5th grade scholars have been learning introduction to Code Course F and Code Course C together since the beginning of the year.
They learn how to use different kinds of loops, events, functions, and conditionals. Investigate different problem-solving techniques and discuss societal impacts of computing and the internet. In the second part of this course, they will design and create a capstone project.
You can learn more about these courses by visiting the websites below. I also shared class' specific websites including student login information via class dojo where you can see their progress:
https://studio.code.org/s/coursefhttps://studio.code.org/s/coursec4TH GRADE:
4th grade scholars are practicing Code Course D and Code Course C since the beginning of the school year.
They learn new coding concepts including algorithms, nested loops, while loops, conditionals, and events. Get an introduction to digital citizenship before creating their very own game or story.
You can learn more about these course by visiting the website below. I also shared class' specific websites including student login information via class dojo where you can see their progress:
https://studio.code.org/s/coursedhttps://studio.code.org/s/coursec3RD GRADE:
3rd grade scholars have been learning introduction to Code Course C , Code Course B and Code Course A since the beginning of the year.
They create programs with loops, events, and conditionals. Translate their initials into binary, investigate different problem-solving techniques, and learn how to respond to cyberbullying. At the end of the course, they will create their very own game or story.
You can learn more about these course by visiting the website below. I also shared class' specific websites including student login information via class dojo where you can see their progress:
https://studio.code.org/s/coursechttps://studio.code.org/s/coursebhttps://studio.code.org/s/coursea2ND & 1ST GRADE:
2nd and 1st grade scholars are practicing Code Course B and Code Course A since the beginning of the school year.
They learn the basics of computer science and internet safety. At the end of the course, they will create their very own game or story.
You can learn more about these course by visiting the website below. I also shared class specific websites including student login information via class dojo where you can see their progress:
Our students finished learning about computer parts, mouse skills, basic keyboarding and navigating web pages.
Then we have started Code programing Course A which is designed to allow early readers to create computer programs that will help them learn to collaborate with others, develop problem-solving skills, and persist through difficult tasks. By the end of this course, students create their very own custom game or story.
You can learn more about these course by visiting the website below: