojo Celebration!
This week in RELA, we finished reading "Rare Treasure," focusing on nonfiction skills of biographies and generating questions. Next week, we will begin reading "Twins in Space," focusing on the genre Magazine Article, students will work on the skills of text structure and evaluating details.
This week in Social Studies, we finished Chapter 1, which explored the ways that the environment affects the lives of those who live there. Next week, we will take our Chapter 1 Test; we will also explore ways the USA has changed and ways it has stayed the same since its beginning.
This week in Math, we started Topic 2 and will continue to do so in the coming week. Topic 2 teaches students to add and subtract larger numbers. Students are required to work in IXL on starred skills for at least 15 minutes nightly. On Wednesdays, they should work on recommended skills in IXL.
In Science this week, we finished our 1-2: Collisions section. On Thursday, we will start talking about 1-3: Energy Transfer. We have been using videos from Generation Genius and Mystery Science to help with our SAVVAS program. Students are to complete work in their digital textbook or physical textbook to follow along with the section. Help remind students to look for the pages they need in the Table of Contents. They should get comfortable with looking up words in the Glossary, or Word Wall in their Google Classroom. This is how we will help support Reading goals in science class.
We have begun our Mid Atlantic Fundraiser this week! We also had our first month Class Dojo Celebration!
This week in RELA, we finished reading "Rare Treasure," focusing on nonfiction skills of biographies and generating questions. Next week, we will begin reading "Twins in Space," focusing on the genre Magazine Article, students will work on the skills of text structure and evaluating details.
This week in Social Studies, we finished Chapter 1, which explored the ways that the environment affects the lives of those who live there. Next week, we will take our Chapter 1 Test; we will also explore ways the USA has changed and ways it has stayed the same since its beginning.
This week in Math, we started Topic 2 and will continue to do so in the coming week. Topic 2 teaches students to add and subtract larger numbers. Students are required to work in IXL on starred skills for at least 15 minutes nightly. On Wednesdays, they should work on recommended skills in IXL.
In Science this week, we finished our 1-2: Collisions section. On Thursday, we will start talking about 1-3: Energy Transfer. We have been using videos from Generation Genius and Mystery Science to help with our SAVVAS program. Students are to complete work in their digital textbook or physical textbook to follow along with the section. Help remind students to look for the pages they need in the Table of Contents. They should get comfortable with looking up words in the Glossary, or Word Wall in their Google Classroom. This is how we will help support Reading goals in Science class.
-Friendly Neighborhood 4th Grade Team
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5th Grade
5th Grade Newsletter
Hello Parents!
Welcome to Week 7! Here is this week at a glance:
For Math, we will multiply decimals working on decimals using different strategies such as base ten blocks/models and algorithm method. For Science, we will explore the Earth’s Systems. For Health, we will discuss parts of the brain and how they function.
In Reading, students will begin to read and analyze the "Poetry Collection." They will also learn about the usage of "Adjectives" in sentences.
For Social Studies, students will have a review week for Chapter 1: The First Americans in preparation for the assessment.
*Small Group Instruction will begin Wednesday October 14th
*Please make sure that you are checking SchoolMax weekly for updated grades.
Have a great week and thanks for your continuous support!!
5th Grade Team
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Counselors Corner
What's Up?!?
HI There! Yes, YOU! HI!
I hope you all are doing well, staying healthy, and enjoying the new crisp air and sunshine filled fall afternoons!
Each year, right around this time, I turn to you all, my Tiger's Den Parents and Guardians, for help in ensuring my work is done with purpose and intentionality.
Would you please be so kind as to spend the 4 minutes it may take you to quickly answer some questions for me?
I want to hear from YOU!
Your feelings and opinions are powerful, critically important, and help to shape the work I do, as well as impact changes in our community.
Just click the link, and let your honesty flow!:
Your School Counselor
[Mrs. Whitney Green]
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Creative Arts
Week 7 Information
ART: Tigers will be finishing up projects, taking their preliminary sketches to final renderings with craftsmanship a priority. We will also increase reviews and discussions to practice reflection activities. Necessary materials include: Sketchbooks/Paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Students will go over a self catching activity on Tuesday and Thursday as we do not have school on Monday or Friday this week. All students will pick up the PE curriculum the following week.
TECH: K-2 Scholars practiced: Keyboarding: Locate and Type Letters P, Q, R, S, and T
The learners receive direct instruction and practice in keyboarding the letters P, Q, R, S, and T as they locate and type the letters, recognize the letter sounds, and learn the relationship between the letters on the keyboard and on the screen during this engaging and interactive digital lesson.
3-5 Scholars practiced: Software Fundamentals: Toolbars and Menus
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice navigating program menus and using toolbars, recognizing and using symbols, properties, and online help, and understanding the connection between program menu icons and toolbar buttons.
ECOLOGY: In Ecology students will be learning about the phases of the moon. Students will need 4-8 Oreos, a plastic butter knife, and a white paper plate. As an alternative, students may use a piece of paper, and a black and yellow crayon. The lesson will be live on Tuesday and Thursday. Since we don't have school on Monday or Friday those classes will complete this live lesson the following school week. Happy learning!
MUSIC: Our Tigers are AMAZING musicians! We've had so much fun exploring musical concepts and sharing ideas in our Zoom classes.
Kindergarten has been practicing with beat and rhythm, but will move on to PITCH. They will experiment with high and low sounds once they return after our short week.
First grade will take sound OUT of the mix completely, and work with RESTS for the first time.
Second grade is working with another musical language - solfege. They'll work on this when they return after our short week.
Third grade will put their lines and spaces knowledge to the test and take an interactive QUIZ.
Fourth graders will review their lines and spaces when they return after the short week.
Fifth grade is beginning a new unit: Protest Music and Music in Propaganda. They will learn about music written to support or deny the status quo dating back to the 15th century. We will be discussing and analyzing music written in response to current events.
LEGO: K-2nd grade students built their angry lego model and practiced how to calm down when they feel angry.
3-5th grade students completed challenges 11-12 and next week they will complete challenges 13-15 on Code Monkey.
SPANISH: Buenas, This week we are going to review and practice:
- Different family members (3 - 5)
- Different parts of the house (k - 2)
We will learn the vocabulary in context by practicing the words in small conversations and by doing some interpretative reading activities.
Remember to complete the tasks in Rockalingua.
Have a great week!
MEDIA: Kindergarten and 1st Grade: How the library supports learning – Responding and answering questions. This week’s lesson is about Hispanic Heritage Month.
2nd and 3rd Grade: Look Closely! How illustrations help us understand the story.
4th and 5th Grade: Digital Friendships – How to keep online friendships safe.
Reminder: Our scholars should read for 15–30 minutes about 3-5 times a week. Please make sure the students have a notebook dedicated to Library and Media.
Please make sure if you are having tech issues that you reach out to the specials teacher that day to let us know. In order to help we need to know within 24 hours.
Creative Arts Team
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PTO Announcements
Parent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers for our Parent Liaison Program!
We are looking for parent volunteers to help with:
-Assisting teachers with administrative work (once we return to the school building)
-Parents communicating any concerns or questions, they might have for the teacher
-Form small social groups (virtually)
-Build connections amongst our scholars
If you are:
-Solution oriented
-Tech Savvy (able to host Zoom’s ect.)
-A member of the PTO
-Fingerprinted with PG County Schools
-Flexible Schedule
Please email the PTO ( directly or let your scholar’s teacher know that you are interested! If you are selected, you will be contacted.
Parent liaisons will assist the teacher wherever they may be needed.
CMIT Elementary PTO
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Thank you to those who have registered, ordered and sent emails. Your support is noted and appreciated. There is still plenty of time to participate to help our school. Just click on the lick below. We are raising funds to purchase chromebooks, supplies for virtual learning, PPE equipment, as well as upgrades in technology for virtual learning. Every customer will receive a FREE World’s Finest Chocolate Bar with every item purchased.
This fundraiser is offering a unique way to support our school and Maryland businesses at the same time. Please click on the link below to see Maryland’s Best Catalog and all the other great products including hand crafted chocolates, gourmet popcorn, candles, gift wrap, useful kitchen items, and KATYDIDS!. There is also a "donate" button if you would like to give.
Your support is essential for our success. It is easy to support us. Just click on this link:
1. Register student at “Click Here to Register” button.
2. Send emails to your friends and family.
3. Post on your social media. Please note if you follow the links you will not need to enter your group ID- which is cmitnes just in case you do not follow the links.
4. Make a purchase.
5. View awards. Check out our fun prizes.
Thank you! Your participation SUPPORTS, BENEFITS & ENRICHES our students, faculty, and programs.
CMIT North Elementary PTO
CMIT Elementary PTO
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