Administrative Announcements
Lines of Communication - Please Read!
As we all navigate through this distance learning we would like to help direct you accordingly in the event you experience issues, have questions or concerns. Please adhere to the list below:
GoogleClassroom | ClassDojo | Zoom links issues:
- If you have any questions regarding devices or gmail accounts, please email your scholars individual teacher.
School Provided Device | Gmail Account Issues:
- If you have any questions regarding a school issued device or your student Gmail account (to include a password reset), please email: help@cmitelementary,org
Attendance | Absence | Tardys:
- Imformation regarding attendance related matters (ex. submitting doctor's notes) please email:
- Please include the following in your email: Student Full Name, Teacher, and Grade.
SchoolMAX Student Information System:
- Manage student data, including grades, attendance records, and schedules. Use the link below to access SchoolMAX Family Portal where you can view your child's grades at any time.
CMIT Elementary Website:
- Staff List and Emails
- Newsletter to Subscribe and view Archive
Mrs Virgil, Principal Secretary
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PGCPS 2020-21 SY Electronic Publicity Release Form
Each school year Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) requires parents/guardians to fill out a Publicity Release form for each student. Throughout the school year PGCPS and the Prince George’s County Board of Education conduct activities that may be publicized by local or national news media or used to promote the school system. Publicity activities include interviews, photographs or videos of individuals or groups of students, or student works (including, but not limited to, artistic works, athletic activities, performances and competitions) that may be used in websites, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, print or online publications, or videos.
Please fill out the attached Electronic PGCPS 2020-21 SY Publicity Release Form by checking only one of the boxes to GRANT or NOT GRANT PERMISSION. This Form will remain in effect through September 2021.
Mrs Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Back to School Night 2020-2021
CMIT North Elementary Leadership Team
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STEAM committee interest!
If you are interested in joining the CMIT North STEAM committee, please complete the form below.
We will meet Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 3:00!
Benora Mccain-Wigfall
Program Coordinator
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Parent University 2020-2021
Please consider attending up to three of our Parent University workshops.
Session I: 6:00pm-6:40pm
Session II: 6:40pm-7:20pm
Session III: 7:20pm-8:00pm
Parents, please sign up for any sessions that you are interested in attending using this link:
Sign up Genius Link
Options are below!
Grades 2-5 IXL Math/Science/Reading:
-Starred skills
-Learning: Recommendations, Practice time by content areas, Awards
-Diagnostic: Diagnostic Action Plan/Recommended Skills
-Analytics: Usage, Trouble Spots, Scores, Questions, Progress
Grades K-5 SAVVAS:
-Logging in via google classroom
-Turning in assignments
-Navigating assignments
-Using the different features
-Math tools
-Checking graded assignments
Grades K-2 SeeSaw:
-Logging into SeeSaw
-Accessing activities
-How to navigate/edit activities
-Turning in assignments vs. saving drafts
-Turning in homework (1st grade)
Grades K-2 Google Classroom:
-Accessing Google Classroom
-Logging in
-Viewing different classrooms
-How to find specific assignments
-How to if you are missing assignments
-Google Calendar
-Viewing assignments
-Turning in assignments
-Uploading documents
Grades 3-5 Google Classroom:
-Logging in to Google Chrome Browser
-Viewing different Classrooms
-Finding assignments
-Attaching documents to assignments
-Turning in assignments
-Commenting on assignments
-Checking Grades
-Viewing Due dates
Grades Uploading Videos and pictures to Google Classroom:
-Uploading images or videos from your iPhone/Android/webcam to Google drive
-Attaching Images to Google Classroom assignments
-Changing file types/converting files
-Flipgrid videos
-Mote extension for voice comments
-Saving worksheets/docs as photos to circle and type in Google Slides
CMIT North Elementary Staff
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Hello Curriculum
We have completed the first two weeks of kindergarten and are rocking and rolling with procedures and expectations. Your scholars have proven that they can adapt to the situations they are given. They have learned and mastered skills needed on Zoom and will continue to master new skills on the platforms we are using. We are proud of our students and what they have accomplished so far.
We will be starting our curriculum on Monday September 14th. Make sure that your scholar has easy access to their workbooks and other school supplies as we move forward. When their materials are in a single location near by, they are more independent and it helps them be scholarly and responsible. We are excited to work with the new curriculum and use the online materials it offers to the students.
We will start using Seesaw this week. This program was designed for grades K-2 and will allow the students to accomplish their assignments more independently. We will also be using this platform in class.
On Monday, September 14th, we will be taking a practice MAP assessment. Make sure that you are logged in on time and assist your scholars in logging into the practice test. Once they are logged in, they are to practice with the test on their own. You may assist with technology only.
The first MAP assessment will be their MAP reading assessment which will occur on Thursday, September 17th. We will begin testing at 8:15am. Again make sure that you are signed into Zoom on time and assist with logging your scholar into the testing session. The session name and password will be provided by 8am the day of testing. Remember this is a secure assessment, therefore the students may not be assisted with answers. Students will be placed in small groups based on the data received from these assessments. Remind your scholar to focus, take their time and do their best. In order to help them focus and be prepared we ask that they have a good nights sleep, a good breakfast, and use the restroom before testing begins.
Dojo is our main form of communication. If you have questions or concerns, contact us via Dojo.
Wednesday assignments will be placed in Google Classroom on Tuesday by 5pm and is to be completed by Wednesday at 2:25pm. Wednesday attendance will be taken at 2:55pm based on your scholar's participation that day.
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
Next Week in First Grade
Reading - We will be reading "The Black Out"
Reading skills: identifying characters, characters feelings, identifying the narrator
Phonics: short a and short i
Math - We are starting Chapter 2
Science - We are learning about an introduction to energy.
Social Studies - We are learning about how to be a good citizen.
Health - We are using Sanford Harmony Unit 1 to learn about Diversity and Inclusion.
Reminder: Homework starts next week, Monday 9/14. Homework will be completed in SeeSaw and submitted on Friday 9/18
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had a great second week in second grade. Students are becoming much more proficient when it comes to using technology!
Next week we will begin using our new curriculum. Students will still be able to access all assignments through Google Classroom. If there are any assignments where this is not the case, your child's teacher will reach out to you and let you know.
Next week, we will begin Unit 1 in reading, titled, "You Are Here." In class, we will be reading "How Many Stars in the Sky" Throughout the week, we will focus on realistic fiction. In math, we will begin working on Topic 1. This topic covers fluently adding within 20.
Since we will be using curriculum for the first time, we are anticipating a few problems with logging in or accessing material. We will continue to practice and strive to be tech savvy tigers.
We will also begin MAP Testing in the upcoming days. Students will take their MAP-Reading test on 9/17/2020. Students will take their MAP-Math test on 9/22/2020. Please be on the lookout for more information regarding these tests.
As a reminder, it is recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a terrific weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
What's New in Third Grade
We did it again! We made it through another week of Distance Learning. Scholars have been putting in great effort in following routines and procedures. We are looking forward to seeing the great work that students will be producing this year. Next week we will be beginning our curriculum in all content areas.
In Math, scholars will be introduced to multiplication. In Science, they will begin Motion & Forces. In Reading, scholars will be reading traditional tales focusing on setting, character, and plot. In Social Studies, we will begin looking at our environment.
We will also begin taking our MAP assessments beginning next week. Scholars will be taking the Map-Reading and MAP-Math. In preparation for MAP testing, we are asking everyone to check to ensure that their scholar's device is ready to go for testing. This link will help you prepare your scholar for testing next week.
For testing, we are encouraging parents to set up a testing station for your scholar. We are encouraging that scholars be in a quiet setting with limited distractions. During testing, we ask that parents do not assist their scholar in anyway. The data from these assessments will allow us to have a true picture of where your scholar is at academically and how we can support their academic growth.
Just a friendly reminder, that on Wednesdays students should be completing assignments posted in both of their classes to be marked present.
Lastly, thank you to all the parents that attended Back to School Night. It was a great pleasure talking with each and every one of you about the greatness that will be happening in third grade. If you missed Back to School Night no worries, recordings will be shared on ClassDojo or via email.
Let's have a great week on purpose!
Upcoming Dates
9/14 Social Studies Baseline Assessment
9/17 MAP Reading
9/18 MAP Reading
9/21 MAP Math
9/22 MAP Math
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
ROARING Through Week 2!
This week in Math and Science, we talked about Growth Mindset, accountability talk, and mental health check ins. With a growth mindset we talked about the Power of Yet. Students learned that they might not know something, yet, but they can learn it. We created our own accountable talk posters to hang at our work stations to be reminded of positive communication skills. For Health, we have started our daily emotional check ins during homeroom to identify their mood. The goal is to use this to identify how our mood affects our work. We have initiated a full look at things that affected them on Fridays.
Next week, we will be working on Place Value for Math, and Energy and Motion for Science.
This week in RELA, we began reading and writing like a Fourth Grader. Next week, we will begin our reading curriculum. We will read "Reaching for the Moon," by Buzz Aldrin, and focusing on Narrative nonfiction writing and Autobiographies.
This week in Social Studies, we learned and practiced small group procedures. Next week, we will be exploring the Geography of the United States and how geography (and the specific land features of various regions) affect humans’ daily lives.
Next week we will begin using our SAVVAS Digital Learning Platforms for ALL Subjects.
-Friendly Neighborhood 4th Grade Team
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5th Grade
5th grade Newsletter
Hello Parents,
Welcome to another week of Virtual Teaching!! Here is what we will be focusing on this week:
In Math, understand Whole-Number Place Value. Students will understand that each digit place value in a number provides a way to understand the number’s value.
For Science, students will be working on Chapter 1, Matter.
In Health, we will be focusing on diversity and inclusion.
In RELA, students will continue analyzing the informational text of "Paper Sons”.
For Social Studies, students will continue learning about "Ancient Indian Civilizations".
Please note that Fifth Grade will be testing on the following dates:
September 14th – Social Studies testing
September 15th – Science testing
September 17th & 18th – Reading testing
September 21st & 22nd – Math testing
There will be no school for students on September 25th and 28th.
Please continue to check SchoolMax weekly as grades are being updated!
Thank you for all your wonderful support and have a great week everyone!
5th Grade Team
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Counselors Corner
Coffee Collaborations Day/Time
Well- Here we are!
Not exactly where we expected, but here nonetheless...and the best part?
We Are Here Together!
I absolutely adore the conversations, collaborations and partnerships I get to have with you all, as I leave each one with new insight, perspective and energy! I am eager to get those started again this year :)
Below, please consider which day of the week and time might be best for you grab a cup of java, or tea (or whatever you fancy) and join me for some great dialogue and partnership!
(I have already established some of our topics/talking points, and I am so excited to tackIe them with you! I will share those out as soon as I can put together a calendar, with your feedback from below)
Ill see you soon!
Your School Counselor
[Mrs. Whitney Green]
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Special Education
Meet Ms. Addie!
Hello Families! Meet our WONDERFUL team member, Ms. Addie!
Good day everyone,
My name is Juanita Broadnax aka Ms. Addie. This is my fourth year here at CMIT. I am a mother of 4, so I understand the love a mother has for her child/children. As a member of the special education team, I will do my best to provide support to all of our scholars and assist them in reaching all of their academic goals.
Best Regards,
Jaunita Broadnax
~Ms. McVeigh
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Creative Arts
Week 3: What your scholars will need and what they will be doing!
Parents, please remember that your scholars for almost all specials classes are expected to participate in class for classwork due to the majority of the classes being performance based rubrics and lessons. Please allow students space that will give them the best chance to learn and move (especially for PE class, they need space to move safely).
Physical Education (Mr. Hamms)
In PE this coming week, we will focus on striking a ball with our hands (volleying). Please have a beach ball, balloon, blown up zip lock bag, a tied up grocery bag, or something similar for class.
Ecology (Mrs. McCain & Ms. Crosby)
Please have gummy bears and toothpicks for the activities that we will be doing in class. A bag from the dollar store or 5 below will work great for the activity. Students will be building a structure to support a book in class this week.
Lego/Robotics (Mrs. Ceyhan)
Hello, We are using Google Classroom for Lego & Robotics class. If your child misses my class, they can check Google Classroom and complete their missing assignment.
This week, we practiced how to log in Codemonkey.
Technology (Mrs. Avsar)
In Technology class, all assignments will be completed in Google Classroom during our class time. Please make sure students open Technology Google Classroom before joining our class meetings. If any students miss the class or are unable to finish the assignment during class time, please go to Technology Google Classroom and complete the assignment under the classwork tab.
Music (Ms. Bautch)
Hey Tigers! I look forward to singing and making music with all of the scholars this week! Thank you to the parents that have gotten Google Classroom and Quaver squared away for their scholar. Your cooperation means the world to me! For WEEK THREE in music, we will be working on the following topics:
Grades 4 and 5 will be reviewing note names and values, and will move on to learning MUSICAL STYLES
Grades 2 and 3 will also be reviewing note names and values, adding a new note - half notes. They will repeat tic tac toe with a new, more difficult game board.
Grade 1 will play level one of rhythm tic tac toe and will move onto STEADY BEAT.
Grade K will continue with the 4 voice types and will finish the Goldilocks story using their four voices.
Have a MUSICAL week, Tiger families!
Spanish (Mrs. Fernandez)
Hello, My name is Cristina Fernandez, I am the Spanish teacher at CMIT Elementary. It was nice to see you at least on the computer. This week we are going to review and practice:
- different greetings
- how to express your name, age and well being in a conversation
- days of the week
- numbers
The educational programs we will be using are Rockalingua, Nearpod, and "Descubre el Español"
For parent-teacher communication, please use Class-Dojo.
I am looking forward to teaching your child.
Art (Mr. Dorsey)
Greetings, scholars are currently bridging over from last year and establishing their work environment for 2020-2021. Last week and this week in art class projects have included: Identifying their "Safe Space". This is a place or space of their creation that they feel confident, creative, and peaceful. This can be a fantasy or an actual space/place. This week the Tigers submit imagery of their Safe Spaces. Next week, we address “Brave Spaces” where we move from creating our safe space to being brave enough to share what is in that safe space with others, with projects like "Mindful Posing" and "Meme Making". Keeping with the mindfulness context, we will explore the imagery behind emotional expression.
Media (Ms. Johnson)
Greetings from the Library and Media Center!
I am Ms. T. Johnson and I will provide scholars of CMIT resources the school and public library has to offer.
My diverse background in special education and master’s degree in English and Creative Writing has afforded me the opportunities to teach English, Language Arts, and Reading to general and special education students to elementary, middle, and high school students.
Growing up, the public library was one of my favorite hangouts. Throughout middle and high school, the library was a place of fun, refuge, research, and a place to complete my homework. The skills I learned transferred into my college education. I am fortunate CMIT has afforded me the opportunity to share precious learning experiences with more generations.
During this historical and unique 2020–2021 school year, we will focus on a variety of tools to increase the scholars' skills to utilize books, technology, and the resources of the library databases to further facilitate their academic career.
Lessons for the next two-weeks:
1. Will focus on identifying characters and major events in a story.
2. They will describe images in an illustration and how they relate to the story.
First grade will:
1. Ask and answer key details in a text.
2. Understand how characteristics define a character.
Second grade will:
1. Focus on folktales from diverse cultures and determine their message, lesson, or moral.
2. They will continue to work on folktales and listen to stories in Spanish and in English, then talk about their experiences in leaning about stories in different languages.
Third grade:
1. Will learn more attributes on becoming a good digital citizen and explore on-line and in-person responsibilities.
2. Password Power-up! Students will understand how a strong password can help protect your privacy.
Fourth grade:
1. Scholars will use the PGCPS Destiny Catalog to increase their research skills and find library books.
2. Will also curate information from digital resources, use a variety of tools and methods to demonstrate meaningful connections to explore databases, search engines, and ebooks.
Fifth grade:
1. Media Balance! Students will explore how the television, books, internet, phones, and other media can create a healthy balance with other life activities.
2. Click-bait! An image or headline used for advertisement. Students analyze how the curiosity of visual and multi-media elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text, such as, graphic novels, multi-media presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, and poems.
I look forward to a year of fun and educational exploration.
Creative Arts Team
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